Chapter 37: You're Really That Naïve

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After an evening study group, Molly drove over to Nick's for a late dinner he was going to prepare for them. Now, the two were in the kitchen trying to figure out what they wanted to eat.

Molly walked up to Nick just as he opened a cabinet. The corner of it banged into her forehead.

He turned around and saw her hand moving to cover the area above her right eye.

He made a small gasp. "I'm sorry, Mol." He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. "Does it hurt?"

She looked up at him. She had prior experiences of walking into open cabinets, but now a beautiful guy was looking back at her. "It could use another kiss."

He smiled and kissed the area a couple more times. "All better?"

"Yeah," she smirked, "It's all better."

He pressed his lips against hers. "Okay then, I'm going to figure this dinner situation out."

"Why is it that we need to eat? Generally speaking"

"I like it has to do with surviving, or something, Mol."

She brought herself up on the counter as he went through the pantry. "But why?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why what?" He picked up a box of pasta. "Baked ziti?"

"Hmm, that sounds good," she smiled.

"Baked Ziti it is then."

"Wait, you haven't answered or even contemplated my question. Why do we need to eat? Why is it essential for the human body, or other living things, to eat? Why?"

He laughed. "I don't know."

"I don't get why life works the way it does."

"Me neither," he told her as he got the pot out to boil the pasta in.

She had more to say on the matter but got distracted watching him. "I hate cooking, Nickie."

"I didn't ask for help," he told her, confused.

"But I'm starting to feel guilty always sitting here and watching."

"You made dinner a few of the times," he offered.

"A few of the times in what, the past three and a half years?"

He smiled while igniting the stove's flame. "Your company is all I need."

She looked at him for a minute until he looked back at her. She pointed out her index finger and curled it a few times.

He walked over and put his hands flat on the counter on either side of her. He tilted his head and asked teasingly, "Yes, dear?"

She brought her hands to his head and played with his hair. "It really doesn't bother you?"

"It really doesn't. You just think it does because it would bother you."

She sighed. "I still feel bad."

He smirked. "If you really want, you could make it up somehow."

"Yeah? How?"

"Why don't I think about it?" He kissed her cheek.

"I usually get into trouble whenever I make those deals with you."

He kissed her below her ear. "How so?"

"Because..." she lost concentration on her point as he kissed her neck.

Another spot was touched by his lips, just below the other.

"Do you want to check on the water?"

"It's not ready yet," he told her and proceeded with yet another kiss, traveling a little further down.

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