Chapter 12: Back Home

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It was the day before Thanksgiving and Molly officially started her break; classes only resumed the next week on Monday. Every year, she, Nick, and his siblings would drive up and they stayed with her family through the weekend. That year was no different.

Molly had her stuff packed in the car and was on the way to Nick's. She pulled into the driveway and gave a beep. She got out of the car and popped the trunk. Sammy was the first one out with her small plastic suitcase. Dan followed with two small carry-on bags.

As Dan put their luggage in her trunk, he said, "Nick will be out in a few seconds. He's just checking that everything is off and locked"

"Alright. Where's your booster, Sam?"

"Oh yeah." She ran back inside and returned a minute later with Nick.

"Nickie, you ready?" Having not seen her family since the start of the school year, she was so excited about the visit.

"Ready as ever." He jogged down the porch stairs.

They started on the road with music. That was the only way Molly liked to drive. She claimed that it helped her feel the car better. Dan was out before they hit the highway; a car ride for him meant a nice nap. Sammy drifted off an hour later. Molly and Nick were singing along to the songs playing. They were on a roll when Molly had to bring the car to a stop.

"Woah, traffic."

"It's 6:15, you think we'll make it by seven? I asked them to wait on us for dinner but I can't ask them to wait past seven. We'll see where we are in fifteen," she decided and then began tapping the steering wheel anxiously.

"If you tap the wheel just a little faster, it'll help clear up the traffic."

She turned to him after realizing what she was doing and laughed lightly. "No, this is the right pace; any faster can cause worse traffic. Trust me, I know," she winked. She stopped tapping and moved up a little further along the road. "See, it's working."

He shook his head smiling to himself.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing, you just make me smile."

She kissed the air in his direction. "You know what I'm thinking?"

"I don't."

There was a moment of silence.

"Well, are you going to ask?"

"Sorry, you usually continue to talk before I ever get a chance to ask."

"Do not."

This was an opening for a meaningless disagreement that could last the rest of the car ride. He stirred clear. "I must be mistaken."

"You must be. And I do not appreciate that sarcastic tone."

"I did not have a sarcastic tone."

"You did in your head though."

"You have no proof of that."

"I don't need proof. I know. It's a hard fact."

"It's an assumption based on nothing."

"Based on years of knowing you."


"Well, you know what?" She had to press the brakes again.


She furrowed her eyebrows. "What were we even talking about?"

He frowned and thought for a moment. "You wanted to tell me something and then I didn't ask you what that something was."

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