Chapter 6

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It's been almost a month since we have our plans and in maybe another month we will be able to go through with our plan. My brother has stuck close to me ever since. I loved to have him close to me, I was not used to it at first but soon enough it was the best thing to ever happen to me. Newt also seems to like hanging around me as well. Life was starting to look better now. Things were going back to what they used to be and it felt great.

It was early morning, probably 2 am when I was shaken awake by my brother.

"Hey, Y/n."-Thomas

"Thomas, why?"



I get out of my bed and Thomas grabs a hold of my hand and I lazily follow behind him. He takes me into a different tent and sits me down on the floor.

"Don't fall asleep until I get back."-Thomas

I groan in response and he leaves me for a moment. He comes back with food and two people behind him. I rub my eyes trying to rub away the tiredness. I look at Thomas confused as to what was going on.

"We wanted to do a little something for you. I know it won't be the same without Minho, Alby, and Chuck, but I hope we can still have a little fun. I brought snacks."-Thomas

I looked at Newt and Frypan who joined us and a large smile came to my face. They were trying to recreate the old days. I loved them so much for this. They can't remember me but it seems they are starting to care for me as their new selves as well.

"Thank you."

Newt and Thomas sit on both of my sides and I pull them into a group hug. They smile, happy to see that I was happy.

"So what exactly happens?"-Thomas

"Well Minho and Alby would fight Chuck would be eating all the food, you two would be exactly where you are with me in the middle, we would be cheering on Minho or Alby. Then we would share info, and goof around."

"Okay, well today I learned something new."-Newt

"Don't we do that every day?"-Thomas

"But today I learned something completely different."-Newt

"Like what?"

"I learned how to use a grinder."-Newt

I clapped and he laughed.

"It's not much of an accomplishment."-Newt

"I doubt that."

"Sure, of course, Newt's talented, but I got better at my shooting skills."-Thomas

"I hope you need to know how to shoot good if you are going to be keeping the guards back."

We all laugh at that. Frypan seemed to be enjoying himself as well despite being the third wheel. We fell asleep in that room and even though it wasn't the same without everyone it had to be my favorite sneak out.

I had regained my relationship with my brother and the love of my life was also my greatest friend once again. I felt the trust between us rebuild itself. We were becoming what we used to be and that made me so happy. It made me feel like I could forgive myself. I felt like what I have done wasn't at a loss and that I had won.

I was taking care of someone as they had hurt themselves and needed some quick stitches on their hand. We have a strong group on our hands, these people could lose an arm and be fine with it. As I was finished Newt took the spot that the guy was just in.

"You know that guy has something going for you."-Newt

"Really? Why because he was bleeding?"

Newt laughed and continued.

"No, but just trust me on this, I know."-Newt

"Thanks for the warning, I guess."

There was a moment of silence as I cleaned up the mess. When I was about to get up to leave Newt stopped me and I sat back down.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything?"

"No, that's not it, I just wanted to be alone with you. I have something I need to ask you."-Newt


I was nervous, I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it could be if it was about my confession of still loving him or the time he tried to kill himself, either of those things was a scary part to talk about at the moment.

"I'm sorry we keep asking you to talk about things. It's just hard to get this out of my mind."-Newt

I grab Newt's hand and give him a smile.

"It's alright, I trust you guys. I'm willing to open up to you."

Newt smiled, happy to hear comforting words.

"When you passed out you said something, you said that you still love me. Can you tell me what you mean by that?"-Newt

I tried to retract my hands, a little uncomfortable now, but Newt held onto my hands tightly and I hate to say this but it caused butterflies in my stomach. I knew I couldn't hide it, it's true that I still love him, as how could I not, and sooner or later it would come up again. Might as well just get it out on the table as well.

"Before you forgot me, you loved me. I loved you as well and still do. The way we had parted was the most painful way you could think of. I had to watch you suffer. They forced me to plant the device in your brain so you would forget. I had no choice, it was painful and I didn't get to properly respond to you when you had reached out to me. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wanted to let you know that what you had told me reassured me."

He was quiet and I understood that this was a lot to take in, it must be painful to know that he loved me and he can't even remember me. I decided I needed to continue talking to reassure him I was fine because he looks sad.

"I understand how you are probably feeling, I would probably be feeling the same way, I suppose that's why I refrained from telling you. Don't worry I'll be fine, I've survived a little more than 3 years without you knowing me. I am a strong believer in hope as well. So maybe I can make you fall in love with me again."

I give an awkward laugh and we sit in awkward silence until I left him there to think.

Newt x Reader (Older) Don't Leave Me Book: 2Where stories live. Discover now