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Harry's POV

    Saturday took forever to get here. Maybe not forever but classes seemed to stretch on longer than usual. But now that it is here dinner is taking the longest to arrive. Oh, right, I should be grateful that Professor Snape and all the others provide for someone like me. I'm just so excited. I'm finally going to learn more about my parents. 

    Something was off though. Professor Snape looked hollow when he spoke about it. He lost them too so I'm not surprised. He can't feel anymore sad and excited as I. Then again he's probably not excited at all. The anniversary, as he put it, is just a reminder that people dear to him died. I hope he doesn't change his mind. I wouldn't blame him though. I can be annoying. At least that's what the Dursleys say. But they said a lot of things that I'm learning aren't true at all. Especially when it comes to my parents or the magic world.

After checking the time I decided to head towards Professor Snape's office. It's a little early but hopefully he won't mind. Maybe I am too excited, most people are probably more down on the anniversary of their parents death.

As I walked to the dungeons questions about my parents started to fill my head. Were they nice? Popular? They were in Gryffindor but were they anything like the Gryffindors who mocked me for being a Hufflepuff? Would they actually be disappointed if they knew? Did they play quidditch?

Before I knew it the door to Snape's office stood before me and I was reaching up to knock. Then I hesitated. He wasn't going to be mad right? I hope not. I took a deep breath and knocked hoping I didn't ask him something upsetting, he did after all lose my parents too.

Not long after knocking the door opened and there was Snape. It was then that I noticed that if he was living in the muggle world he would most definitely be classified as goth. I wonder if he would approve of the lable or take offense. Maybe I could ask.

"Potter." Snape pulled me from my thoughts on his muggle standing and his approval of the matter.

"Have you ever been called goth Professor?" I mumbled before catching myself. "Oh sorry. I didn't mean that."

Snape raised a narrow brow at me. He didn't look happy. Then again when did he ever.

Severus POV~

    I was in the middle of grading the fourth year essays. The dunderheads managed to blow up five cauldrons! What a mess it was. You would think they would know how to follow simple instructions. Or read for that matter. Better yet see in general. The essays were at least legible. I honestly worry for some of them. None of them are about what I assigned.  What does a love potion have to do with a boil cure potion? Pathetic. Truly Pathetic. Why did I become a teacher? I'm starting to think retirement is looking better everyday.

    I look up at the ceiling and sigh. This is ridiculous. These kids are going to give me a brain aneurysm. That might actually be my way out of this job. I shake my head lighty ridding the thoughts from my mind. I need to focus, the faster I finish these papers the safer my sanity.

    When I finish my grading I get up to get a glass of firewhisky. Merlin knows I need it after dealing with those papers. As I'm about to take a sip from my glass of liquid courage. There's a knock at the door. I sigh and set down my glass, why would anyone disturb me now. I walk over and open the door. When I opened it I was surprised to be met with Harry Potter. I resist the urge to roll my eyes when I remember I had told him to meet me. Why am I doing this to myself?

    "Potter." I drawl out.

He looks up at me with green doe eyes. Lily's eyes. The eyes that welled with tears as she ran from me after I said the one word I vowed to never say again. Into the arms of my rival whose son I now have to look after.

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