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Harry's POV Part 2

Ugh, this headache won't go away. It feels like it's been hours. But realistically it was only a few minutes. I don't think I'll be able to make it to bed. It hurts. Everything hurts so much. They really did a number on me.

Maybe I will reach the bed. Spoke too soon. My stomach lurched as soon as I reached the bedside.I dropped to my knees in anguish. Why did they do this? I don't even know them.

They don't know me. So why did they hurt me? I can feel the need to sleep. So close yet so far. I close my eyes as silent tears roll down my face.I wonder if anyone will notice my absence. Let the sleep take away my pain. If only for a while.

I guess I slept for a while. I could still feel my aching body though. I had hoped it would somehow disappear because I fell asleep. No such luck. I would have slept in even more had it not been for the knocking at my door. I moved to get up but instantly regretted it. A sharp pain went through my shoulder.

I can't let anyone see me like this. I'm a wreck.

"Harry dear , are you in there?" Oh no! Its Sprout. That's even worse than a student.

"I hope you're decent, I'm coming in." NO! I tried to yell but it just came out as a muffled yelp. She came in. Im completely screwed.

"Now why aren't you at dinner? And what is that-" Her eyes landed on me. She raced across the room and started frantically looking over me.

"Oh my, what happened to you dear boy?" I couldn't hold it in. I burst into tears right then. She didn't turn around and leave me. She wants to know what happened. She's worried about me. A freak. A pathetic hufflepuff. She cradles my beaten body trying to calm me down. She does just a little.

"Can you walk?' I shake my head no.

"Okay just relax,I'm going to levitate you." I nod. She leads me toward the bathroom..

"Child , you need to take a bath and get that smell of piss off of you.. Did you pee on yourself?" I look at anything that isn't her.

"There is no need to be embarrassed..' Thats not it. I open my mouth to speak but comes out in gasps..

She transfigures a glass and spells water into it. I drink it like it's an elixir of life.

"Thank you." She nods and sits me down on the toilet.

"Now tell me what happened to you child." I took deep breaths to calm myself down before I told her.

"I was walking in the hall on my way to transfiguration," and I told her everything.while she healed my bruises. "They kept calling me a parseltongue snake. I have no idea what that means though." She sighs.

"Parseltongue is the language of snakes. Only Two people in the world were known to speak it."

"Who were they?" I was curious. Does that make me even more of a freak?

"Salazar Slytherin and He-who-must-not-be-named." I gasp.

"Tell me who the kids were who did this?" I looked away from her. Weasley said if I told anyone they'd do it again.

"Weasley did it?"

"I said that out loud?" She laughs.

"They won't hurt you again Harry. I'll be having a little chat with Minerva about this tomorrow along with the headmaster. You need not worry." I smile sadly. I don't really believe her. The lions can get away with anything as long as Dumbldore favors them.

"How do you feel?"

"Much better thank you."

"Now you need to take a shower and get that horrid stench off you. I'll burn the clothes you're wearing while you shower.After we can have dinner."


I watch as she leaves the bathroom. I lied when I said it felt better. I was still in so much pain. But at least I could walk now. Before it was like I was crippled. I slowly take off the soiled clothing. I hope they burn for this. I didn't deserve this at all. I step into the shower making sure to hold onto the handle lest I fall.

I turn it on and just let it roll off me. Feeling the hot water felt heaven sent. I don't think I'll be getting out anytime soon. Not just because of the water but I smell horrendous. I grab the soap and start to wash my body. I shampoo and condition my hair. And just to make sure I don't smell I wash my body again.

I step out of the shower to find clothes laid out for me. They're green silk pajamas. It felt so nice against my skin after being in the soiled clothes for so long. Where are the soiled clothes anyway? Oh yeah, Sprout said she was going to burn them. I thought she was joking.

I walk out of the bathroom and the cool air hits my face along with the savory scent of beef wellington and steamed vegetables. I didn't realize I was so hungry before. I must have missed lunch too.

"You look much better Harry."

"I feel much better, thank you." She waves her hand dismissively.

"Come now, you missed lunch and almost missed dinner. You need to eat." I ran over to the table she conjured. It's like I got hungrier the closer I got to the food.

"Manners Harry."

"Yes Professor." Forget manners, after today I think I deserve a break. Maybe if I ask nicely enough she'll let me skip tomorrow.

"Hey Professor, can I skip tomorrow?" She smiles sadly at me.

"You're still in pain? Aren't you?"

"Well yes I am but I can walk better now. I just don't want to see anyone. And I'm sure my hair still stinks. I don't want more people to hurt me like they did."

"Who were the other two students?"

"They were his friends.I don't understand how people can be so cruel. I still don't even know the reason behind the attack." She sighed heavily.

"As you know the Gryffindors the Slytherins have been in a feud since the founding of hogwarts. The Slytherins kept to themselves and over the years got used to being ostracized. The lions were always at their throat. Then he happened. All of the slytherins were accused of being in league with him."

"You mean Voldemort?" She looked at me shocked and scared .

"Never say his name. Do you understand?"

"It's just a name." Why does it matter? If I say it three times will he appear?

"Names have power Harry." So does that mean he'll appear?

"As I said earlier, HE could speak parseltongue too. Everyone thought he was the only other person who could speak the language. The language is seen as evil. Just because of the people connected to it." Why is she telling me all of this?

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Harry, they attacked you because you are a parselmouth." This is insane!

"Have you ever spoken to a snake before today?" No! Wait actually...

"At the zoo. The glass enclosure went away and Dudley fell in. And when the snake slithered out. It spoke to me. I spoke back. I didn't even think twice about it."She yawned and began to get up.

"It's late. You go on and get to bed. I'll have someone bring you work tomorrow while you rest." And just like that i was left alone with my thoughts. I can't believe it. I refuse to believe that the reason behind the attack was because I speak some weird language. There has to be more than just that.

But then again. The more I think about it the more plausible it sounds. How could they do such a thing to me? I'm not evil. At least I don't think I am. Am I? Ugh, I won't be getting any sleep tonight. Thank god I have tomorrow off.

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