50(For real this time)

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"First years over!" Blaise fell back onto his bed. A sad but content sigh slipping past his lips.
"Yeah. I don't want to leave." Harry spoke from his bed. They had just finished packing their trunks. "I'm going to miss this."
"Stop being so dramatic. You said that, like we were going away for more than a year."
"We might as well. The longest we went without seeing each other is two or three hours! Two months are going to feel like a year."
Blaise smiled weakly at his partner in crime. Literally.
Blaise was in his room doing homework waiting for Harry to get back from class. He was struggling to write an essay for Charms. It was so easy it was hard. Which only frustrated him more.
'I'm back and I have a plan.' Blaise flinched and looked around the room in surprise. He almost didnt recognise Blaze's voice.
"Hello to you too." Blaise was a bit salty. Had Blaze been gone any longer he would have passed three weeks. Almost three weeks without a word from him and the first thing he says isn't even 'Hi, I missed you. Did you miss me?'
'I get that you're bitter but it can wait. We need to talk to Snape.'
Blaise rolled his eyes. "Can it?" Annoyance evident. There was silence. Then a tired sigh.
'You knew how long I would be gone.'
"Even so. I don't even get a 'Hey how have you been?'. No, it's straight to the point."
'Blaise we don't have that much time till school is out. I want to get Harry his revenge as soon as possible. So excuse me if I speed pass pleasantries. We share body and mind and we can talk whenever. " Blaze sighed more heavily this time. 'After this we can talk about what I missed. But while the plan is still fresh in our head we have to tell Snape. He is vital for it to work.'
Blaise huffed. He was annoyed. But Blaze was right. So he sucked it up and left to find Snape. Hoping the man was teaching class.
As the door to the potions lab opened Snape snapped his head to look at who dared to interrupt his class. In walked Blaise Zabini. He had a serious look on his face. Snape could see it in his eyes that something had happened. 
"Mr. Zabini, why are you interrupting my class?"
'Zabini, you'd better have a good excuse.' Without a good excuse Snape would be forced to send him away.
"Mcgongall sent me. There was an altercation."
Snape had to hold back a smirk. "Stay on task." He commanded the class before walking over to the door that led to his private rooms. He held the door open for Blaise to enter. Once the door was shut and they had moved a ways away so that no one could hear them they began to talk.
"Blaze has returned."
'Figures.' Snape thought. "And? What does that mean for you?"
"It means revenge. He's got a plan." Swiftly Blaise switched places with Blaze. Something that he missed doing.  Getting to sit back and not have to worry about things for a while.
"This plan is extremely tricky and without your help and maybe Sprouts it can't be done. Will you help us?"
"Always." The familiar phrase left his mouth too quickly. But he couldn't dwell on it. "What is it you need me to do?"
    Blaze smirked.  "The plan is to get all three( or four) of the future criminals in one room. You need to give all of them detention."
Snape smirks. "Too easy".
"During this detention of rack and ruin they'll be brewing a very easy potion."At this part Blaise interrupts. "How is this a revenge plot?"
"Let me finish and you'll find out." Rolling his eyes, Blaze continued. 
"The potion will be easy because we'll be throwing in a few choice ingredients, selected by myself, that will lead to an explosion. Which should put them in the hospital wing for at least two weeks. Or better yet a coma."
'That's not a good plan.'
Blaze groaned. "Explain."
'If they're in a coma or knocked out for any long amount of time, how are they supposed to feel the pain that Harry felt?'
Blaze turned thoughtful. "You have a good point. I suppose that means changing the ingredients. Or the entire potion."
"Blaze, what's wrong?" Snape had no idea what the violent child was thinking. Quite frankly it unsettled him.
"The heathens need to be conscious, they need to feel every ounce of pain. Which means the potion needs to be changed so they don't get knocked out for long."
"You don't know what would work, do you?" The child shook his head. Snape willed the smirk away. It's a good thing he kept his old notebooks. There were plenty of plans like this they could use. He thought it best not to mention them because he didn't want the three of them to get TOO excited about causing harm.
They sat in silence while Snape mulled over everything. Even now he debated on getting out the notebooks. 'While this is a good plan it is very dangerous. If they or rather we get found out.... But the other little shites deserve it.'
The dour man sighed, this entire thing was dangerous for all of them. If Severus was suspected of helping them he'd lose his job. And that would be the end of him. He'd be tossed into Azkaban for sure. The trial would be swift. Then again that's if they even gave him a trial.
'But I have been doing subtle things that could have already gotten myself kissed. Between leaking secrets to the Daily Prophet and conspiring with Death Eaters, why not add another thing to that growing list?' He argued with himself. His morals were slipping off a cliff that used to be so far, far out of his reach.
"I have something that will work. Go back to class or the dorms and we'll talk with Harry after dinner tonight."
"Yes sir." And with that Blaise(and Blaze) exited his rooms and next his classroom and quickly made their way back to their room.
After that conversation Severus couldn't focus on class. He told them all to pack up and do whatever they pleased as long as they were quiet. HIs head felt like it was spinning. His throat was tight and his heart hurt. Like it was squeezing with every breath he took.
Hurting kids was one thing he always struggled with. Even when being peer pressured into it by Death Eaters. But he keeps telling himself 'Have to do it for Harry. Her son.' He groaned. 'His son.' Just that thought had him rethinking his entire life up until now.
'No I'm doing it. Defiance is key. I'm doing it and I'm not going to regret it.'

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