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Harry's POV

I felt myself waking up. I was looking forward to it but was also dreading today. I knew for facts I could walk again. I can only imagine the stares and looks I'll get. It'll be worse than ever.

"We know you're awake Harry." Curse you Blaise.

"No I'm not. You're dreaming." I kept my eyes close but I could still see the dramatic eye roll.

"Come on Harry!The sooner the day starts the sooner it ends." That... actually makes sense.

I open my eyes and look over at him. The git was still in bed too. The covers all the way up to his chin. He looked super comfortable and warm.

"If thats true why aren't you up Zabini?"

"This bed is too comfy.I don't think i can move.Why aren't you up Potter?" I sigh. During this time we've spent with each other. We've learned a lot about each other.

"I'm scared. No that's not right. Im worried. No, I was right before I'm so scared I don't think I can move." Silence. He doesn't say anything. I hear ruffling. Ignoring me again? Or is he getting dressed.

Neither was the right answer. I felt the bed dip. I turned around to find Blaise in front of me. So close I think we were sharing air. Time stopped as we laid there staring at each other. This is new. We're so close. I can feel his body heat. I didn't realize how cold it was down here until now.

"You don't have to be. I'm here for you now." He wrapped his arms around me. "We can protect you." I was taken aback. I really didn't expect this. Such a kind gesture from him. Not after everything. At least not so soon. It hasn't even been a week since this friendship formed and this is the level we're at? Amazing.It's different.

I laid my forehead against his shoulder and sighed. It was a content sigh.

"Thank you Blaise." We stayed like that for a while. Neither of us wanted to move. But we had to. The more time that passed the more challenging it was going to be to get up.

"I know we should get up but I really don't want to. Maybe we can both skip another day?" I chuckle.

"You know we can't. I've missed too many days already. And you shouldn't be missing school because of me." He groaned and rolled over, Cute.

"You're the one that said the sooner the better." He mumbles under his breath and gets up. I follow suit.

"Harry?," I hum in response. "Now that you're better can we hang out more? And it's okay if you don't want to. Maybe we could do more sleepovers? No thats worse." I chuckle lightly. This is new for him. I didn't think he could be nervous. Especially with me.

"I'd like that. And we can take turns sleeping in each other's dorm. Not sure what we'd be doing but thats part of the fun right?"

"Yes of course. We can talk like usual or play games. Maybe even prank some of the others. Especially the gryffindors." He had a sly look on his face. And I couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

We finish getting dressed and doing morning routines just in time. Lilac was about to bring us breakfast. We were close to agreeing. But we didn't. We decided that we need to be strong and face the music.

We walked down to breakfast together. Most of the Hufflepuffs were very confused and shocked when they saw Blaise and I together. But no one said anything. Just stared.

"Don't be so nervous. Be confident. Show them you're better than this." Blaise whispered in my ear. Or at least I think it was Blaise. His voice was different. A good difference. I think I had heard it before. Many times. Like when he gets angry. He's right though. I have to be strong.

I straighten my back and walk confidently by his side. He smiled at me. Cute. Walking into the great hall though was a different story. All talking stopped as we walked in. Or rather when I walked in.

Murmurs erupted from all sides. No,no,no,no,no. I can't do this. I- I need to leave. I turned to walk out but bumped into something. Someone.

"Harry calm down. It's okay. Breathe. That's it. Calm down." Blaise? Though he still sounds different Thank merlin. I listened to his voice. It was nice. I smiled at him and thanked him.

"Do you want me to sit with you?" Yes.

"Not if you don't want to. You've been with me a lot. It's okay if you want to hang out with your other friends." He smiled and started to walk towards the Hufflepuff table. Thank god he chose to stay. Or is it something else.

We tried walking over to Sam and the others. Their reactions were enough to tell us that it wasn't a good idea. So we sat at the end of the table.There was so much space between everyone and us. I put my head down in shame. Why are they like this? I didn't do anything! I haven't done anything. I've been gone for days now. They should have been over it by now.

"Keep your head up. Act somewhat normal . Don't show that it's affecting you." I look to Blaise.

"Do you really want to be with me like this?" He gives me a look.

"I feel like you don't want me around. The way you keep questioning me."

"I do!" He laughs.

"I was joking. I know what you meant. Besides why wouldn't I want to be around you. This way I can keep you all to myself. The others don't know what they're missing." I'm starting to feel a bit nervous now. If he keeps talking like that. (KL:Talkin' Like what Harry *wink wink*)

We talk throughout breakfast almost like a normal day. Almost. I would notice the stares people gave us.Like animals in a zoo. But Blaise would distract me. And of course the whispering. Some tried to be sneaky and others were just shameless? Is that the right word to describe them? I'm not sure but it fits.

At this time I really thanked whoever was listening for gracing me with nice Blaise. He seemed to be the only student that didn't despise me. But we got up to leave and it hit me that we didn't have any classes together..I can see myself running out of classes already. Todays going to be a disaster.

I was more or less right. Everyone avoided me. If I tried to start a conversation they'd look at me with disgust and turn away. Much like Blaise when we first met. And I was so on edge. I couldn't relax. The constant fear that Weasley or any Gryfiindor was trying to hurt me constantly in the front of my mind. I hated it! I hated how it's their fault! I hated them!

I'm just waiting for this horrible day to end. I just want to be alone. Scratch that. I want everything to go back to normal. I'm already alone. So I guess I just want everyone to leave me alone. Yeah that sounds about right. 

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