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Harry's POV

I was interrupted by the door opening. Both of our heads whipped towards it. Who the heck was barging in unannounced and uninvited. So rude. It was not surprisingly another Hufflepuff. I didn't know who he was. BUt as soon as he saw us he let out a squeak and ran off.

Leaving the door wide open. Rude. Haven't these people heard of privacy. I was about to get up and close it when I saw two more people peek into the room. I sighed. These kids are gonna drive me up the wall.

As soon as my feet hit the floor the door swung closed with a slam. Startled, I stopped all movement. I barely remembered to breathe.

"Cool trick, don't ya think?" I looked back at Blaise. He was sitting his wand back on the nightstand.

"You did that? You did that." Well I think it's time I got some sleep. Because I must be hearing things. Then again he did throw some kids across a freaking train. In response all he did was nod with a wide grin.

"Did you have to slam it so hard?"

"Sorry we got irritated." Guess now's a good time to ask.

"What did you do over the break?"

"Oh, um, we, we didn't do much. Just spent some time with our mom. It was pretty awkward and tense though. Not as relaxing as it should have been. Oh! We started meditating. To help our temper and focus. It clearly isn't working all that well." Is he nervous? Nahh.

"You just started so give it time. I'm sure you can do it. But I wasn't aware you had a quick temper." I mean sure he got angry but not for no reason. All he did was stare blankly at me. Then it turned to shock. Like he couldn't believe what I just said.

"Well I guess you haven't seen all of our outbursts. But there's no denying the fact that we have been zoning out a lot." Thats true. But I mean there's not much else to do when no one will talk to you.

"Hey, we know exactly what you're thinking. And I wouldn't want to be an outcast with anyone other than you." The smile he sent my way was blinding. He's beautiful.

"Are you ready for classes tomorrow? I know I'm not."

"I think I am. Let's hope it goes well." Yeah, hope.

"Let's go to bed. It's getting late." He nodded and laid down. We laid down but continued to talk. Looks like we won't be getting much sleep.


When it was time to wake up we were very reluctant. True to my word we didn't get much sleep. But it was worth it. I looked over at Blaise. I thought he was asleep so I grabbed my pillow and chucked it at him.

I was wrong. He caught it before it could hit him. He then threw it back at me. I tried to dodge it but still got hit.

"Not fair."

"Aww is the baby mad." He still hadn't turned to face me but I could hear the smirk he undoubtedly had on his face.

"Get up ya jerk."

"Me? A jerk? You're the one throwing pillows at 7 am." He's got me there.

"UGHHHHH. We never need to do that again."

"Yeah never again." We shared a look. A look that said. We both know it's a lie. Which it was. And I'm glad we both know that.

"What classes do you have today?" I look over at him. He was staring at the wall. Not moving an inch. I shook my head fondly. He looked kinda cute zoned out. Completely unaware of things around him. I walked over and shook his shoulder. He flinched but relaxed when he saw me.

"What classes do you have today?"

"Oh. Uh. Potions and History of Magic. What about you?"

"DADA and the history of magic." Wait. Do we share a class? No. It's been months.

"At what time?" He looked at me with a skeptic stare.

"1:50" We said in unison. We looked at each other quizzically.

"We've been in the same class for months and haven't even noticed!"

"I'm confused. How have we been basically living in each other's rooms and not noticing?" I'd like to know that too Blaise. We continued the conversation as we walked down the stairs to the common room.

"Where do you sit?"

"In the back of course." That's the-

"Only place for outcasts like us."

"Oh my god, Blaise, are you a mind reader?" He gave me a confused look.

"Not that I know of, why?"
"Because I was thinking the exact same thing." He stared at me for a few seconds before laughing.

"Hey, I think I know why we never noticed each other before."

"Oh really."

"Yeah. Professor Binns is so boring. We're both probably sleeping in his class and never notice each other. That's the only reason I can think of."

"You just might be right, Blaise." Walking into the great hall we said our goodbyes and split up. It's not like we won't be seeing each other in an hour. But sitting so far away from the only person I can talk to....

Maybe I should sit at the end of the table. That way I can be closer to the As I sat down I quickly looked up to the Slytherin table. Searching for Blaise. He wasn't in the middle like usual. I scanned the table and saw that he had sitten directly across from me. I was a little surprised and taken aback when I saw him staring. It was like he was staring at me but wasn't actually looking. Oh. He's spaced out. How do I get his attention from over here?

Harry. Um. What the heck was that? I searched the hall for the voice. Wait, was it? I looked across to Blaise. He was waving at me. I waved back. But the voice. It sounded familiar. Maybe it was. Blaise motioned to his plate. We both need to eat. So I told him to eat too.

Once again we ate while trying to communicate. This is gonna get annoying real quick. Well it's already annoying. Having only one person to talk to is loney. I picked at the eggs and bacon on my plate. Having zoned out for most of breakfast, I didn't notice people starting to leave until Blaise came up to me.

"Come on man. You zoned out so bad people are starting to stare." There was a slight teasing tone. I just barely noticed. As my eyes focused I realized where I had been staring. Right at the gryffindor table. But it was whom I was staring at that was important. 

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