Chapter 21

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Newt was temporarily not allowed to do any work, this was because of his stitches that were wrapped around half of his body. Minho was saying how he didn't want Newt to start hanging off his side if his stitches were to open again. That got everyone to laugh yet also start thinking about what that would look like.

In any case, I thought that today would be perfect for me to start my own little garden. Especially since Newt wouldn't be that busy it would be great for him to help me as well. I go over to Newt and he smiles towards me. I stand in front of him and he turns his full body towards me giving me his direct attention.

"How busy do you think you are right now?"

"Well considering how all I'm doing is watching others get things done I'd say not very busy."-Newt

"Do you want to help me plant a herbal garden?"

"Herbal? Are you planning to make teas?"-Newt

"No it's medicinal herbs that I had Minho find. I need to plant these so that I can have some type of medicine when you get injured again."

"That's a good reason. Alright I will help you."-Newt

"Great, what do I do?"

Newt leads me through the process of plantation. It was such hard work that I really wasn't used to. I'm used to the behind the desk jobs. I can handle stress and having steady hands, never in my life will I ever want to shovel or hoe dirt.

"Is it really this difficult?"-Newt

"My arms have no muscle. I didn't have years of survival training either. I'm not a farmer girl, I'm a science freak."

Newt laughs at how upset I was. I was getting a little embarrassed now.

"I would do it for you. You could have waited until I healed."-Newt

"I couldn't do that!"

"Why not?"-Newt

I looked down at my seeds in my hand and dropped them into my shoveled and hoed ground.

"The whole point of me doing this was so that we can be together."

I mumbled it but surprisingly he was able to hear it. He put his fist up to his mouth and looked away from me as he hides his smile. I cover up the seeds and walk up to Newt who glanced my way.

"Well know you made things awkward."

I smile and grab his hand and hold it as we walk away.

"It wasn't awkward, I just couldn't respond to how cute you were."-Newt

My heart squealed in joy but the happiness was interrupted when Theo came walking towards us. He pushed Newt and was very obviously picking a fight.

"What did you say to her about me?! I know you are the reason she isn't talking to me anymore."-Theo

"I told her nothing but the truth."-Newt

"And what was this truth?"-Theo

Theo kept trying to get up in Newt's face while Newt continued to back away. People started to form a crowd around them that I was getting lost in the crowd. Minho was gone on an exploration trip right now so I couldn't rely on him and Thomas was with him this time. This really wasn't good. Newt is really injured and Theo is trying to pick a fight he knows he would win and not to mention could possibly kill him. I could hear Theo's constant yelling and Newt's calm responses as I pushed my way through the crowd.

"I just told her that you're a bloody shank."-Newt

"I don't know what that means, but I know it isn't good, and you're going to pay."-Theo

"You're going to hit someone who is injured?"-Newt

"You're an overprotective, controlling bastard to Y/n. You deserve what comes to you."-Theo

I finally got to the front of the crowd and wasn't at all hesitant. Thankfully Theo wasn't too tall but he was still well-built, I had to go a little overboard to win against him. Since I had no medicine that would make him pass out, and he currently is a danger to Newt so I have to go to other alternatives. Thanks to a significantly placed rock I used that as a boost to attack Theo from the back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to choke him with my body freeling hanging on to his back, all my weight was being pulled on his neck. After 5 seconds I kicked the back of his knees and he started to fall backwards and lost the rest of his breath. Before I hit the ground I let go of him and he was out now but he was still alive.

"Are you alright Newt? He didn't touch you right?"

His eyes were wide as if astonished.

"He's alive."

I was worried he thought I killed him as there was panic in my voice. Newt suddenly hugged me and the people started to disperse. Minho and Thomas were returning and learning what happened through Sonya.

"I love you Y/n."-Newt

Minho once again ruins the moment by tackling me and messing with my hair.

"I knew that you won't let down your master."-Minho

"I wish I was here to see my sister beat up this guy."-Thomas

"I didn't even beat him up, I just made him relax."

"By beating him up."-Sonya

Yeah, I'm not going to be able to convince them. Theo wakes up and he calms down after a very intense conversation between me and him. It was late now and I went to the beach where Newt was taking a walk. I joined him and we had a fun conversation.

"I don't think I will be able to emphasis how lucky I am."-Newt

"I'm lucky you guys stayed with me."

"I'd never leave you, at least not on purpose."-Newt

"Well I am reassured."

We stop walking and look at the night sky reflecting on the ocean. Newt pulls me close and nuzzles his face on mine.

"Thank you so much for not giving up on me. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for being in my life."-Newt

"Thank you for being alive and for loving me as much as I love you."

No more words were needed as we completed the sweet moment with a kiss. Thomas and Minho come up behind us and tackle us in a group hug. Me and Newt got pulled apart from our side hug, but we still held onto each other's hand. Thomas was now the one side hugging me while Minho stood on the other side of Newt. We all looked at the ocean together. I looked at my best friend, my brother, and the love of my life and I realized something that brought tears to my eyes.

After never giving up on my hope, those hard nights being alone for years, and the challenges that WICKED threw at us, we were able to break through. It wasn't all of us but that hopeless dream that I would never have thought to become a reality so long ago was now true and I was living it. 

Wow this is the end! I hope you guys were happy with how it ended. 

For those of you who read it specifically two readers, I really want to thank you. Really gave me the determination to continue. I had a lot of fun to write this and these two stories are my absolute favorites. When I was reading my story while writing I would always think how I wish there was more chapters. It surprised me sometimes, some of the things that I put down in writing. I really hope you guys like this one. 

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