Chapter 34: The World's Best Heterosexual Couple, Babe

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A/N: Hey,

As much as you are reading this chapter for your own pleasure, from your own desire, it literally brings me joy to see that the words I have written, a story I have created are being enjoyed by another.

As always,

Have a good one 


Molly got off the phone and threw her coat on the rack. Liz called out from the kitchen, asking who was there.

"It's me."

"I thought you were in bed already. We've been speaking so quietly since we got in."

Molly came to the kitchen's entrance. She stood there, looking at the two of her friends sitting at the table; she couldn't keep herself from smiling.

"Someone's in a good mood," Chloe announced.

Molly's face began getting red and she laughed nervously.

"What's up with you?" Liz half-laughed.

Molly bit her bottom lip.

"Mol, spill."

She giggled. "Nick kissed me."

Both Liz and Chloe went silent for a few seconds, processing. Liz was the first to react though.

"No way! Shut up!" she shouted, with her finger pointed at Molly as she jumped up.

"You're kidding?" Chloe asked, shocked, still in her seat.

"When?" Liz asked, her voice screaming. "I don't believe you."

"You're serious, aren't you?" Chloe asked. "Oh my gosh, you're serious."

Liz ran into Molly for a hug. "I can't believe this," she whispered. She then turned her head to her girlfriend who was still at the table. "Baby, can you believe this?"

"No. I mean it's about time, but I just didn't think you guys would get Mols..." Chloe got up and joined the hug.

"When did this happen?" Liz asked, still with overly enthusiastic energy.

Molly took her chance to get something in. "When I walked him home."

"Did he pull you into a kiss while you were walking?"

Molly laughed. "No."

"Well, how'd it happen? We want details."

"We were saying good night. He kissed my cheek; one thing led to another. I don't even know."

"How was the kiss?"

Molly felt her face burning.


Molly wished she could control her blushing. "Yeah?"

"How was he?"

She looked up at the ceiling and let out a long breath. "Indescribable," she smiled with her tongue caught between her teeth. "His touch was..." She looked at her friends' eager eyes and laughed. "He's just perfect."

"I feel like we should drink to this; you guys have anything?" Chloe began walking toward their fridge.

"I think some unopened apple juice," Liz offered.

"That works."

Liz and Chloe brought three tall glasses, filled with cool apple juice, to the table.

"To Molly and Nick," Liz smiled wholeheartedly, "You guys make the world's best heterosexual couple."

Chloe leaned forward. "Yeah, but now back to the kiss. Was it the sweet and innocent or a little rough with passion?"

Nick laid in bed that night unable to sleep. Tossing and turning, he kept replaying their first kiss. He kept thinking of Molly's touch, the way she touched him like it was the most natural thing for her to do. He thought of the way she cried when he told her that he loved her.

He turned on the lights and paced around the room. It was two in the morning but he didn't know what to do with his energy.

He took a notebook from his drawer and went back to his bed. Using the nightstand as a table, he wrote.

Molsie. My Molsie.

I kissed you tonight. I've been wanting to kiss you for years, but it was only recently that I tried doing it. There were a few times I was going to take the chance and tell you how I felt, but each time tried, I couldn't.

Tonight was different though. You helped me. The way you looked at me with those eyes of yours; your gaze was so deep like it was looking into my soul. And that smile of yours, it telling me that you saw me.

I went for it. I wasn't thinking anymore of possibly losing my friend, only what I could gain with you.

The kiss wasn't like anything I had ever experienced before. Maybe it wasn't the kiss as much as it was you. Our lips only brushed and my whole body was numb, yet I felt everything. It was the most intense kiss I had ever had. Then, as you kept kissing me, I felt more and more of your touch. Molly, I will never grow tired of that touch you have.

I've been in love with you since we were kids; each day I grew closer to you and wanted to be yours. I'm shaking in disbelief that my wish came true.

Molsie, I love you. Forever, my Mols, I will love you.

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