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Harry's POV '

I'm truly turning into Blaise. I zoned out the entire class, I barely understood anything.  Walking out of class was even more than a blur. By the time I looked up I was face to face with Blaise.

"I walked all the way here zonked out. Anybody could have done something."

"You really did. But not all the way." He stood at my side as we continued our descent to the dungeons in silence. I'm glad he didn't try to talk while we walked. I really just want to sit quietly and do nothing. But that's not really possible. My thoughts are running a mile a minute.

"Boys!" I jumped. And I think I saw Blaise flinch a little. Though he'd deny it vehemently. We turned around to see Snape.

"How careless are you two? You almost ran into a wall." We turned around to see that he was right. We had walked straight into a dead end. 

"Sorry Professor."

"Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to your foreheads, they almost got a good hit." The small smile on his face was quite refreshing.

"Come now. The dungeons certainly aren't behind that wall." We both nodded and followed Snape. Once we entered the common room Blaise and I booked it toward his room. Snape called for us to come back but we ignored him. Neither of us wanted to talk.

"Can we just read? I don't feel like talking right now."

"Yeah. I'm cool with that." Blaise should be a teacher. His voice could compel anyone. It's so nice.

"I like my voice too. But I don't think I'd make a good teacher. I hate children. Probably as much as Snape." He laughed as he fell back on his bed reaching for the book on his nightstand.

"Next time I say something like that, don't reply. It saves me from embarrassment."

"Fine, fine. But since you like my voice so much, how about I read to you?"

"Ok. And just what will you be reading to me Mr. Zabini?" He smiled.

"A short story by muggle author Robert Louis Stevenson. It's called The Strange Case Of Jekyll and Hyde."  He opened the top drawer of the dresser and pulled the book out. To my surprise there were numerous other books in there as well.

"Why are there books in it?"

"I'm lazy. Duh. Who wants to get up and grab the book from the shelf when I can just keep a few in arms reach." Makes sense I guess. But so many. Does he even have the time to read so many books?

"Sit down. You're making me uncomfortable with your standing." I made my way over to his bed and laid down beside him. We moved around a bit to get comfortable and when we were both situated he started to read.

About 20 minutes into the book

"Blaise, I thought this was supposed to be short." I raised my head from his shoulder to look him in the eye.

"It is. It's only a hundred pages."

"Thats not short. Okay how about we read a different book?"

"Did you not like this one?" Aww how cute. He can pout.

"It's not that. I just want to finish something that way I'm not thinking about a cliffhanger every five minutes." I turned over and opened the drawer. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. I looked at the table of contents. It's a book of actual short stories. Just what I needed.

"We'll continue reading Jekyll and Hyde together but not right now. Read this." I snatched the book out of his hands and gave him the other.

"I almost forgot I bought this! His stories are great. Lay back down, I'll read you my favorite ones first." I giggled at his excitement.

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