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Blaise's POV

"Harry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that-"

"I know Blaise. I've got to go. I'll see you later. Class ends at 12:55, I'll meet you in the dungeons." He turned around. Clearly not wanting to talk anymore. But I really didn't mean it like that. He took it the wrong way. I just meant that we just kept getting into those types of situations .Sighing I turned around and made my way back to the dungeons. Harry was on my mind the entire time.

I thought Blaze would try something now that Harry's gone but he didn't. In fact he's been quiet since that stunt he pulled. I'm surprised. I didn't think he knew how to shut up. Now I can relax in peace. But what should I do? I don't have much work to do. And we usually do that with Harry nowadays. Blaze had bought a lot of books during break. So maybe I'll read one of those. And I don't want to be in my room soooooo I'll stay in the common room.

Walking into the room I was greeted with the neutral expressions of my classmates. I'm not so stupid to think they'll let things go back to normal. They still don't like me despite how calm they are. Blaze was right again. They're only hostile around Harry. Or when we're together. As Blaze put it, we're a dangerous duo.

Going up to our room I could hear the conversations starting up again. Tch. Like I give a damn about what they talk about.

"So Blaise's his little bodyguard now. How cute." I don't know who said it but I could hear the sarcasm dripping in their tone. I stopped at the top of the stairs. I am not his bodyguard. He doesn't need me. He doesn't need Blaze. He can protect himself. I opened the door and slammed it harder than necessary. I hope they heard it. Like do they have nothing better to do. We're students shouldn't they be doing work or studying.

I paced the room debating on whether I wanted to read in my room or not. But since they want to talk about us behind our backs, I'll just annoy them with my presence. Bet they won't say it to my face. They're all cowards.

Grabbing the Dracula book from our nightstand I headed back downstairs. I looked around for somewhere to sit. Everyone was quiet. Not one person wanted me to sit by them. Thats fine though. I don't even want to be here. I'm just here to piss them off. After all, it's what Blaze would do.

I noticed there was a chair empty by the fireplace so I sat there. It reminded me of the one in the headspace. Blaze always sits there. Broodingly looking into the fire. That or he was sitting in front of it muttering to himself.

Everyone was still quiet. It was so quiet you could hear everyone's slow breath. They don't have to stop on our account. I shook my head and chuckled. To which I received a few pointed looks. Like that would do anything. I opened the book and continued where Blaze left off.

So it seems Blaze was telling the truth when he said we know everything that the other knows. I thought I would be confused reading it but I was pleasantly surprised to understand everything going on.

I don't know when they started talking but as soon as they did I started to zone out. My first thought was Blaze. I thought he would start to talk when I started reading. But he remained silent. When I looked into the room the fire was burning and Blaze was sitting in his chair. Just watching it. He didn't even acknowledge my presence.

And with the way he's been acting I was hoping we could talk. But that can't happen if he won't even look at me. For magic's sake he's MY magic, yet he doesn't even listen to me. I can't control him no matter what! He's always doing what he wants. Never once thinking about the repercussions. And it's getting worse by the day. And I'm getting scared. Scared I won't be able to switch back with him.

I just want to know why. Why has he been acting out so much? Why does he want to be known so badly?! What could possibly be so important he has to put me through this hell! Wait. I get it now. The more people that don't know about him the more annoyed he gets. I could hear all of his thoughts. All the times he wanted to scream that his name wasn't Blaise. How he just wanted Harry to know him too. I can't- I can't believe it.

And I can't understand him either. I said I'd tell Harry next year. And I was planning on telling Snape soon. Heck, we could have told Snape today at the meeting! If only he'd wait!

I sighed and closed the book. I glanced up at everyone in the room. What would they all think of me if they knew my magic had grown its own persona. That if Blaze was actually here he'd kill them. Heh, things would never go back to normal then. Maybe that's a good thing.

Before I knew it, I was laughing my way up to my room. All eyes on me. And the looks they gave me barely even registered. But I know they looked disgusted and alarmed by my sudden outburst. And I completely lost it when I got to my room. I could barely see through my eyes. The tears stung my eyes. I'm losing it. I'm finally losing it.

Well, breathing always helps. You know it through the nose 3 seconds out 5. Or something like that.

"Blaze!" Not so loud. Heh, I leave for not even a day and you go off the rails. How pathetic. Now that you're here- talking again. Were you really planning on telling both of them today? Please tell me you weren't.

Now that would be lying. And you know I'm above that.

You're crazy. How could you do that?! I said we would tell them. Why can't you just wait!

You know exactly why! I could hear your thoughts loud and clear. If you're so worried, why don't you just tell mother. I'm sure she'd gladly get rid of me. OH sorry, you can't get rid of me!

How about a compromise then? We tell Snape today. But not Harry. We can tell him the first day of second year. Right after the feast.

Open the mindscape. Let me see you. Hurry up. We don't have long before Harry's out of class.

I sighed. Sat the book back on the dresser and laid down on our bed. And here I thought I could read peacefully for once. I concentrated on the room and Blaze. And slowly I began to see him. He was standing right in front of me. I jumped a little in surprise.

You don't know how bad I want to throw you in that fire.


No. Shut up and listen to me. I am your magic. Yes, but I clearly have my own personality. I can think and act like any random person. So why are you so surprised that I have feelings too. Why were you so blissfully unaware of how I was feeling when we share the same body and mind.

And maybe I can be a bit quick tempered but that's because of instinct. I'll try to work on it but again I'm magic. And yours is so deeply connected to your emotions. I just- just want Harry to be my friend. I want him to know so badly. And I get why you're so hesitant, believe me I do I really do. But Blaise I can't stand it. And just watching you two interact. It makes me so envious. I just want to throw you in my fire.

Blaze, you're crying.

Yeah, no dip sherlock.

Blaze, you say you're trying to be better but are you really trying. That thing you did earlier scared me half to death.

His gaze lifted from the floor to my eyes. And we just looked at each other. And at that moment I realized. We have the same eyes. And his were shining like wet amethyst rocks.

I'm sorry.

No you're not. Tch, I thought lying was below you.

His gaze hardened. The tears that were there were now retreating. Great, here I thought we were making progress. Three steps forward then steps back. Just great.

I really am. I know you're scared of me. I knew you were always scared I wouldn't switch back with you and I went and did it like an idiot. But believe me when I say I am sorry. I- I'll even agree to your compromise. But only if I get to come out and spend more time with Harry.

Deal. But you have to be on your best behavior.

Not a chance. Now go get Harry, I don't want him walking down here without us. Even though I don't feel like protecting either of you right now. And please apologize.

Heh, I'll leave that to you. Seeing as to how you're the one that's going to be in control. Unless of course you don't want to?

Say less. Switching in one, two, three.

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