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(A/N KingLethal: The fun is about to begin and when I say fun I mean the fuckery. In about 2 more chapters that is.)

Blaise's POV

Where am I? It feels like I just woke up from running in a nightmare. I look around me. I'm in the Slytherin common room. Why is everybody here? Did I miss something? I hear Snape. But what's he talking about?

Slowly I hear his words. Something about eating here and sleeping with our chosen in our room. Yeah not gonna happen. I look around for Draco. Last thing I remember is being with him. He was telling me about some game night going on in the Hufflepuff basement. Like I care. But you do. He still dragged me down there. He said it was "To keep me company." After that I don't remember anything. It was fun.

It was like I blacked out. I know mom said I used to do this when I was younger. It was very problematic.

"Do I have to share a room with him? Can't I sleep on the couch or something?"

There's no way I'll share my room with the likes of him. He'll mess up everything. He'll ask questions about everything he sees. I don't have the patience to deal with him.

Snape went off on me. But what really caught me off guard was when he said I had been fine all day. What did he mean by that? And it doesn't matter that he won't be in the same bed as me. He'll still be in the room. But you don't really mind. Stop lying to yourself.

He said we would talk tomorrow. Yay I'm totally looking forward to that conversation. I also need to speak with my mother. I'm absolutely dreading that. But that's if she even wants to talk to me.

"If you're finished eating follow me." I don't have time for this. I need to figure out what happened to me and why I don't remember anything.

Harry's POV

"If you're finished eating follow me." I nod and he leads me to a spiral staircase.I can tell he's not in the best of moods anymore. He's practically stomping up the stairs. Either way I can't stop myself from wondering what his room is like. Is it covered with posters like Dudleys? Does he have any family photos hanging on the walls? I guess I'll find out now. We stop at a door that has his name, in cursive, on a silver plaque.

"Do not touch anything in my room or else I'll do more than curse you." And with that he opens the door and leads me in. The room was the size as ours if not bigger On the left wall were two four poster beds in our house colours. There were even pajamas on the one for me.

"The bathroom's over there." He points to the door in the right corner of the room. I nod and make my way over. I'm scared that if I open my mouth to speak I'll be yelled at. After all he did just threaten my life, right? Or am I worrying for no reason.

No, I don't think I am. He's so scary. He's more scary than Dudley and his gang. Ugh, if only he would just tell me what the problem is. Maybe I could fix it. But it seems like his problem is with the fact that i'm "famous". But it's not like I like fame. It's quite annoying. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. The castle seems to have given me silk pajamas.

I've never felt something so nice. The nicest piece of clothing I ever owned was a shirt Dudley claimed to be ugly. He threw it at my face and told me to have it. So sleep should come easy tonight. Oh wait, I'm not alone. Maybe I should sleep with one eye open.

I walk over to the bed provided for me and get in it. It feels like the one in my dorm. Actually now that I look at it. This IS my bed. The castle brung our beds to us. AWESOME! Magic just keeps better.

I look over at Blaise. He's just sitting on the edge of his bed. I can hear him mumbling. I decide to finally speak.

"Thank you." Thank you that's all I could say before my throat was seized with anxiety. He turned to look at me and his eyes scared me. They were fogged over. The violet colour now looked black. And he had bags under his eyes. He looked dead.He continued to mumble as he turned back around. My heart was caught in my throat.

My lungs felt like they were a boat that had capsized. What was that? Why did he look like that? Is he okay? Is this a prank?

"B-Blaise?" He turns around again. This time his eyes are back to normal. The bags under his eyes have disappeared.


"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Is he just going to act like that didn't happen. He did look dazed.

"You were just talking to yourself."

"Was I? Weird. So is this your first sleepover?" So now he's nice again?

"This is my first. I don't actually have any friends back home to do this sort of thing with."

"Why? You're really fun. You would think you'd have more friends."

"Are you my friend?You've been so two faced.It's hard to tell." I can't believe I just asked him that.

"Well I'd like to think i am. And what do you mean by two faced?" All I could do was stare. Is this normal for him? If it is, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up.

"You've been nice to me all day and then you switched up just now. When we were downstairs you didn't even want to be near me and when we got to the door you basically threatened my life. And before you couldn't even look at me. What's up with you? Is it me? Did I do something?" He continued to look at me. I know there's nothing on my face so why is he staring?

"Nevermind, forget I said anything. Let's just go to bed." I turnover and lay down. I can still feel his gaze.

"I'm pretty sure somethings wrong with me." I look at him and he's curled up in a fetus position. He's visibly shaking.

"I'm kind of scared. I don't want to go away again." I have no idea what he's talking about but he sounds worried. I hope he's okay in the morning.

"Just go to sleep I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning."

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