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Harry's POV Part 1

I was woken up in the rudest way possible. A pillow to the head.

"Really Blaise?! You scared me half to death."

"It's time to get up, Potter. Unless you want to face Snapes wrath."

"I don't have any clothes." I can't wear the ones from yesterday. They're all wrinkly.

"Um, check the nightstand?" My nightstand? I didn't even realize it was here last night.

"Oh wow. My robes are in here. How did you know?"

"Lucky guess?" Should I bring up last night? I think I should but would he be mad? Only one way to find out.

"What you said last night about being afraid. What were you talking about?"

"We spoke last night?"

"You don't remember?" You said that you were afraid of going away again." His breathing sped up and he started to shake. I watched in awe for a moment.

"Blaise! Snap out of it!" He didn't respond. I was right in front of him at this point.

"Blaise are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine." He was so obviously lying.

"You don't look okay."

"I'm fine Potter." Back to Potter. And we were doing so well..

"Harry I promise i'm fine." Nevermind maybe we're doing better than i thought.

"Get dressed or else Snape might get you." Since I had finished getting dressed I left with a smile. But the interaction wouldn't leave me alone.

He was neutral when he spoke to me. Nothing like yesterday. What was up with him this morning. He looked so tired. So hurt. But the race couldn't possibly have messed him up so badly. I wonder what it could be. I'll just ask him in class. That is if he can even make it.

I want to talk to him. I want to know why he's acting like he doesn't remember anything. He could be telling the truth.He did seem curious though. So maybe he really doesn't remember anything. But what could have happened to make him lose his memory?

"Harry!" I turn around and almost collide with Sam. And we walk to breakfast together.

"Hey Sam"

"So how as last night with Blaise? I don't see any bruises so thats good.

"He wouldn't fight me" I don't fully believe that. If my own family can treat like they do. A complete stranger can do worse.

"Dude I'm sure if he could he'd get rid of you permanently." I laugh nervously. His threat from last night suddenly a painful reminder Sam might be right.

"He might today," It's Pansy. I haven't really talked to her before but I know her and Draco are friends.

"Why?" He seemed okay earlier.

"He's in a bad mood. If looks could kill Draco would be dead."

"Did Draco provoke him? Blaise was cool earlier."

"It's way too early for this."

"I agree. In a way he did." Well that was dumb.

"He asked Blaise if he was alright. More than once. Guess that just annoyed him." She shrugged and walked off. Even eating I couldn't get him out of my head. He was just there. Stuck in my head unmoving. I didn't even realize I had been staring at him.

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