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Harry's POV

I basically jogged to the dungeons. I want to be around as few people as possible. As I was nearing the potions room the door opened. Students came rushing out. Like always, they want to get away from Snape as soon as possible. So mean. He's not mean, just strict. I waited by the door for Blaise. The slytherins showed clear disgust at seeing me. The gryffindors said snide comments. Petty things like stuff about how my eyes were like snakes.

I hugged myself and tried to disappear into the wall. Sadly magic wasn't on my side. I finally saw Blaise walk out the door. I grabbed his arm and yanked him over to me.

"Harry?I almost cursed you. What are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you asap. I've got news."

"So do we. Let's head-"

"To your room, sounds like a plan." He furrowed his eyebrows as he nodded slowly.

"So guess what happened? I was sitting in the common room when-" I was shut up by Blaise covering my mouth.

"Not here, wait till we get to our room. The walls have ears after all." I looked around. I nodded and his hand retracted. I think I might know what he means by "the walls have ears". One, the students around us were obviously listening in. Especially the Slytherins. And two, the paintings love to gossip for some reason. He grabbed my hand and we raced to the slytherin dorms. Heads turned as we tried not to bump into anyone.

"So is this good news or bad?"

"A lil bit of both, what about you Blaise?"

"I'm not sure. It could be good depending on-" I looked at him curiously. A look prompting him to continue.

"It's complicated." We walked in silence the rest of the way. I watched as his features changed. It looked like he was stressing about something. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes had a slight twitch. Like he was annoyed by something. Or someone? Did I say something wrong? It could've been someone in class. Everyone is always trying to push Blaise's buttons.

In no time we were walking into the Slytherin common room and facing the disgruntled looks of our peers. A group one the couches hurried to get their books and notes.

"No need to get your knickers in a twist. We're going to my room." A scowl covered his features. Definitely annoyed by something. The group glared back. Clearly annoyed as well. Blaise scoffed and turned toward the staircase. I followed close behind him.

I could hear him muttering curses under his breath. Some sounded like spells, some were muggle. Things that I hadn't ever heard before.

"Blaise, are you alright?" He hummed in response. Clearly not listening. I sighed and continued to follow him. It felt like I hadn't been here in forever.Which was true. I haven't been here in forever. We usually stay in my room because Blaise doesn't want me around the Slytherins or he just doesn't want to be here.

He opened the door and motioned for me to enter. Always the gentleman. I walked over to my bed that was always there. I jumped slightly when the door was slammed. Hard. To the point where I think I felt the ground shake. But that's not possible. The castle is old and made out of stone.

I turned around to face him. I thought he was across the room but he was directly in front of me. A little closer than usual.

"Uh, Blaise, was that, um, necessary?" He raised one of his eyebrows coolly.

"Would you rather I do that to the others? Cause I would gladly do that. No hesitation." He looked to the side and made a face. He took a breath and backed away. I breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't exactly scare me but he made me worry sometimes. Not for myself but for him.

"As much as I would love that Blaise."He shot me a glare. "Hey don't look at me like that. I don't want you getting expelled for fighting some random kid. If we're gonna get expelled for fighting we might as well go after Ron and the others." He raised another eyebrow.

"We?" I forced the urge to roll my eyes back.

"Yes "we". You think I'd let you leave here without me." He smiled softly.He moved closer to me again.

"Promise me something then."I nod and he continues. "You promise not to leave me when he tells you next year."

"What are you talking about? Who's he and what is he telling me next year?Why next year? Should I be worried?" I was rambling and we both knew it. Blaise smiled fondly even though he looked like he was in pain.

"Answer at least one question?" He agrees. "Who's he?" He smirks.

"Blaise." I stood there completely still.I was shocked and extremely confused. Blaise? What does that even mean? Is there another Blaise here? Or maybe his twin? But a twin with the exact same name. That doesn't make any sense.

I was so stupefied I didn't even see Blaise fall to his knees. All I felt was him grab onto my arm as he fell.

"Blaise?!" He was muttering all kinds of curses aimed at himself. "I'm going to go get Snape. Or someone." I was getting up when he grabbed my wrist.

"No! We're fine! We're fine." He was breathing heavily and sweat had started to develop on his skin. He's so clearly not fine. "Please Harry." He continued to breath heavily as he tried to stand. I went to help him but he pushed me away.

"Harry, please promise me, please!" He was begging me.

"Yes, I promise." I'm so confused. What's going on with him? He sighed and fell into my arms. My knees buckled under the weight and we both fell.

"BLAISE! Oh my god!"

"Ugh. My gods stop screaming." Stop screaming. He just- just...I don't even know what just happened.

"Blaise you just fell into my arms after making me make a weird promise. Which I promise I'll keep. But what just happened?" He sat up and looked at me nervously before heavily sighing.

"I promise, I'm fine. Everythings okay. It'll all make sense next year."

"Then answer one question for me. Why do you use "we"?" He seemed hesitant to answer. Like saying one word would spill everything.

"I've got a problem. There's no way to solve it. But I've got it under control. Just bare with me. Please?" That didn't answer the question. Now I want to know more than before.

"I will never understand you." I smiled at him weakly. He smiled back.

"That's the best thing you've ever said to me" We laughed lightly. I sighed and pulled him in for a hug. He scared me so badly I thought I would have a heart attack.

"Can we please get to what we came here for? Gossip."

"I wouldn't call it gossip. Something akin to it though."

"Did you just say akin? Harry, how old are you really?"

"You're one to talk with all your wise sayings."

"You first Harry."

"How about we move to our beds first." He nodded. Looks like we're just gonna act like nothing just happened till next year. 


Taking a small break. Be back in a week or so. School is around the corner and we have stuff to do before that. We also have some minor writers block. So yeah, see yall in a week or something.

King Lethal

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