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Harry's POV
"I just think it's funny. And stupid. And ridiculous. I mean, how could they do this to me? Those three idiots left me bedridden for days! Left me drenched in urine for hours! Dumbledore says one word and everyone follows. It's freaking stupid. Even if I told them I didn't want anyone else to know you'd think someone else would have found out by now and said something!"
I got up and started to pace along the border of our mock bedrooms.
"They can see this is wrong! Disregarding the beating of one of the students! Maybe we should have gone to court. Now we have to go out and handle something that adults should have." I sighed and plopped back on the bed.
"So you still want to." He made a fist and hit his hand. "Rough'em up."
I sat up then and looked at my best friend with wide eyes. "Of course I do! They need to pay." He smiled then. Like the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland.
"I should have a plan together by next week. Think you can wait that long?"
"Only if it ends with them bedriden for weeks."
He smirked this time. A creepily big smirk. "Of course."
I took a few deep breaths. I was working myself into a tizzy. I wanted to avoid that. Merlin only knows what I'd say or do. Though I'm more worried about what I'd say. If I did something I'd probably go after the boys.
"Subject change! I was going to write a letter to my mother asking for new books. Want to help?" I raised my eyebrow. Not sure how I was supposed to help. "We read together all the time. Don't you want to help pick out our next books? And I'm pretty sure we have actual dark spell books at my house."
"What, are you a dark wizard?"He shrugged.
"Something dark is just something others are scared of. You can use it for good."
"We wouldn't even be able to do the spells." I rolled my eyes.
This time Blaise shrugged. "So. We can still read about them. And when we're older we could try them out." I suppose that makes sense. But dark magic. Sounds intimidating.
"Fine." I agreed. Blaise pumped the air and asked(?) the room for a piece of parchment and quill.
"Okay so what books do you want to read?"
"Don't you think you sould, you know, start the letter before listing the books."
"Oh no. Mother knows that if it's just a list of things, s-something- things aren't- I don't know. Ah-. My head is starting to hurt."
His brows furrowed as he threw down the quill. Seeing my best friend in distress I asked the room to dim the lights. And dim they did. It was near black. You could barely see a foot in front of you. I got up slowly. Once I was sure nothing was in front of me I sped up to get to him. Now closer I could tell he was curled up with his hands over his ears. I reached up and gently pulled his hands off his head.
"Blaise. It's okay. Whatever you're hearing isn't real." I rubbed his arm in a soothing manner. When I heard him whimper I climbed into bed with him and curled up with him. One hand on his head massaging his scalp, the other still rubbing soothing circles on his arm. "It's okay." I whispered.
We sat like that for another twenty minutes before he relaxed into my touch. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Want to talk about it?"
He stiffened a little. "No." Came the harsh reply. Though I don't think he meant it like that.
"It's okay." I tightened my hold on him. Showing silent support.
"Come on. Let's write the letter."
"You sure?" He nodded and got up. Ready to resume as if it never happened.
"So I was thinking about getting a book full of classic horror stories. What do you think?"
"Yeah okay. But what about the Dark Verse series? Shouldn't we finish that?" The dark verse was a very good book. It appealed to Blaise's need to understand humans and overall just deep thinking. The same goes for me, I guess. It made me think and it was very interesting. Had me holding my breath for half it but it was good.
"You make a good point. I'll put the rest down. What about something classic?"
I thought for a second before answering. "There is this book about a gentleman thief. I'm not sure what it's called, just what it's about."
"Is that it? He's just a thief?"
I shake my head."Yes but no. Like I said he's a gentleman thief but he also goes on crazy adventures and crazy self centered. And maybe a bit of a narcissist. I think there's also revenge-"
"Why didn't you lead with that?!"He whirled around to look at me,"You're talking about Arsene Lupin. We have all his books back at the manor. I'm sure mother will send those first."
"Wait so you'll put them down?"
"Of course. If I can, I'll get you anything you ask." I felt my face heat up the tiniest bit before collecting myself.
"You're too kind, Blaise." He snorted then mumbled something about irony. Whatever that meant.
"So far we have The Classic Horror Stories, The Dark Verse, and Arsene Lupin. Can you think of anything else?"
"I know I want something light hearted and wholesome. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol, One Thousand and One Nights, The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune, The Haunted Bookstore - Gateway to a Parallel Universe by Shinobumaru and Heartstopper by Alice Oseman." I had finally stopped talking when I realised I had said them all too fast. I didn't even wait for him to finish writing one before I moved onto the next.
"Do you want me to repeat them? I know I didn't give you enough time to-"
"Oh. It's fine I got them all. I write fast." He turned around and helped up the parchment that had our list of requests." I smiled, relieved. "I just have a few other books of my own to write down then we'll be done." He turns back around and starts to write again.
"What are the other books?"
He half shrugged. "Nothing much. They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera, The Dark Philosophers by Gwyn Thomas, No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai, The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller," He paused to take a breath before continuing "Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, and last but not least, Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff."
My eyes were blown wide by the time he finished. So many. By the titles alone I could tell we were in for a wild ride. But that's if Blaise's mother actually gets him the books.
"So we have how many books?"I got up and walked over to him. Looking over his shoulder I saw just how long the list was. He even had to make it a little longer.
"A total of 15."
