Chapter 9

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We had entered into the city outside the walls and were trying to find a way in. We were in an open market place when a car passed by saying how we shouldn't be stuck behind these walls. One of the guys started to stare at Thomas, and us. None of us could tell who it was but I have a feeling they recognized us. We decided to keep moving. I was near the back and was beginning to lose them in the crowd. I looked at Newt who was in front of me and grabbed a hold of his shirt. He stops and turns to me. As he looked at me he smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me up to where he was. He continued to hold onto my hand as we walked further along until we reached the wall. When we got there he pulled me into a hug keeping me close.

We pushed our ways into the front which I thought to be a bad idea, especially when a Berg flew over us. They knew now that we were here, mostly because of the trackers that were in them that were planted when they first came to WICKED. If only I knew where it was then I could have saved us from getting caught. Not to mention the guys from earlier in that car was closing in on us.

The walls started to move and the place grew quiet. It wasn't until they started to shoot at us that we began to run. We ended up separating and me and Newt's hands were torn apart by the people in black armor that covered their faces. I was afraid. I forgot how to defend myself as I squirmed around. Trying to get back to him. I got thrown into a van and was going to kick the door open while it was still unlocked but I ended up hitting my head on the roof of the car causing me to fall back to the floor. Someone came to me and I recognized it to be Brenda.

"Hey you okay?"-Brenda

"Yeah I should be, do you know what's happening?"

"No, but I'm sure we will be fine."-Brenda


I sit up more slowly this time and sit next to Brenda across from Frypan.

"Hey, Y/n just wondering what you could possibly have in that bag of yours?"-Frypan

I move the backpack in front of me realizing that I have two guns in here still. Although there was a guard with us so I couldn't tell him that.

"I am a doctor, I needed to have my supplies with me."


I started to close my backpack but made sure the gun would be easy to grab. I kept the backpack in front of me and was waiting for the car to stop as I patiently listened.

The door opens and I get out of the car. We weren't alone though, the other three were here as well. Jorge was ready to kill and Brenda had to rush over to calm him down. I on the other hand had the least amount of attention on and pulled out one of the guns quietly and put it in my back pocket as I placed my backpack back on my back.

"Where are we?"-Thomas

"First, who is she?"-Soldier

A gun was pointed behind my head.

"Hey, what are you doing!"-Thomas

"Tell me who she is first."-Soldier


"She carries a gun, she has blue serum, and she is a doctor. If I didn't know better I would think she is from WICKED."-Guard

So much for trying to be sneaky.

"She's my sister."-Thomas

The soldier looks at the guard and he lets down his gun but I knew they didn't trust me. So much was happening in these next moments especially when the soldier revealed his identity. I was shocked myself recognizing him to be Gally. His face definitely has healed since I last saw him. Although Thomas wasn't going to give the guy a chance. He went straight for the punch and the guys had to pull him off but I learned the most heartbreaking news that I never wanted to know.

"He killed Chuck!"-Thomas

Gally, killed Chuck. The boy who was happy and was the sweetest thing to live. I knew he died but I never knew it was by Gally. I assumed it was WICKED. The pain and sorrow swelled in my heart. I loved Chuck. He helped me through my worst moments without Newt and Minho. He had helped me heal.

Slowly without realizing I had grabbed the gun but didn't point it at him it just stayed to my side, my tears rolled down my eyes. Frypan was the closest to me and stopped me before I could do anything I would regret. He was holding my hand making sure I wouldn't shoot anyone.

"Hey, woah!"-Gally

Gally finally noticed me as Frypan cautiously took the gun out of,y hand. Eyes were once again on me.

"You killed Chuck! Why did you do it?!"

"Hey it's okay he didn't know he was being controlled by the Grievers venom."-Frypan

Out of nowhere, Newt appears and pulls me to a side hug. As he did that Frypan took the gun out of my hand.

A new anger began to form inside of me. First this guy gets Minho in trouble with his loud mouth and next he kills Chuck. I hated this guy and I wanted to punch him so bad like Thomas did.

"I feel like she hates me too."-Gally

"Why are we here Gally?"-Newt

Apparently we are here because he has a way to help us. We want to get inside the wall and he knows how. I wasn't included in the plan making and hung out with the side characters. Frypan was curious as to how I knew Chuck and Gally. Since I had the time I explained to them how I knew Gally and Chuck.

"Hold up, Chuck, help you when you are missing Newt and Minho. What are they to you?"-Frypan

"Minho, is my best friend. He of course doesn't remember me but he was and to me he still is. Newt was different, we were a thing."

"Oh. I didn't think Newt had it in him."-Frypan

"It was the accent, it really blew me away."

Frypan laughs and I begin to calm down. I felt more relaxed as I talked more and more with Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge. I started to become a friend to them and they were becoming a friend to me.

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