Chapter 43

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Harry's POV
Looks like I'm  a Slytherin today. Little idiot. He couldn't wear my shirt so he stole my robes.  Can't you get in trouble for wearing the wrong robes? We're about to lose points because of me. Yet another reason for people to hate me.
"A snake found its way into the dorm."
"Isn't that normal for us?" They turned around to see me. Their jaws instantly dropped in surprise.
Hearing my peers' words I couldn't help the flinch that wrecked my body. I know the Hufflepuffs would never do what the Gryffindors did. They don't have the guts to. But that doesn't stop the constant worry that plagues me. Shaking those thoughts from my head I continued on my way. Hopefully Mcgonagall doesn't notice. Besides I'll just switch with Blaise when I see him.
I opened the door to class and quickly took my seat in the back. The cat animagus lept from the desk -like on the first day of school-  and Minerva Mcgonagall took its place.
"Today we'll be practicing the switching spell. Pick up your wands. Follow my lead." I breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't said anything.
I did as she said and picked up my wand and followed her lead.  I laughed to myself as we made a fish in the air. She told us the incantation and gave us all a piggy bank and a guinea pig.
"Try your best to finish it before class ends." I instantly rolled my eyes. This was a fifth year spell. There was no way we were gonna be able to do it.
"Is something the matter Mr. Potter?" I had to hold back the urge to roll my eyes again.  "No." I shrunk in my seat. Trying to make myself smaller that way she wouldn't notice the Slytherin green robe.
"Finally switching houses, Mr. Potter?" But nothing goes the way I need it to. Ever!
"No." She shook her head then beckoned me forward. I sat still before getting up and making my way to her.
"Yes Professor?" I looked at my fellow students for.. I don't even know. Something. I was hoping for something. But got nothing.
"Stand still Mr. Potter?"
"Whatever for?"
"I'm going to transfigure... this robe into a Hufflepuff one." Under her breath I heard her say, "Or maybe a gryffindor one."
I put up my hands. "There's no need to do that. I'm going to switch back with Blaise soon." There were gasps around the classroom.
"Go back to your seat then." I walked to my seat then. Honestly they can't be that surprised. Where else would I get a Slytherin robe? I picked my wand back and continued doing the motions and incantations as directed. I looked over the classroom to see if anyone had made any progress. A few people had managed to change small portions but that was all. This went on for another ten minutes before she spoke again.
"That's enough class. Some of you did very well. Now I want you to write what you can do to improve your performance. Once you are done, go back to practicing. And at the end of class turn in your paper to me. " I took out my quill and set to work. A depthless answer paragraph is what I wrote.
As soon as class ended I basically ran out the doors. I needed to get to Blaise. I'm pretty sure our times matched up. Running downstairs, barely passing corners, and skimming the shoulders of my peers I made it to the dungeons. I said the password and entered. I got a few stares from the few Slytherins in the common room like usual. I saw some of them look unfazed. They probably saw Blaise wearing my Hufflepuff robe.
I walked slowly up the winding staircase to catch my breath. If I were to walk in the room and Blaise saw me he'd probably wonder if I ran into trouble. God knows we don't need that to happen.
I pushed open the door to our room and saw Blaise sprawled out on his bed. His head hung over the edge. Our eyes met.
"Finally! We've been bored out of our mind."
"Before we do anything else. Give me my robe." He turned the other way.  Lost in thought.
"About that. I think we should continue wearing each other's robe." When he sees my face he fixes his posture and adds, "Just for today. I just want to piss everyone off a little longer."
That would mean I could wear Blaise's robe a little longer. Smell him, feel him, wear him. Just a little longer.
"Sure. I wouldn't mind."
"How did everyone react?"
"How do you think they reacted?" I made an unimpressed face. But he had a good point. It was a silly question. I sighed and sat next to him. He sat up a little and looked me in the eye before returning to his position. I kicked off my shoes and twisted around on the bed. Then hung my head over the edge too.
"Nice of you to join me down here. What brings you to the Upside down."
"My best friend. I think I lost him sir. Can you help me?" Blaise chuckles.
"I'm sure I could. There is not much here in the Upside Down. So little so little you can see everything, you can see everything with your mind." I smiled at him.
"How mind-bending. Think of him and he shall be? How is that to work when he be right next to me?"
"OH. I am him? He is me? How mind-binding. How is that to be when I just met you?"
"Friendship is weird is it not. But you are of two, are you not?" Blaise paused. Longer than he usually did. I stared at him curiously. Did I say something wrong?
"Yes it is. I am of two. How could you know? You a stranger from above? Found out a secret so low and quiet."
"Could it be I've known all along? Or is it fate? I could be lying but am I?"
"Are you? I don't think you would. No, no." I sat up. The blood rushing to my head was starting to get to me.
"You could be the next shakespeare. Maybe you should write a book." He pulled himself up right.
"Maybe. Never really thought about it. Would you help? There's no way I could do it without you." I smiled.
"Of course I would. What would it be about?"
"Mhhhmmm, something beautifully tragic."
"Like that poem you made?" He raised an eyebrow in my direction.
"What poem?"
