Chapter 3

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I go closer to Thomas and sit next to him after Mary gets the blood from Thomas. She stays quiet as I talk to him.

"Thomas there is so much I must tell you, but I will allow you to ask me what you want to know. Though first, we will take care of her."

Mary comes to her and gives the girl the blue substance that will give her immunity to the flare. Mary doesn't know that though as I still have told nobody. She leaves once it is all done and Jorge does as well.

"What was that?"-Thomas

"That's the closest thing to the cure WICKED will ever get."

"What do you mean?"-Thomas

"I created it, I was the one who found it. Taking apart the blood cells of those immune, adding them with other elements, I was able to make this. I have honestly regretted making it, if I never made it WICKED would have never kept asking for more, and I would never have to watch my friends and my brother suffer through it. The pain and suffering that I didn't have to go through because I was the biggest part of WICKED. I'm really sorry."

"I cannot believe it."-Thomas

"I'm sorry Thomas, but if I knew what was going to happen I never would have."

"Hey, hey, hey. I don't blame you, I've probably helped too, didn't I. I can't blame you if I had helped them too."-Thomas

"Thomas, you can ask me what you want to know now. I'll take any questions."

"What are you to me?"-Thomas

"I am your sister, twin in fact."

Thomas took his time in digesting that. It was so foreign to him, he felt bad too because I was his sister and yet he completely forgot about me. When I thought he was ready to hear more stuff I was going to continue but the girl woke up and I looked at her. I was ready to comply with her needs.

"Hey are you feeling alright?"-Thomas

"Yeah. Thank you."-Brenda

"I will talk to you more later Thomas, you can talk to her now if you want."

I leave the tent and see the guy standing there waiting and I just smile at him. I went over towards where I could see Sonya and Harriet who were talking to Aris.

"Hey Y/n how are you doing?"-Sonya

"Fine have you not seen Newt yet Sonya?"

"No I never got the chance yet."-Sonya

"Don't worry, you will."

"How do you know them and Newt?"-Aris

"I know them because I knew Newt before the Glade and we knew each other as well Aris, before you lost your memory, only a little though. We didn't talk much but when you did say something I always had great respect for you."

"Oh, thank you."-Aris

"Aris, at one point you should have Y/n give you back your memories as she did with us."-Harriet

"What do you mean?"-Aris

"Y/n knows how to safely get your memories back at least only if you want them back. Harriet and I got ours back."-Sonya

"Oh ok, but what does Newt have to do with you Sonya?"-Aris

"Newt is Sonya's brother," I answered for him and smiled kindly at him before I continued on. "I do not force people to get their memories back. It will be your choice. Well, anyways I am going to go see you around."

I leave the group wanting to find Thomas again or Newt or any of the Gladers to be honest. In the end, I see Thomas out on top of a rock with a few other Gladers and I go to introduce myself. When I got up there Thomas was about to leave but I stayed so that I can talk to the others instead.

Newt x Reader (Older) Don't Leave Me Book: 2Where stories live. Discover now