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Harry POV

It took a while but Vermin slowly, if only a little, calmed down. The man that tore down the door towered over Vermin. Who looked like he was about to pee himself. "Is 'arry here? He hasn't 'sponded to his letters." The way the man spoke was weird. Some of his words hadn't come out right.

"I'm lookin' 'or 'arry Potter. Is he 'ere?" The burly man leaned down further to meet Vermin's eyes.

"No one by that name here. So go! Get out of here right now!" Vermin was turning red with rage. Should I speak up? Tell this unknown man I'm here. Would Vermin hit me for speaking? Should I take the chance?

"Um, I heard my name." I looked up at his eyes and quickly looked down at his beard instead, "Did you need me?"

"Your Harry Potter?" I nodded. "Well then, happy birthday Harry." He pulled out a cake and held it out to me.

"Sorry sir, but can I ask why you are here?"

"Oh," he pulled out yet another letter," ter deliver yer Hogwarts letter of course." He handed me the letter.

I opened it slowly after glancing up for permission. It read:

To: Harry James Potter

Cupboard under the stairs


Dear Mr.Potter

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed the list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.

Yours sincerely,


"Uh... sir what's Hogwarts? And umm... what is a wizard?" The letter made no sense. Magic isn't real. If it was then maybe it would have helped me by now.

"Why Hogwarts is the greatest school for young witches and wizards like yer self, a place they can learn magic," He said, looking slightly dreamy thinking about the school. He suddenly lost the look in his eyes and looked sharply at me. I took a step back. "What do you mean 'what's a wizard' yer a wizard Harry just like your mother and father." He then turned the look to Uncle Vernon "why's he asking me about what a wizard is. Didn't you tell him 'bout his parents?"

My parents were wizards? There is a school of magic?

"Of course he doesn't know," Aunt Petunia interrupted my thoughts, "my sister was a freak and so is he. I wasn't going to bring their freakishness into my home." She spat.

"His parents wer' probably the greatest wizards of their time and you disrespect them like that! Does he know about his fame? Or the fact that he survived the Dark Lord?"

"The Dark Lord...?" I mumbled. What in the world is happening? Survived? What does he mean by surviving? Did this 'Dark Lord' try to hurt me or something? My parents were the best wizards of their time?! Awesome. Aunt Petunia had no right to keep this from me! Not just her, Vermin didn't either! I'm starting to get a headache from all this new information.


Hagrid, the big man from earlier, came back later in the day and took me to Diagon Alley. It had all kinds of weird witchy places. We went to a bank that had creatures helping people with money. I think they were goblins. I had a lot of fun. He even answered all my questions. Hagrid said I'm famous for defeating a bad man when I was a baby. Said bad man also killed my parents. He then went on about a Headmaster named Dumby something. I can't remember. It was all fun though. Got me away from the Dursleys for a few hours so I can't complain too much.

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