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Draco's POV

Ugh! This is beginning to irritate me. All during the games Blaise kept looking at Harry. He had this look of I don't know what it was. Maybe longing, pity? I don't know but I hated it. How can you make such a face when you've been being mean to him since day one. Now I'll admit that if he wasn't my friend I don't know what i would have done. Father kind of forced me to be his friend. But he's nothing like I expected. I like being his friend.

Even when I had to comfort him about his Slytherin problem. Now all of a sudden Blaise's had some sort of epiphany. I don't like this at all. I wish I was his Slytherin. Elizabeth isn't bad or anything. Other than being a mudblood. I forgot I promised Harry not to say that. He had asked me what it meant when I called Granger one. He didn't talk to me for awhile. His mother after all was muggle born. Eli is smart and caring. She has pure silver hair and bangs that cover her right eye. And she's always putting me in my place.

Back to this Blaise problem. I need to know what made him come to his senses. I never would have thought it possible with how he's been acting. It's like he's a different person. I look at him and Harry. Ugh, they're so close. Before he could barely stand being in the same room as him. Now he's so close they're sharing air. I can't take this anymore.

"Hey lovebirds if you're done flirting. Feel free to join us on the bean bags"

How could I be so stupid! Now they'll be even closer. I think I feel a headache coming.

"So Professor Snape, how do you know about this place?" I ask.

"Well I am a Slytherin."

"Great rebuttal. But seriously how did you find this place?"

"This is the Room of requirements I needed a place to practice potions in peace. It's also a nice place to hang out with friends. You should use this room when you are in need or for days like today."

"Were you always in love with potions?" Laughter enveloped the room.

"I wouldn't say in love per se. But yes I was." He then went all to explain how the room worked. After that we all sat around talking for a while after that. Stayed so long none of us noticed we had missed dinner.

"Oh dear, Severus it seems we've skipped dinner."

Harry's POV

"Oh dear, Severus it seems we've skipped dinner." He pulls out a pocket watch.

"Looks like we'll be eating in our common rooms tonight." Yay more fun! More time with Blaise! Wait rooms as in plural. We won't be eating with them? That's upsetting. Blaise and I had sat talking to ourselves the whole time we were here. I really got to know him. Learned that his mother was widowed. Seven times widowed. All of her husbands disappeared leaving her rich. He doesn't like people knowing. But everyone knows because she's famous for her beauty. He said he got bullied for it. So that's where I stopped talking. Because how do you bully me when you were bullied? If you know what it's like why would you do it to someone else.

He apologized right after. I forgave him. I refuse to hold grudges. I don't want to end up like Aunt Petunia. Snape said she was jealous of my mother for being a witch. She wanted the same power. He told me she once stole Mom's wand and almost broke it. I can only think that's the reason she doesn't love me.

We spoke back and forth about our lives over the years. He was shocked to learn I cook and clean and do everything else around the house. Is that not what I'm supposed to do?

' "Alright everyone we're all going to go back to our separate common rooms." Groans passed through the room along with comments of protest.

"Severus is joking. We've spent all day together. We may as well eat dinner together. We're heading back to Hufflepuff common room."

"Why not the Slytherin?"

"Yeah we always go to the Hufflepuff room." It is true. Sprout looks at Snape and he shrugs.

"Looks like we're headed down to the dungeons."

Blaise and I put back on our robes and join the others at the door that appeared out of thin air. Oh how I love magic.

Severus' POV

In the Slytherin Common Room

How could I have let us stay there so long? I know we probably caused everyone to panic. Actually I lied. No one will care that the snakes and puffs are gone. In fact they're probably elated. Though I'll definitely have to deal with Albus for this.

The Hufflepuffs will stay the night in the Slytherin dorms. Might as well let them have a sleepover if we're gonna go this far. Just once. I can already feel the headache forming.

"Okay everyone here's the plan. You'll eat dinner here then go with your chosen to their room and sleep there. And no you won't be sleeping in the same bed. There should be a spare provided by the castle. Any questions? No, good."

I look at Blaise and Harry. I know Blaise has been nice to him all day but that could change. He's been having crazy mood swings and personality changes. He looked pissed but Harry looked excited. Oh good god what have I done. I walk over to Pomona as she finishes talking with the house elf.

"Look at Blaise. Then Harry" She discreetly looks at the pair.

"Oh my."

"I fear I just created a disaster."

"He may just be upset about sharing his room. Or not sharing a bed."

"They're 11, they can't be that upset." She looks at me with pity. Ugh this is a disaster. It can't get any worse than this.

"Do I have to share a room with him? Can't I sleep on the couch or something?"

UGH!!! I spoke too soon. And of course it's Blaise. I look to his side and look at Harry. He's frowning something fierce. Why must he make this boy so sad. He was having so much fun today. Lily would never want him to be so dour.

"Do you have to annoy me? You've been fine all day. What happened? It's not like he's going to be in the same bed as you." This kid will be the death of me. They're supposed to be counterparts, true friends. Not true enemies if you can even call it that.

One wants to be friends and the other wants to slit his throat just for existing then wants to do friendly races. If only magic could solve this problem. Then again that's what got us in this situation in the first place. Blaise gave me a weird face. Whether it was one of confusion I do not know.

"What do you mean fine all day?" I looked over at Pomona. She looked away. I take a deep breath.

"Listen here boy. I will have none of this nonsense. Get over whatever thing you're holding onto and lighten the fuck up" At this point I am completely done with Blaise. I look at all the puzzled faces. It's not like I don't yell at them everyday in class. This isn't any different.

"Sir I really don't know what you mean." I sent a look to Pomona again. She shrugs. Wow what a big help.

"We'll talk tomorrow Blaise but please get over whatever petty thing you're holding onto. At least for tonight. We all had a great day, including you, I don't see why that has to end. It's just for tonight, okay?" He nods and finishes eating. As does everyone else.

They then all head up to their rooms. I say goodnight to Pomona and head for my chambers. I need to talk to Blaise. The boy is driving me up the wall. One second he's worried for Harry the next he hates him. Then he's joking around calling him by his first name and racing then hats his guts again.

This kid has crazy mood swings. And poor Harry. He has to deal with it more than any of us. I know he has mixed feelings about this all. If he doesn't I'll be surprised. But he did just jump into conversation with him like he wasn't bulling him two days ago. Merlin why did I become a teacher. These kids will be the death of me.

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