Chapter 44: Headache, Noodle Soup, And Thinking Out Loud

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Despite being in a hurry, Molly sat patiently.

It was still early in the morning, but Molly liked to arrive on campus early so she wasn't rushed to class, but today, like the previous two mornings, she was getting her makeup done. Liz took the honor of doing it as Molly had been struggling with the application process.

"It's looking better," Liz stated as she looked at the healing bruise across her friend's cheek. "I still can't believe I missed it though."

"I can't wait 'til I don't have to wear this gunk."

"You are literally the only woman who doesn't even wear the smallest bit of makeup. Ever."

"First, that statement is not accurate. Second," Molly looked at her reflection in the mirror and frowned. "It's stupid, that's why. If I liked makeup for the art, it would be a different story. But I don't, and I think my face is fine the way it is."

"Makeup just gives a little boost."

"Not a boost I want." Molly pulled her head back as Liz tried applying mascara. "That's enough."

"Let me continue just this once. You can stop by Nick on the way out." 

"I don't have time to stop by him, first of all. Second, I don't get that. You try to look all nice, for what? To be on display? If you're meant to be touched and kissed, why would the other person want to do anything with all this gunk?"

Liz rolled her eyes. "Forget I tried to help."

"Oh, I provoked the dramatic Liz to come out," Molly smirked. "It's okay to disagree on some things, hon, just know that I love you anyway."

"Just go."

Molly laughed as she walked out of the bathroom. She went to her room to grab her bag and coat and shouted her gratitude to Liz as she stepped out the door.

The heat wasn't working in the entire building, leaving Molly wrapped in her coat the whole morning. By noon she had developed a headache from the tense state the cold left her body in.

For heat, she started toward the library during her break. Coming up to its entrance, she heard her name shouted from behind. She turned around and saw Charlie jogging toward her.

"Molly," he repeated, slightly out of breath.

"Hey, Charlie."

"What are you doing now?"

"Going to go over some notes, reorganizing them. Why?"

"And after that?"


"And after that?"

She laughed. "Do you need something, Charlie?"

"I feel like I'm falling behind with Patterson's class and thought, if you don't mind, perhaps you could help me?"

"Um, yeah. Of course."

"Ah, thanks, Mols." He put his hand on his chest to express his gratitude. "What time will you be available?"

"Would you want to start now and then continue after class if we need to?"

He smiled. "Yeah, that sounds great."

When he began walking up the steps, she asked him, "Would you happen to have something for a headache?"

"Not on me, but I have something in my room. Should I go bring it?"

"No, it's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. By the time you get there and back, we'll hardly have time to start something."

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