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Harry's POV

"Hell no!"
    "Blaise." I sat quietly as Blaise went off about Rin.

"Harry, you can't be serious. Tell me you aren't really thinking about accepting his "apology." 

"He seemed sincere." Blaise shot me a doubtful expression.

"Everyone seemed sincere at the start! I'm not saying you shouldn't but I'm saying you shouldn't. Then again how can I say that when I was your bully." Little do you know, you aren't the only one.

"Blaise, I know what you mean but I want my old friends back. Aren't you tired of just hanging out with me." He looked taken aback. I spoke before I could think.

"No I'm not but if you're tired of me just say that."

"I-I didn't mean it like that."

"I know. Believe it or not I want everything to go back to normal too. I know exactly what you mean. But think about it. The fakeness surrounded us before. Do we really want that back." There was a long awkward pause. We just sat and stared each other down.

"I honestly don't know Blaise."

"Neither do I. There's only so much two people can do. Just think about it. And if you decide to forgive him I'll still be here for you. And we'll still hang out. Because I refuse to leave your side." The look in his eyes. I can't look away. So much determination. Or is it something else? Not knowing what to say I said what I always do to him.

"Thank you for being kind." Now that I think about it I don't think I've ever said that to anyone else. "And I think you might be right. I think it's too late. But I'll put more thought into it." He smiles and nods.

"Okay so now that we've gotten your drama out the way onto mine. Snape wants me to meet him before dinner. I was wondering if you would come with me."

"If you really want me there, of course I'll come."

"Great cause I'm a little worried." I sent him "the look". It's the look I give him whenever he does something I don't agree with. Like calling someone a mudblood or jumping in front of me, trying to defend me.

"Harry, I swear I didn't do anything. He came up to me in class and asked if I'd meet him. Then again It could be because of the other conversation we had." I raised one of my eyebrows.

"It was the week during that attack. He called me to his office and we had a conversation." Seeing my face he quickly added, "Nothing bad I promise!" I pressed my lips into a thin line.

"You'll still come right?" I smiled softly and nodded. Of course I'm coming. Blaise's been here with me through all of this. And I've done nothing to measure up to what he's done. So being moral support is the least I can do. I'll just try harder in the future.

We sat in silence for a while. Just staring blankly at each other. It wasn't weird or anything. Just quiet and peaceful.

"We've got a few minutes left before you have to leave. We should probably get going." I shot him a look.

"You really think I'm going to let you walk from the SLYTHERIN dungeons to the third floor."

"Thanks Blaise."

"No problem Harry. Though I do wonder why they opened the third floor back up."

"Yeah it was so sudden too." We continued talking as we walked out the room. Heading back downstairs we saw that there were more slytherins in the common room than before. Seeing us coming down the stairs, sneers were pointed in our direction. But I could see the look of uncertainty in some of them.

We both rolled our eyes at them. I grabbed Blaise's shoulder as we reached the end of the staircase. I already knew what he was gonna do. And I did not want to meet Snape before dinner. Know matter how nice the man is to us. He will hold no bars when punishing us. Especially if we got into a fight.

"I have to get to class Blaise." He turned around and flipped off the students. A lot of them just rolled their eyes.  Laughing, I pulled him out of the room.

"Idiots, the lot of them." We laughed and walked toward the third floor.

"Has anyone other than Draco tried talking to you again?" I asked.

"No. Not even in classes.I was never popular among my peers."

"That's surprising to hear." He looked at me with a raised brow and asked how. "Well you were friends with Draco. And Draco seems to be very popular with everyone."

"Harry, Draco and I were barely friends. It's complicated. It was like we were rivals but also not. There was always this tension between us. But I know I have never actually thought of him as my friend." 

"I don't-" He cut me off. "You don't have to say anything." I nod and we continue walking in silence. As we reached the classroom we had about five minutes left.

"Can I leave you here or do I need to stay and protect you?" I know he meant it as a joke but it just doesn't sit right with me. Does he think I'm weak? That I can't take care of myself.

"Harry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that-"

"I know Blaise. I've got to go. I'll see you later. Class ends at 12:55, I'll meet you in the dungeons."

I don't know why I'm so annoyed? Agitated? I know he meant it as a joke. And that he's just worried. So why?

"Harry Potter. Please seat yourself." McGonagall looked as stern as ever. I nodded and shyly made my way to the back. I really really didn't like being here. Since this is where everything started. Eyes were always on me in this class.

And as McGonagall started to teach I started to zone out. The only thing on my mind was my conversations with Rin and Blaise. I really don't know what to do. On one hand Blaise is right. It's too late. Too many things have happened and too much time has passed. But Rin and the other Hufflepuffs haven't been all that bad. They've just been acting like Blaise before we were best friends. Which is fine. Right?

But on the other hand Rin was one of my closest friends. I should trust him. I did trust him though. And look where I am now. But his story... it was so sad. But that has nothing to do with me. And I find it crazy that he didn't come to his senses sooner. He went through a similar situation and turned into the people that sent him here. With that being said he's the only other person that can understand me.

No that's not true. Rin's one of the people that abandoned me. Yes he could possibly understand me. But Blaise...

"Mr.Potter! Is there something more important than paying attention to my class."

"Uh,um no professor."

"Tell me what cures a werewolf bite." Ugh! Why is she acting like Snape. He did this exact same stunt on the first day. But the difference is I actually know the answer for this.

"A mixture of powdered silver and dittany." Blaise and I studied almost everything for every class. With only the two of us looking out for each other we made sure we were both prepared for anything.

"How about a vampire bite?"

"Pardon?" She gave me an unimpressed look. "How do you cure a vampire bite?" The whole class was silent. I sighed before answering. I'm just so tired of this.

"According to W.O.M.B.A.T., vampire bites may be incurable; this is consistent with the near impossibility of the curing of a werewolf bite during a full moon." The look on everyone's face made a smirk form on mine. I'm not dumb. Despite what these people think of me. "Very good, Mr. Potter." She awkwardly went back to teaching and I went back to drowning in my thoughts.

Blaise would have called her out for that. Not that I need him to. I'd usually try to stop him. But Rin or any other person wouldn't have done anything. They'd turn to me and glare. Blame me for disrupting the class and call me a smart ass. Just like with Snape.

I think I've made my decision. I think I always knew it to be honest. And I won't tell him today. I'm going to draw this out as long as possible. And I'm not telling Blaise. I know he means well but he can be a bit much when I agree with him. Protective is the best word to describe him. Or Possessive. Yeah something along the lines of both of those.

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