Chapter 21: Christmased In

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"I'm bored," Sammy sighed.

It was the next day and the snow had stopped but it was still windy outside and there were wires down.

"What do you want to do?" Nick asked.

"To go outside to play," she pouted.

"It's not safe yet to go outside."

"Ugh," she sighed again.

"Nickie, where are the plastic sleds?" Molly asked as she blew on her hot cocoa.


"Sammy, do you think you can go get them?"

"But we can't go outside."

"You trust me kiddo?" She took her thumb and index finger to lift Sammy's lips into a smile.

The kid giggled.

"Will you go get them?"

She nodded and went off to bring them.

"Have a plan?" Nick asked his friend.

"Of course." She took a sip. "I've always got a plan, hon."

Molly stood up on the coffee table that had been pushed into a corner and began a speech.

"As you all know, it's freezing if you are more than five feet away from the fireplace. This a problem I plan to fix. Sammy is bored, this is yet another problem I plan to fix."

Molly paused for a dramatic effect. "I introduce to you our first obstacle course. There will be three teams. Liz and Chloe, Dan and Sammy, and me and Nick. The first thing to be done is to blindfold the stronger one of your pair. They will then sit in the saucer sled and be spun around for five seconds. Then, the weaker one of the two will get on their back and have to direct their partner, with verbal directions, through the course. Are my instructions clear?"

"Crystal clear," Dan said, obviously pumped. "Sammy, we got this," He high-fived his little sister.

"Can me and Dan go first?"

"That's fine by me. I'm going to end up on my butt if I got to depend on Lizzy for direction."

Sammy laughed.

"Here, sweetie." Molly handed her the blindfold to put on Dan.

Once she got it on him, Sammy asked, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Thirteen," he answered.

"I don't even have thirteen!"

"He's ready, spin him around," Molly said. "Maybe Nick will give you a little head start?"

"I got it," Sammy said as she tried to push her older brother. She was barely successful until Dan secretly helped her out.

Sammy got on his back and went through the obstacle course pretty quickly. They were in sync for the most part. Liz and Chloe were a completely different story, however. Chloe was hesitant with each instruction Liz gave and rightfully so. She didn't describe the size of steps she needed to take or where she was. Chloe ended up taking off the blindfold because she, as she stated, "was scared she'd seriously injure herself and have no way to the hospital. "

Molly and Nick were up. He sat down, holding his legs close to himself, and she placed the blindfolds over his eyes. She spun him around a few times and then helped him up. "Ready?" she asked and he squatted a little so she could jump on his back.

"Never readier."

"Woah," he heard Sammy cheer and clap.

Molly was on his back and began with her instructions. "Take three small steps forward... a little bigger... okay stop. Now take a step up onto the fireplace bench, but make sure to duck! Take one high step... one more... okay you can put your foot down. No, be careful, step down...yeah, easy."

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