I winced just hearing the number. "Are you sure your mother will get them? I have money in-"
"Yes I'm sure. I have money too. But my mother likes to indulge in my reading." with a pointed look he added, "And yours. She likes knowing I've a friend that reads as much as I do. So I'm certain she'll get them."
I nod stiffly. The thought of this unknown woman liking me more than my Uncle and Aunt hurt me for some reason. I wonder why that is.
Sighing Blaise started to speak again. "If we send the letter now we might get the Arsene Lupin books tomorrow or the day after." I nod understanding what he was saying.
"Wait, what time is it?" Blaise shrugged.
"Past curfew." Came a dark, gruff reply. Blaise and I shared a look of dread and audibly gulped. I'm sure we had the same thought. We should have stayed in the RoR.
"Hello Professor Snape." We said.
"Why aren't you in your room?" Straight to the point. As always. Though maybe that's because of his short patience.
"We were going to the owlery."
His eyebrows shot up. "At this time?" You could also hear the surprise in the usually stoic man's voice. We both shrugged. Snape pinched the bridge of his nose in what was probably an attempt at holding back the urge to hex us.
"Pray tell, who is this letter going to?"
"My/His mother." We said. We dare not look away from the man. He was clearly tired and did not want to deal with us so late.
Snape rolled his eyes. "Can you stop? You are starting to sound like those insufferable Weasley twins." We shrugged again. I opened my mouth to apologise but stopped once I noticed Blaise and I were going to do it again. I hit his arm lightly.
This only received another roll of eyes from our Professor.
"Give me your letter and I'll deliver it myself. The later you're out the more your chances of getting caught by Flitch grow." Blaise and I shared a look before he handed the letter to Snape.
"Thank you Professor." We said. A smirk grew on Blaise's face when he saw our teacher facepalm. Looking completely over it all. Though I'm sure I saw a tense smile on his face.
We weren't that far before he called my name. "Harry, what's one thing Slytherins don't do?" I gaped at the man. I don't know. I'm not a slytherin. I looked to Blaise for help but he just pointed to his robe. My robe. I forgot that quickly. We had switched roles for the day. I wasn't a Hufflepuff. Right now I'm a Slytherin.
"I don't know sir." As soon as I finished the sentence I remembered that time Blaise and I had gotten into the exact situation before. I doubled back before he could speak. "Slytherins don't get caught." This time the small smile that graced his features wasn't tense nor was it fake. It reminded me of the smile he had when we were talking on Halloween.
"Very good. Ten points to Slytherin and Hufflepuff for being such a good pair. Now off you go." Dismissed once more, for the final time we left for the Slytherin dorms. We walked the entire way in silence.
"I thought he was going to kill us." Blaise huffed, back against the door.
"Especially since that was our-"
"Second time getting caught by him." I finished.
"Maybe we are turning into the Weasley Twins."
"We probably are. Side effect of spending so much time together." We laid down on our respective beds and faced each other.
"If we both stayed for the holidays I bet it would be worse."
I pulled a face of offense. "Are you saying this is a bad thing?"
He chuckled. "Of course not. I like it. And plus it annoys Snape."
"And here I thought you were scared he'd kill us."
He sprang up. "I swear he was! Did you see his face!"
I rolled my eyes fondly at the boy across from me."Please, Blaise with the dramatics."
"I'm just sayin'." He laid back down onto his stomach.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. Content to sit in silence for a while. Maybe we were weird. Just sitting in silence enjoying each other's presence. But when neither of us have anything we want to talk about. Silence was fine. And I had learned some very important information earlier.
"Do you think Dumbledore came here asking for us?"
"Correction, l he asked for you. And I'm 90% sure he asked Snape when he couldn't find you here. I doubt Snape was on the seventh floor for other reasons."
"I didn't think about that." Blaise hummed in acknowledgement. "Are you sure declining the headmaster was smart? Couldn't he kick us out of school? What if he was trying to blame me for the attack? Maybe I did something? What if he was saying I could stay for Christmas? Or he noticed we were spending too much time together."
"Harry slow down. You're overthinking it. I'm sure if it were that he wouldn't have asked for you in the middle of dinner." Maybe. I doubt it. "Stop thinking about it. Instead, think about all the books we'll be getting soon." He had a look of longing on his face as he stared up at the ceiling. Or maybe he was looking towards the heavens.
"Yes, all the books. All 200 plus paged books. We'll be busy for weeks." At this point I was sure I saw him salivating at the thought.
"Dramatics Blaise."
"Boy please, you know you're excited too."
"I am, but I'm not the one salivating."
"I am not! That would be going too far."
"And you went that far." A pout pulled on the corner of his mouth. Though I'm sure he'd deny it.
"Go to sleep you meanie."
I giggled at his childish behavior. "I'm not tired. I've got class in," I checked the makeshift clock we made. "30 minutes apparently."
"Holy! Is it that time already?"
"Time flies when you're having fun." We smiled at each other.
"Guess you should get ready to go." I nodded.
The walk to the Astronomy tower was quiet and lonesome. Now that I know Blaise and I could be walking to class together makes it even slower. I can't wait till they finish merging our classes.
I gasped loudly. Which caused everyone around me to look at me with their eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. I sheepishly continued to climb the staircase behind them.
I finally figured out why they decided to merge our classes.

Came out of a depressive episode and wants to spoil you guys with updates. Good lord take the wheel I'm about to crash the car

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