Chapter 46: Hon, I'm Not a Kid Anymore

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Nick stopped walking down the hallway and turned around.

Molly's head was poked out of her old bedroom; she called him over with her finger.

He casually looked to both his sides before walking toward her room. He barely got inside when she shut the door behind him.

He raised his eyebrows and grinned.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. He hugged her and took her into a kiss.

"Stay here tonight?"

He was quiet for a moment and then rubbed his hands over her back. "Not sure that's the best idea, love."


"It's your parents' house."

She let go of him and half-laughed. "Hon, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Yeah, but you're still your parents' kid."

"I'll always be their kid. Does this mean we'll never share a room here?"

He shook his head. "Eventually we will; I just feel like it's soon."

"They won't even know. They rarely even come upstairs anymore."

"Yeah, but Mol-"

"Why do you think Sammy's in Shay's room tonight?"

Nick smiled but furrowed his eyebrows. "I just don't feel comfortable, love."

Her eyes' excitement slowly left. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry," he added softly.

She stepped past him and locked the door. "What if I don't let you out?"

He laughed.

She laughed too. "Is that a yes?"

"I'm sorry, love."

"I can't beg you into my bed?"

"I don't feel comfortable; not yet."

She was baffled. "Okay. I guess good night, then," she half-smiled.

"Ah, don't give me the cold shoulder."

"I'm not," she insisted. "I'm just wishing you a good night."

"Do I get a hug?"

She gave him one and then walked to her bed.

"You're making me feel bad, Molsie."

She sat on the mattress, her legs crisscrossed and her head tilted. "It's fine. Really. Just wish you would stay here."

He walked over to her and sat down. He pressed his lips against hers. "I just can't. Not yet."

"Okay. Go get some sleep, then. It's fine, hon."

Molly laid in bed restlessly. The blanket was tangled between her legs and her pillow fell on the floor. Rarely did she ever get out of bed late at night for a cup of tea, but tonight was one of those nights.

Downstairs was dark, but the skylights in the kitchen helped her find her way. With a cup of tea, she tried drinking her frustration away. It didn't work.

She was about to head back to bed when she heard someone coming down the stairs. Quietly, she watched the tall figure walk past her but already knew who it was by the way he came down the stairs.

He opened the fridge, and out of the corner of his eye caught her looking at him.

"Jeez!" His hand came to his chest. "What the h*ll, Mol. Why didn't you say something?"

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