Chapter 88: Welcome Home

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Molly came around the corner of the hallway, on her way to class, and collided with another student.

"Sorry," she started but then stopped. "Hi."

"Hi," Charlie answered, standing awkwardly.

"I think class is the other way."

"Yeah. Just running to the bathroom."

"Right. Well, see you-."

"Can we talk? Please. I need to talk to you."

She swallowed, but then answered, "I have a break after class."

"Okay." He nodded. "Thank you."

She smiled and continued to the classroom.

Molly decided to speak to her professor after class. She was clarifying she understood the assignment she had already started and almost finished. When she noticed Charlie left the room, she no longer had any more questions.

She exited the classroom and saw he was nowhere in sight. Leaving the building, she noticed him walking toward the north side of campus.

She hesitated. She didn't know how the conversation was going to go. She didn't know what there was to say. She didn't know what he had to say.

"Charlie!" she heard herself calling before she could stop herself.

He turned around and relief washed over his face.

"Ditching me?" she asked as they got closer to one another.

"No. Thought you were avoiding me after class. I wanted to make it easier."

She shook her head. "No," she lied. "Want to sit?"


They walked over to a bench and sat. There was silence for too long, making it awkward.

"I don't know where to start," he finally said.

"What do you want to say?"

"That I'm sorry." He rubbed his neck, then held his hands open. "Mol, you're gorgeous. You're very attractive. I was very attracted to you. When you started dating someone-."

"Nick. My best friend's name is Nick."

"Yes. When you started dating Nick, I wanted you more. It was juvenile at first but I've never felt like this about anybody. I really care about you with the combination of attraction."

"You were in my room that night, crying. I was drunk. I wouldn't have tried kissing you like that otherwise. Listen, Mol. I can't take back what I did or tried to do. But I think it's for the best. I was falling for you and I didn't realize it. Now I do."

"You don't need to worry about things being awkward now. I think I need space to get over you, West," he forced a smile. "If you need anything, I'm still here, but I just need some space."

The was a long moment of silence. When he was about to get up, Molly stopped him.

"Charlie. I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything."

"I'm picky about people, but I really like you."

"Thanks, Mol." He was about to get up again but stopped himself that time. "How's your brother doing? Oliver, right?"

"Yeah, Oli. He's good. I just spent the weekend with him. He's doing really well. My mom won't let him out of her sight, but he's recovering."

"That's great. How's Nick? You guys are fine, right?"

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