I rolled my eyes. "The one in your journal." I crawled over to the nightstand and dug around in the top drawer. I pulled out a leather bound book. It was black and had a fire on the cover. I crawled back over to Blaise and handed it to him. His eyes grew wide.
"I think the poem we're looking for is on page 10. Or was it 23. It's somewhere between those pages." I watched as he flipped through the pages. Almost as if it were his first time seeing it.
"Found it. It was on 17."
"Read it to me again?" He nodded. Taking a deep breath he started reading.
"How beautifully tragic
Red rimmed eyes with tears that shine
How sad and pathetic, you couldn't do anything
Weak and silent, no speaking your mind
There's something you should know
You are beautifully tragic
A sad pathetic piece of art
Aged by the people who viewed you
But I still find you beautiful
Though your story is a tragedy
A beautiful tragedy"
"I love it. Then again I like anything you read to me. You okay?" He turned a shade darker.
"Yes, fine. I guess it's just been a while since I read that poem. Surprised me."
"Well now that we've jogged your memory is that what you meant. Something like that?"
"Yeah. But just a little darker."
"Darker than that. Good god Blaise." I laughed.
He blushed a darker shade. "Instead of laughing, shouldn't you be heading to class."
Shaking my head I rebuttal. "No my good sir, it is you who needs to get to class. It's 11:43."
"Crap!" He struggled to get out of bed. The covers tangled themselves around his legs. I laughed at his struggles. I only stopped because he fell off the bed.
"Oh my god Blaise. Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah. I only bruised my pride." I chuckled as he got up. Rubbing his side. He talked to himself as he put his shoes back on.
"Talking to yourself again. If you don't want to talk to me just say that." I joked.
"I talk to myself because I'm interesting."
I gasp dramatically and throw my hand over my heart and fall back on the bed like I was shot. "And here I thought you found me intriguing." He chuckled walking over to the door.
"We'll see you later. And you better talk to Rin!" Then he was gone. And I was left alone. I looked over at Blaise's notebook. He wouldn't want me looking in his personal journal. Turning away I picked up a random book from his dresser and started to read. I kept rereading the same lines over. I want to know if he has more poems in there. Maybe even a short story.
No. I can't. It would be better to just ask him. And if he says yes he might even read them to me.
I spent the rest of my hour doing miscellaneous activities. Come Potions I'd be having a very long and tedious conversation. I wonder how he'll react. Hopefully he won't be too surprised.
As I walked into the classroom I noticed Rin sitting in the chair next to mine. Perfect. But it also makes this a little harder if he doesn't get the hint. I slid into the seat next to him.
"Hiya Harry." 
I didnt acknowledge him, nor did I smile. I looked toward the front and waited till class started. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rin smile at me as if nothing was wrong. That smile won't last long. I caught a few other smiles around the classroom. I could feel my face dropping. Why are they smiling? Why should they be able to smile and laugh like that? Nobody should be able to smile like that if we can't. Blaise and I should-
""Today we will create a potent Herbicide. And for the sake of Sprout you will be working in pairs.  Watch your partners, Do not let one drop find its way to the Greenhouses. " Nope. Count me out. I'll let him explain then tell him I'm working alone.
"Now go get your ingredients."
"I'll get them. Can you get everything ready?" I didnt reply. I stood up and walked over to Snape.
"There isn't a need for partners, Professor. May I work alone?"
"As much as I agree with you, I can't let you. Dumbledore believes it will help "house unity"." I sighed.
"But Professor,-"
"I think this might be good for you Harry. Mr.Okumura seems to-"
"Exactly! Seems!" I shook my head and walked away. There goes getting away from him. But I guess I still need to tell him. I sighed.
"Can you put the lionfish spines to the mortar and crush into a rough powder using the pestle?"
"I'll do the first part. You can do the second." And with that I set to work. At some point I drowned out when Rin started talking.
"Do you need something?" I reached for Flobberworm Mucus. Was it 2 blobs? I think it was.  I looked up at the board to make sure. I was right. I put the 2 drops in.
"You didn't let me do anything."
"Is that so? Would you like to stir it then?"
"You're almost finished now. Do it yourself." I finished up the potion by waving my wand over it. I bottled it and took it to Professor Snape. After that I decided to clean up my mess. It didn't take long.
There was still quite a bit of time left so I sat down and picked up a random potions book from my bag.
"It's been a few days, Harry. Can you give me your answer now?" I sighed heavily. Better now than later. Cause if I wait any longer I'm sure Blaise will hurt him.
"You want my answer." I closed my book and turned to look him in the eyes. I could see he already knew where it was headed. "It's far too late to apologize. I see that now. Quite honestly you only apologized because your guilt was eating at you. And I want no part in that."
"N-no. That's not-" He looked nervous. He couldn't even meet my eyes.
"Don't lie to me Okumura. Class is almost over. I suggest you gather your stuff and go back to your original partner." I picked back up my book and continued reading. I didn't bother looking at him.
"You really are a Slytherin now?"
"Maybe." I heard a few gasps. So some people weren't minding their business. A pity. But I'm not surprised. Truthfully I didn't even mean to say that. But I'm not mad I did. The reactions were worth it.

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