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After everyone had put their names in we waited for the papers to conjoine. It took ten minutes. During those ten minutes everyone was making nervous chatter. I was taking quick glances at the Slytherins. They seemed composed, not as near nervous as us. I scan the room one more time taking in everything. This room is nice and calming. I wonder if the dorms are nice too. Or maybe they'll have us sleeping on the floor.

    "Everyone," Professor Sprout began, "the names are ready." Everyone instantly quieted down. I looked over my housemates. Some seemed to be holding their breath, some fidgeting. I looked over at the Slytherins. Their calm composure has slipped. Most of them were fidgeting and sweating others mouthing words. I saw the blond boy from the line again. His eyebrows were furrowed, eyes locked on the bowl. I wonder if he's nice despite his scowl. That was the only way you could see he was as nervous as the rest.

    "The names have been sorted in alphabetical order so please be patient and wait for Pomona to state the pairing. When you and your partner's names are called please come forward. " That does not calm me down at all. I could hear my heart in my chest making it's way up.  I can feel my hands getting clammy. I can't even focus on Professor Sprout calling out names. I got knocked out the trance when I felt someone bump into me. 

    "Blairry, Blaise Zabini and Harry Potter." I looked up at the front. Professor Sprout gave me a kind smile. I took a deep breath and shyly made my way forward. "Blaise!" Snape yelled, "Get yourself up here now!" A loud sigh could be heard from the center of the Slytherins. Grumbling something, a boy with dark skin and sharp features approached. He must not like me. It took a lot not to pout. So I settled with a blank expression like always. 

    "Go stand with the others over there." Sprout pointed to the couches where the others were seated talking quietly with their counterpart. We both nodded and made our way over. Blaise plopped down with a heavy sigh. He really doesn't like me. But he doesn't know me. Is it possible I've met him before but don't remember it. No, that can't be it. I think I would remember if I'd met him. I guess we should at least introduce ourselves. 

    "Hi, I'm Harry"I say shyly. He looks at me with no emotion. Just stares into my eyes. I fidget under his alarming gaze. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. What did I do to him? The thought that I've met him before isn't sounding so crazy anymore. "You're staring." I say quietly looking away from him. I can see the others talking quietly. They all seem like they've been friends forever. And he won't even say a word to me. Why doesn't he like me?

"Potter," I turn back to him. "Harry Potter, the boy who defeated the dark lord, the boy who lived now a hufflepuff. Your parents must be rolling in their graves. I mean look at you. What a disappointment." I flinched back. So he does know me. I knew it was too good to be true, people are going to hate me. I'll never be able to disappear.

"Oh," it's all I said. I don't know what to say. Maybe I should leave. I mean it's not like he wants to spend time with me, maybe they really are all like Dudley. I don't know if I can leave yet. I wonder how many people think that about me. I mean I was a savior and now look at me I can't even eat without permission. Out of the corner of my eye I see some people are leaving so I figure it's okay if I leave too.


    After the ceremony all the Slytherins left but not without the Professors and Perfects telling us the rules. Classes started and I was able to settle into a routine. Blaise pretty much ignored me and that's okay he seems pretty popular in slytherin and I don't want the attention. Attention leads to problems and problems could send me back to the Dursleys. I like it here. It would be a shame to have it ruined when it barely started. Cedric has been a big help with navigating the school and wizard world. I even learned the name of the blond slytherin.

    It was a bit confusing at first but soon everything came together. Classes were easy but History of Magic is something I could fall asleep to. It was interesting but boring. The blond haired slytherin's name is Draco Malfoy, he is my potions partner. It's nice that the Hufflepuff get to work with the Slytherins because potions can be kinda hard sometimes. I have talked to Draco a bit and he seems really nice. I wish he could have been my slytherin. 

    But like everything in my life, I don't get nice things. I don't get happiness. Blaise still avoids me like the plague. I've tried talking to him but everytime he sneers and curses my name like I'm worse than the dirt on his shoes. I would like to be his friend but I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that that may never happen. But the professors said that the Slytherin counterparts were going to be our protectors and best friends. The hat placed me in Hufflepuff to "heal". And it's been nice, but Blaise makes me feel worse about myself. He reminds me of the Dursleys.

    Cedric said that it would take time. But how long? He doesn't know me, just the rumors and the rumors make no sense. He tries his best to comfort me, sometimes it works. Everyone else was fine with their counterparts. Some were even making plans to visit during holidays. Call me selfish but I wanted that. I wanted to have a best friend like that. When I spoke to Professor Snape he said that Blaise was just being stubborn. Draco even tried to help. That ended with Blaise getting slapped upside the head by a few Slytherins. It was quite the scene. 

    We were all in the great hall for dinner when Draco started half yelling at Blaise. It had gained the attention of almost everyone. Draco was yelling at him to at least be civil. Which caused Blaise to retaliate by cursing my name further. No one intervened. More words were said before more Slytherins joined in defending myself and Draco. At some point Draco got fed up and decided to slap him. Theodore did too, followed by Vincent and Gregory. And three upperclassmen. By then Professor Snape had come down from the head table and dismissed all the boys back to their common room. I really didn’t mean to cause conflict like this but I wish he would just talk to me. I mean, is wanting a friend too much? 

    By the end of October I had made many friends in Slytherin but none were Blaise. My housemates continued to comfort me and tell me to move past it. How do I move past the fact that the person who is supposed to be my counterpart  hates the ground I walk on? My friends in Ravenclaw said the whole thing was silly. Sometimes I agree. It was laughable to a degree. The Gryffindors were the worst. They continued to taunt me. They would curse my name more than Blaise. "How is he a Hufflepuff?!" "I still think it was a mistake." "Weren't both his parents Gyffindors?" "His parents must be rolling in their graves." "The boy who lived is buddies with the slimy snakes."

    There were more claims and statements about me. Someone even thought I was a "snobby arsehole". How they got that idea is beyond me. I tried to steer clear of that house as much as possible I really just want to become invisible. Everything is so much easier when people don't know you are there, no taunts, no expectations, and no questions. People always asked questions at first. It's calmed down but occasionally someone still wants to see my scar or ask how I defeated The Dark Lord. Everything is getting annoying.

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