Chapter 20

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I waited to plant the seeds mostly because I felt like it wasn't a good time to ask Newt for his help. Minho and Thomas both saw things were a little bumpy with the two of us and knew they had to confront us. Minho went to talk to Newt while Thomas came to me. I was sitting in my tent messing with the bottle that carried the cure. I thought about the day when I almost lost Newt. I really thought that since I had beat death that nothing was going to stop us. Although it looked like an argument was going to be all it takes to break us apart.

Thomas sits in front of me and I put the cure away.

"Are you okay?"

"I am, but I don't think you are."-Thomas

"What gave it away?"

"You aren't talking to Newt, that's what gave it away."-Thomas

"I can't do anything about that."

"You told me that we used to tell each other everything. I might not remember everything about us still but I do want to hear what's got my sister upset."-Thomas

I sigh and look at Thomas. He was right. We told each other everything, at least everything except us being the cure to the Flare but look at what happened because of that. Newt almost died and Thomas also almost died. I don't think anyone will die but I don't want to keep any more secrets. I need to be more open.

"Newt and I got in an argument a while ago. It was about me and Theo. We settled it but ever since then it's been hard to talk to him."

I told him more of what happened and how I was feeling about it all and Thomas just listened. It felt nice that someone was here to listen to me. It was a lot different than what it was like being around Theo. I realized what Newt meant when I was talking to Thomas. Theo always wanted to be the one listened to and never the listener. He didn't care about how I felt about things. I tried to talk to him about what happened with me and Newt because I thought he would care but he didn't, just like Newt said.

Thomas cared though. I realized how lucky I was to have been surrounded by good friends. I don't really need more friends. I'm happy with my friends I already have. I know what I want to do now. I'm going to break all ties with Theo. I don't want to be his friend anymore and I'll go to Newt and ask for his forgiveness once again.

"I just want to say that you don't have to worry about Newt. He loves you too much he doesn't stop telling me about it. It's annoying to hear it, especially as your brother. I'm sure he regrets yelling at you."-Thomas

I laugh at that and give my brother a hug. I then leave the tent ready to actually get my life back on track. I was walking over to where Theo was. Theo took care of construction mostly so I had to get through the scarry equipment to get to him. I notice a red dot on my right side on a plank. It had holes in it but I ignored it because it didn't look like anything. I walk in front of it and holler over to Theo.

"Hey, Theo!"

I called out for him but his eyes widened in fear when he saw me. I turned around thinking something scary was behind me but all I saw was Newt tackling me down to the ground and a large swoosh sound came past me. That swooshing sound was an ax. The red dot was actually a target that the guys in construction were playing with, and they obviously do not at all care about safety. Newt was still lying above me. I wanted to push him up because he was crushing me but as soon as my hand went to his side I felt warm blood and him tensing up.

I suddenly started to panic again. I felt like my world was crumbling once more. Minho who was with Newt saw this and quickly helped Newt up from me and took him to my tent laying me down on the blanketed floor. I lifted his shirt up a little and saw the terrible looking wound that caused Minho to run out of the tent and throw up. I started crying because once again Newt almost died right in front of me.

I quickly started to fix the wound. He was conscious throughout it all because I didn't have any more medicine that could knock him out, so he felt every pain and he heard every sob coming from my mouth.

"You idiot, you should have just let me get hit. Stop doing this to me. Stop getting hurt."

"I can't lose you Y/n. I'm replaceable, you are not."-Newt

"You're not replaceable to me! I've loved you all my life. I've waited for you to return to me. I finally have you, so don't say those things. I need you!"

I had finished stitching the wound up and leaned my head towards Newt's bare chest and just cried. My hand was gently touching his stitches. I just wanted to know that he wasn't going to leave me.

"You're valuable to me. If I lose you now, then there was no point for me to live through all those years."

Newt's hand lifts my head up and gently lifts my hand up. Curious as to what he was doing I stopped crying for a moment. Newt's and my palms were touching. I noticed how much larger his hand was; it reminded me of how tall he grew. My fingers aligned with his and my hand looked like that of a baby in his hand. His fingers closed and held onto my hand and I did the same. I look at him confused and his other hand gently pulls on my shirt telling me to lay down. I did as he wanted with our hands still holding on to one another.

"I've put you through so much pain. I'm just so bloody lucky that you are so strong. It's a miracle you still love me. I don't deserve you, maybe that's why I'm willing to risk my life for you. I want to protect you because you don't need to be through any more pain. Besides, as long as you are alive you can, hopefully, heal me."-Newt

His sweet words were able to calm me. His voice soothed my heart like they always have done. I was able to laugh at his joke since he calmed me.

"What if I was asleep?"

"I'll just kiss you awake. Then I'll tell you that my bloody arm was cut off."-Newt

I couldn't stop laughing at that. He really did know how to calm me down. Minho, hearing the laughter, walks in.

"Alright, you two. Stop making everyone cringe and get up."-Minho

"You always gotta ruin it Minho."

"Of course, that's my role in your relationship."-Minho

I laugh again and sit up. Minho and I helped Newt stand up and Newt held onto me as I helped him get around.

Newt x Reader (Older) Don't Leave Me Book: 2Where stories live. Discover now