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Disclaimer:Im aware the cauldrons are actually small but for the sake of this story them shits is big enough for a person. Onto the story.
Harry cracked his fingers nervously as they walked to Professor Snapes office after dinner. He had been nervous since Blaise had told him about the meeting. 'Hope hes not backing out.' Blaze said threateningly.
'You wouldn't hurt Harry if he did, would you?'
'No of course not. I'd just have more fun with those bullies.' He hated but loved to think about all the things Blaze would do to them.
They knocked on the Professor's door and waited for him to open the door. The dour man swung open the door. His face a bit grim but there was glint in his eye. Common when he looked at Slytherins. "Come in, quickly now." He swiftly shut the door behind them. He led them to the couch. They had much to discuss.
"Boys. Before we start, you must understand that what we're about to do could do damage to us all." The two boys shared a look of slight worry. Yes what they were about to do was bad and down right dirty but the other three boys deserved it. Blaise looked Snape dead in the eye. "All the more fun." And Snape was sure he could see Blaze behind Blaise's purple eyes. He turned his gaze to Harry. The boy was far too young to be going down this path. But Snape couldn't find it in himself to not help the boys with this.
It just felt right to him. He couldn't explain it but it did. Maybe it was because he saw himself in Harry and Blaise, just a bit. Or it could be the crushing guilt and shame on his shoulders pressuring him. He was sworn to protect the boy, not help him seek revenge. What a surprising turn of events this is.
"I have a potion that can cause severe boils on a person. These boils can not be spelled or cured by any remedy. The only way to get rid of them is to wait them out. I will give the boys detention and have them brew this potion. You my little snakes will knock them into the potion." Once he finished explaining everything he looked at the boys. Trying to read their eyes.
Blaise was loving the idea. It was simple and easy. And they wouldn't have to try too hard to mess it up. The three bullies weren't even that good at potions to begin with. When he looked over to his best friend he was grinning. Clearly excited.
"I like it. How long does it last?"
"About a week and half."
Their eyes went wide. This was even better. Harry started laughing. Almost rejoicing in the news.
"The sooner we can do this the better."
"Tuesday?" Snape offered. Blaise looked over to Harry. This was his call.
"Fine with me."
Snape nodded stood up from his seat and started walking toward the door. The young men took the hint for what it was and quickly followed after him. "I will see you then." 
To lighten the heavy aura around them the boys decided they would sleep in the hufflepuff dorms. They walked in complete silence, each thinking different things.
When they reached their shared room they fell back onto Harry's bed letting out a sigh.
"I cant wait see how this goes."
"Mhm. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm kinda worried."
Harry whipped his head to face him. "Thats surprising. Why though?"
Blaise let out another deep breath. "I'm not even sure. Maybe I'm just too excited. I really don't know what this feeling is."
"We're still young with tons of things to learn about ourselves. And the world around us."
"Yeah, I guess that's true."
"Ugh! Tuesday's gonna take forever to get here now!"
"Maybe we can just sleep till then."
"Mhmmmmm if only that were possible."
"Well, its possible for now. Lets get in our pajamas and go to bed." They pushed themselves up from the bed and walked to their personal dressers to change.
When Blaise was done changing he was about to lay down when Harry stopped him. "Soooo you're not sleeping with me tonight?"
"I wasn't aware you wanted me to."
"Of course. But if you'd rather sleep alone thats totally fine. I'd never want to force you to do anything you didn't want to do."
"Good to know." He grabbed his pillow off his bed and walked over to Harry's bed. "But I sleep better next you anyway."

