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Severus' POV

I already have a feeling todays going to be a wreck. I really don't want to leave my bed today. I know Dumbledore will have a lot of things to say. Then I have to figure out what to say to Blaise. Thank merlin I have all day for that.

But Albus will want to see me immediately. Guess I better think of something to say. I get up, reluctantly, and go to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I also wash my hair. I'm doing that more these days. It feels nice having all the chemicals out.

I decided to go with a different look again. I lose the cape and the button up. Though I'm still going to wear all black. You can take the black off the man but not the black out the man. I decide to wear black slacks with a black turtleneck and since I'm not wearing my long outer robe I take out the short black cloak.

I look over myself in the mirror. I don't look too bad. Maybe I'll start switching it up from now on. I might go out and buy some more things in green and yellow. I'd say red but then i might need to see a doctor. Time to face the music. Walking to the great hall was taxing on me to say the least. I really am not looking forward to Albus and I's conversation.

Walking in through the teachers door I head straight for my seat.

"Nice outfit Severus. And you cleaned your hair again."

"Thank you Minerva, You look as regal as ever."

I look around at all the faces. Looks like nobody was expecting this. I sit down and begin to eat. Only thing is my hair keeps getting in the way. When's the last time I got it cut? No matter. I pull out a hair tie and put it in a ponytail like last time.

"Ah Severus, I see you made it breakfast. Are you planning aon missing lunch with both Slytherin and Hufflepuff?" He really wants to have this conversation at breakfast.

"Depends on classes." He turns to me.

"I'm serious Severus. Everyone was worried when neither house turned up."

"Neither I or Pomona came to dinner either meaning we were most likely with them. I can't imagine anyone missing the Slytherins. Or the hufflepuffs. You and I both know nobody likes them.'

"Well the house is full of liars and snakes." How could he say such a thing.

"You forget the all mighty Merlin was a Slytherin. And we both know you only say that because of Voldemort."

"And you know not to say his name. Names have power, Severus."

"I'm well aware, Albus." I see Pomona frowning in the corner of my eye. Me too Pomona. Dumbledore truly believes that that madman is back. I need more evidence then just a stone missing. But it is weird that...okay so maybe. It's a possibility. That I really hope is wrong.

If this man is released upon the world again it'll be worse than last time. He'll be out for revenge. He'll stop at nothing to get it. Oh god I'll have to start spying again. I don't want that. I really don't want that. I need to breathe.

"You don't look that well Severus." Albus, bloody hell! Deep breaths.

"I need to go set up some things for class." With that I stand and leave. I can see Pomona standing and leaving too. We Slytherins always stick with the Hufflepuffs and vice versa. That's a thing that'll never change. It makes me wonder. Who was Voldemort's Hufflepuff and what happened? It had to be something bad to have caused this long ass war. I pray that if he's back we all die a normal death.

Blaise's POV Part 1

Waking up was a challenge. I felt drained of all energy. Ugh, I haven't felt this bad since I was younger. I don't think I can even move. But I need to get up. I need to write to my mother. Hopefully she'll have some kind of answer. NO YOU MUSTN'T.And what is this voice. Ugh. So many questions.

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