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Harry's POV

I woke up feeling alot better than I have been. I look to the side and see Blaise passed out in his bed. His arm hung over the side and he was drooling. How cute. Maybe I should wake him up. Yeah. What should I throw at him? I'll just throw a pillow. I prop myself up on my elbow. Grab the pillow, roll my arm back and chuck the thing right at his head.

He reaches for another pillow and throws it loosely at me. I dodge it easily.

"Come on get up." He grumbles and turns over. "Blaaaaaise" I whine. He tosses another pillow at me. I laugh. And he was the one worried about me missing school that day.

"Harry what do you want?"

"I want you up." He groans again. He turns over onto his back and just looks up at the ceiling.

"I'm up now. Thank you my dearest Harry." Sarcasm dripping from his voice. I laugh. After yesterday. Everything feels lighter. My mood has definitely increased. I hope he... No, I can't do that. I've bothered him enough about being my friend. I'll enjoy this while it lasts.

"You're very welcome my dearest Blaise." I see him roll his eyes.

"I wonder if anybody noticed us missing."

"Did you notice me missing the day before?"

"No I didn't."

"Then nobody probably noticed."

"Just so you know, had I not been so distracted. I would have noticed. You not trying to get my attention should have been a dead give away." I laugh nervously.

"Yeah I'm sorry for being so annoying. I'll try not be bother you all that much." He shakes his head getting up.

"Nonsense, I deserved it. I was being a bully. I'm surprised you don't hate my guts."

"I don't think anything could make me hate someone. Maybe if they talk about my parents but I didn know them. All I hear are stories." He looks at me curiously as he straightens his tie.

"You don't even hate the dude that killed them? I find that hard to believe."

"I mean I probably should. But I don't. I just feel sad that it happened. I'm just another one of his victims. If anything, the real reason I hate him. It's because he didn't kill me." Blaise looked at me with such curiosity and shock. He shook his head and mumbled something.

"I will never understand you."

"What do you mean?"

"You must not hear yourself." He sits down in front of me. "You were just beaten so badly you can't even walk straight. And you're acting as if it didn't happen. You said that you don't hate the man who killed your parents because you're just another one of his victims. You then say I hate him because he didn't finish the job." He begins to chuckle.

"Harry are you okay? But then again we have no right to ask anyone that question." Who on earth is we? And why doesn't he have the right to ask? So many questions. It's not my place so I wont ask anything.

"I'm fine Blaise. Though I feel like I'm starving. Lilac." The small lf pops up at my side.

"Harry Potter called for Lilac."

"Could you please bring us breakfast."

"Harry has woken up an hour early. Lilac thinks bad idea to eat now." I can feel the glare Blaise is giving me. And it feels like he's burning holes into me.

"Any other day I would have slapped you upside the head for this. But you're hurt so I'll refrain from doing so."

"Lilac you can go. But when breakfast is served."

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