Chapter 10

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Thomas and Newt had gotten into a fight about Teresa. Newt was realizing what had happened quickly leaves and heads off to think with himself. Thomas had eventually found him. Newt recognized his presence and began to tell him a story.

"About two years before you came into the Glade, I was tired and frustrated with everything. I felt like I had no purpose and was wandering without a light so to speak. I tried to end it. I climbed the walls, and was going to jump. The thing is, I was saved, a voice appeared in my head. It sounds crazy, I know, but this voice was the light that I had missed, I knew them. Now that my memories have returned I realize that that voice was your sisters. I don't know how she did it but she did. Minho found me and took me back to the Glade and stuck with me while I healed. If it wasn't for those two I would be dead right now. That's why I had agreed with you to save Minho."

"When did you know?"-Thomas


Newt shows the scratch mark on his arm that showed he was turning to a crank.

"Y/n, she can save you probably. She has the serum."-Thomas

"She doesn't have a cure though. Why should I make her watch me die?"-Newt

They sat in silence as they agreed with each other to wait until after saving Minho to treat him. It was getting dark and Gally took them up to show them how they were going to get inside of WICKED. When they found out who it was Thomas was instantly out but with a little convincing he was able to be swayed into this plan.

They had returned to us with a plan in mind. Thomas was going to lure Teresa away into a more private area where Gally and Newt was going to carry her off. On the other hand the rest of us were going to be waiting for them to return. I volunteered in capturing Teresa but I was outvoted again. It was for the same reason I wasn't put on the front lines when rescuing Minho. I was too valuable to be put in a dangerous situation. That had made me angry. I was doing great seconds ago and now I was mad again and I couldn't wait to take it out on the person I have hated for years.

When she arrived she was tied to a chair and after a quick voting and some insisting I was allowed to do the interrogation. I knew I was going to be good at this, especially after learning that she has her memories back. We could hear her groan as she lifted her head up. We disperse and I walk my way in front of her. I pull a chair in front of her and cross my legs. I could already sense the tension.

"You remember don't you."

"Remember what?"-Teresa

She was nervous.

"Oh, it wasn't that long ago." I start messing with my hands. "January 1, the day my brother went into the maze. The day you betrayed us, for what you said to be the greater good. The same day that I had to go through the pure torture of taking away my brothers memories."

"I don't remember that."-Teresa

She was sweating.

"Really? I remember you happily writing a letter to everyone saying how this was your duty and you were glad to betray my brother for yourself and humanity. You act like you love him, but I never saw you as someone who loved Thomas. You even tried to turn me in, but we both know how that turned out. You know what I can do to you."


Thomas looks at her with a look of fear in his own eyes, he did not want to mess with me at the moment.

"What are you doing?"

I stand up and everyone who's been trying to ignore us turns around quickly at the sound of me standing and watches me finish the interrogation.

"Thomas please."-Teresa

"Oh Teresa, do I scare you that much? I'm a doctor, I would never kill you."

She turns her head back to me confused.

"I'll just stitch you back up when I'm done with you."

"What the hell do you want with me?"-Teresa

Gally soon pushes me away from the spotlight as I go outside to take a breather. I might have gotten a little overboard there, but all this pent up anger that I had against her felt good to release at that moment. I'm glad I got to do that. I walk back in after I calmed down and see them getting that tracker out of them. After Thomas she turns to me thinking that I had a tracker as well.

"I don't have a tracker."

"All of us had gotten a tracker when we first came to WICKED, that means you have one too."-Teresa

"Of course that would be the case. Although I didn't get one. The only tracker I have is in my brain but I have stopped using that."

"Fine if you insist."-Teresa

We talk a little more about plans and how we were going to infiltrate WICKED. It was a solid plan, I had my hopes on this. Although I was yet to be put into the plan. Although when Teresa started to make her excuses to get out of this I took that moment to slip in.

"Well there's a bunch of flaws in your guy's plan. For one, they would be suspicious of me having more than one guard with me and I don't have access to all floors."-Teresa

"You might not but I do."


"Unlike you guys, I was second to highest ranking, I wasn't a Chancellor and I wasn't a Psych but I was somewhere in between."

"Well then what am I here for."-Teresa

"You can do what you always wanted to do."

"Which is?"-Thomas

"Turn me in."

Newt and Thomas didn't like that idea. Gally as well thought it would be best that I didn't do that either considering it would cause a conflict to the plan.

"There is nothing to worry about. As long as you three are guards you can escort me instead of Teresa. That way you guys can stay close to me and I can take you guys around."

"So you're going to let me go?"-Teresa

"No, you are staying next to me. You are my fake escort."

I put a hand on her shoulder and she flinched. We had a plan now and it was time to go through with that plan.

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