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Harrys POV

So, today's the day I'm ignored more than ever. Dudley's birthday was the worst day of the whole year. Not only am I stuck in this cramped cupboard with a crick in my neck, but Dudley is already whining about his gifts. Best way to wake up. Dudley being the impatient thing he is he starts jumping on the stairs above my head. I roll my eyes as I stretch(or attempt) as much as I can in the small space and open the door if you could call it that.

"Boy! You better get breakfast ready and fast!"

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." Uncle Vernon was a big man if you could even call him a man. He was more of his own planet.

"Dudlers!" Vernon's bean pole of a wife yelled as Dudley walked into the dining area, "Happy birthday!"

I shook my head lightly at the interaction. He really is a spoiled lard ass. And I'm the maid, the cook, the get down on your knees cause you're below me, the problem.

"Presents!" the pig squealed, "how many are there?"

"36 poppet."

"36... 36! That's one less than last year!"

I turned around just to see his face getting more red. Was he really whining about not having 37 presents? I had NONE! And he's crying about not having more. I'm honestly surprised he can even remember.


Looking in the glass at the snake resting inside was kinda sad. Being trapped was something I understood.

"Daddy make it move!" Dudley pounded on the glass separating the serpent from the people. It probably helped the snake more than it saved the people, keeping it away from people like my cousin. I can only think the snake lifted its head because of his antics. Honestly, the barbarian is scaring the poor thing.

Dudley eventually got bored with the snake muttering about how it was lazy as he walked away. He's one to talk.

"Sorry," I said to the snake, "he really needs to learn some manners." The snake tilted it's head like it was confused.

"Where are you from?" it motioned towards a plaque on the wall next to the enclosure. "Boa constrictor from South America " Interesting. "You must be bored behind there."

Dudley had seen the snake up and moving, he ran back to the glass.

"Look! Look! It's moving." He shoved me out of the way to push his puggy face against the glass.

"You might want to back up Dudley?" I tried to warn but he wouldn't listen. Just then something inside me flickered. The next thing I knew Dudley had fallen in the enclosure and the snake was slithering out. As Dudley screamed the snake slithered over to me.


"You're welcome?" Just then there was a muffled scream followed by banging on the glass. I looked up to see Dudley was now the one trapped in the enclosure. He could barely fit in the space. He alone almost broke the glass It took all my will not to laugh like the others around us. Uncle Vernon was yelling at me while Aunt Petunia was trying to get Dudley out.


"Are you okay Duddikins? I know that must have been very scary for you." Petunia cooed as she escorted him inside from the car. I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes. She acts as if the serpent had tried to kill him. Although, that wouldn't be that bad. I snickered at the thought of how the snake would be living off of Dudley for weeks.

"Is something funny boy?" He craned his "neck" to look at me.

"No sir." Yeah, 'cause it's not funny... it's hilarious.

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