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Harry's POV

"You all need to stop acting like Gryffindors. The headmaster is getting suspicious. He's beginning to wonder why so many Slytherins are always with Hufflepuffs. He can not under any circumstance find out about the Choosing ceremony." He lightly shakes his head.

"So, my snakes, I need you to be sly, let him see you but not too much.. And if any of you ever get called to his office," He looks directly at me. "Never look him in the eyes. Continue to have fun and prove to the other houses you are so much more than what they think."

We all cheer and yell in agreement. After calming down a bit we continued playing games. I lost a lot but it's okay. I was having fun. I've never felt this light before. Blaise and I continued to joke around with each other with the occasional interruption.

Professor Sprout had the house elves bring sweets and tea. I tried this thing called a treacle tart. It was delicious. I ended up eating five. They were really good.

"So Snape, why can't Dumbledore know about the ceremony?" This question got everyone's attention. I recognize him. His name is Sun and is in seventh year and Blakes Slytherin. She's really quiet around the other houses and likes to read. I saw her in an abandoned classroom fighting once. Not against anyone just training I guess. She was really good. She was nice enough to offer to teach me. I declined.

"That's Professor to you Mr.Wukong. And I believe this question is more suited for you Pomona." She in turn gave him a glare.

"He will try to stop it. Surely you have all noticed his favoritism towards the Gryffindors by now. Once he almost found out because of Severus and I." Wow. Really? They couldn't hold a secret?

"We were discussing plans for the year when Albus asked about it. He pressed the matter. He desperately wanted to know what it was. Whether it involved the children or not. We ended up lying and telling him it was about a potion that needed special plants and a ceremony. He was relieved when we told him. Which is suspicious." Games were stopped as people put in their thoughts on the matter.

"Yikes this dude is weird."

"Maybe he's just jealous?"

"Of some kids? Yeah right."

"Yet another reason to graduate and never return."

Most of the comments came from the older years. But what if he had a good reason for it. Then again what's a good reason to take away a kids chance at true friendship. Is this what friendship is? I'm happy and everyone else is too. So I'd say this is friendship.

"Just be careful my dear children." We all nod. She's like a mother. No, a grandmother is more accurate. That makes me think. I don't have any other family. Or maybe I do and they don't want me. But why wouldn't they want me. I thought I was a good kid. If I do have more family could the Durslys have threatened them. Why couldn't I have just gone to an orphanage.(KL:It really would have been Tom Riddle all over again)

"Harry are you okay?"

"I'm fine Draco. Just thinking."

"About what?" Do I tell him? It's personal. I'd rather talk to Snape about it. Merlin's on my side though. Blaise jumps into the conversation saving me from lying.

"He's probably worried about our race. Scared to lose Potter?" I could just barely tell he was messing around.

"I'm far from scared. In fact, let's do it now." I look to the professors.

"And you called me cocky." He lighty pushes me. We all laugh. I like this Blaise. I wonder what made him change his mind about me.

"Are you scared Zabini? You should be." I smirk. He laughs.

"Oh it's on Potter!" We race for the door when we're hit with a spell. We stop inches away from it.

"Did we not just tell you all to be stealthy." Snape drops the spell.

"Besides I know a place you can race that won't have us all freezing in the cold. Not even the Headmaster knows of this place." he smirked evilly. I don't know what's worse: his glare or smile.

"Get into a straight line and we'll leave." Once we were all lined up we left. And I was once again in the middle of Draco and Blaise. He led us to the seventh floor left corridor. He stopped in front of a tapestry. He looked around and started to pace. Everyone looked at him weirdly.

All our questions were answered when a door appeared behind him. He ushered us all inside. Once we were all in the door closed and disappeared. Inside was a huge room. It had big bean bags lining the walls for people. Two people could fit in one so everyone chose to sit with their counterpart.

"Ready to eat my dust Zabini." I had heard Dudley say that when talking with his friends. Usually before Harry Hunting started.

"You wish Potter." We threw our outer robes on a bean bag and went to a starting line. I LOVE MAGIC.




And we took off. The race ended in a tie. Though neither one of us were satisfied. Someone needed to win. Preferably me. We raced three more times. I won the second time, then he won and finally I WON.

"Well would you look at that Blaise. I won." He rolled his eyes.

"You just got lucky is all."

"Yeah lucky enough to win twice. Maybe you'll win in the future.'

"And you had the audacity to call me cocky. I'll win our races in the spring. Until then, truce? ." He stuck out his hand to shake. I took it and smiled at him. He smiled back. It was so bright. His eyes were sparkling with glee. He's beautiful.

"Was that a challenge?"

"You challenged me first Potter." I'll admit I walked into that one.

"Hey lovebirds if you're done flirting. Feel free to join us on the bean bags."

"No need to rush us Draco." Blaise and I make our way over to the bean bag that has our outer robes. We decided to leave those off. We did just get done racing. Don't want to be sweaty and hot so close to each other. Is it hot in here?

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