Day of the Detention of Rack of Ruin also known as Tuesday
"I probably should've asked this yesterday but what exactly is the plan?"
Blaise turned to his friend wide eyed. They were currently eating some snacks Blaise's mother had sent to him in the Slytherin common room Apparently they were from Japan. (Wagashi are traditional Japanese confections that are often served with green tea)
"You big dummy." He sighed and shook his head. "We're gonna get to dinner early so we can eat then immediately leave. From there we'll head to potions. Theres supposed to be a potion for us to drink that will temporarily give us invisibility. A few minutes later Snape will enter with the boys. Snape will get them to make the potion and when they're finished, we push them into the cauldrons."
"But there's three of them."
"Guess we'll just have to be quick." Blaise smirked. "Don't worry Harry. We've got this on lock."
Harry sighed, smiling warily he nodded. He trusted Blaise. To lighten the mood that had fallen upon them Harry changed the topic. "Have you traveled a lot?"
"Not really. Mom usually keeps me locked up at home." He scrambled to to correct himself. "Well not literally. She usually just travels with her husband. She brings be back stuff though."
"That sounds lonely."
Blaise huffs out a breath. "It is. But I have you to write tons of letters to!" He smiled widely.
"Our owls are definitely going to go on strike against us." They sat and laughed together til one of them needed to get to class. Promising the other they'd talk later.
"Jeez Harry you're making me nervous."
"Sorry. I'm just scared I'll mess up."
"You really don't need to be. From what I heard they'll probably jump into the cauldrons."
Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"
"Heard some Gryffindors talking about how Snape went crazy in class today because they almost set the classroom on fire. But with what we have planned I wonder if thats true or not." Harry hummed in thought. They walked the rest of the way to the hall in silence. This dinner was going to be a quick one.
There would be no tasting of new treats from across the globe. No long conversation that would keep them there for hours. No this dinner was going to be quick so they could go and exact revenge.
They decided they would sit at the Slytherin table so they could see their soon to be victims. With Harry being so nervous Blaise and Blaze were both on high alert. Rather more alert than normal. Nothing would go wrong, of this they were sure.
"Let me pick dinner tonight?"
Harry sighed relieved. He felt a little embarrassed that he was so nervous he couldn't even pick his own food. He nodded to his best friend. Blaise smiled and picked out simple things. Gazpacho, a soup from Spain with garlic bread, vegetables and a glass of water instead of Harry's regular pumpkin juice.
After that he grabbed his own dinner which consisted of Tom yum or tom yam from Thailand. With warm dinner rolls and vegetables. And a glass of soda water. Harry never understood why his friend liked it. He found the taste unsettling.  
"Earth to Harry."
"If you don't want to do this thats fine. We can just go straight to bed and forget about this."
He can go. Im going through with it.
Blaise had to hold back the urge to roll his eyes at Blaze.
"No....Like I said earlier Im just worried Ill mess up. What if I push him in late or something."
"A reasonable concern. How about we cross that bridge when we get there?"
Under his breath he said, "We'll be crossing it soon.." Blaise and Blaze ignored the comment and went back to eating.
Surprisingly Harry was done first. He made that known by bouncing his leg at a rapid pace. Blaise was on his 5th dinner roll by this time so he decided they may as well leave. Maybe the walk there would calm him?
He sighed. "Come on Harry. Let's go."
"Are you sure? It looked like you were enjoying the rolls."
"They are delicious but we do have places to be and havoc to wreak." Blaise smirked.
Blaise was right. Walking did clear Harry's head. By the time they reached the dungeons Harry could barely contain himself. They pushed opened the door and walked inside. On the Professors desk they found two potions addressed to them. They downed them and waited for them to take affect.
"Where should I stand?"
"Behind his station. So you are neither in the way but have the perfect opening." Blaise said and directed him.
"Where will you be?"
Blaise walked over to his position. "Right here." He raised his eyebrow. "What is it?"
"Your legs." Blaise's legs had disappeared. Like they were see through.
"Professor Snape is truly a genius." He began to mess with them as if thats how he could figure out how it worked.
"Yes he is." He paused. "But Blaise that means we cant see each other either. How will I know when to push him?" 
"Pay close attention. When they turn off the heat they'll wait two minutes to bottle it. So right before they do we push them in." he turned to look directly in his eyes. Before they disappeared. "Harry take caution. This potion is also designed so even if we don't push them in and they spill it on themselves they'll still get boils."
And with that they were gone from each others eyes. He continued to stare at the spot where his friend stood. Almost afraid that if he were to look away he'd not be able to find the spot again. Worried that if he voiced his thoughts that the Professor and others would walk in and he'd have ruined everything.
'I wonder if he's looking this way?' The boys thought to themselves. Waiting in pure silence. Which both hated. 5 minutes later the door opened. Pulling the duo from their stupor. In walked the dour man and three sullen Gryffindors. Their mood was about to worsen.
"The potion you are about to attempt to make is one that is for 2 years. But if you follow the directions you will succeed. The directions are on your desks. Along with the ingredients. Try not to mess up. It will be costly." That seemed to have chilled the poor boys to the bone.
But it only made Blaise and Blaze more giddy for whats to come. Harry smirks as he watches Dean walk to stand in front of him. All thoughts of what ifs and doubts disappear from his mind as he asks time to speed up so he can finally get his revenge.
     He clenches and unclenches his hands in anticipation. Looking over to see who stood in front of Blaise. It was Ron. 'I can almost see him smirking.' Harry almost laughed aloud at the thought. 'He'll probably use all his strength too. No! I need to focus. Gotta watch the fire.' He turned back to watching his....prey. He didn't want to use the word victim for them. It seemed too kind. And they didn't deserve that. At least not now.
Now some might say they took it to far, but they know they didn't. Blaise was quick to shove Ron into his cauldron when the time came. He distantly heard a second splash from his other side. He didn't even wait to look and rejoice before turning on his heels to quickly to get the other boy but found him with his legs kicking in the air. He couldnt help the smirk on his face. He knew Snape had a hand in that. He looked over to where Harry was supposed to be and almost groaned.
He forgot he couldnt see him. He would've done anything to see the look on his best friends face.Was he smiling? Holding back his laughter? Did he look horrified at what he'd done? So many thoughts ran through his mind, he imagined Harry had even more then himself.
Their revenge had been nothing if not sweet. Harry emerged from that lab victorious, no longer a victim but a conqueror. And while neither really condoned violence or revenge, they would never forget that moment of triumph.

A/N yup bishes I'm back. School was hard. Had a bad breakup. And had to move. So sorry I took some time off. But hey. I'm back and better than ever. With hopefully longer chapters. Also THANKS SO FUCKING MUCH. Y'all got this story to 100k reads, you honestly have no idea what that means to me. I just can't even. Thanks all of you!

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