Chapter 6: Not Settling

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"Hey," Molly answered out of breath.

"Not a good time?" Nick asked as he sliced the potatoes he was preparing for dinner.

"I'm finishing a workout; I'll call you back in a couple of minutes?" she asked as she crunched up for another sit-up.


To her word, she called back when she finished but it was Sammy, who was sitting on the counter watching Nick prepare dinner, who answered.

"Hellooo!" she answered in a kid-like humor. Molly could hear Nick in the background telling his sister to put the phone on speaker. "Hi Molly," Nick called out a couple of seconds later.

"Hey guys," Molly answered as she pulled her clean towel out of the dryer and headed to the bathroom. "What's up?" she asked as she sat up on the bathroom counter until she would finish the conversation.

"What are you doing now?" Sammy asked.

"I'm about to get into the shower, girly."

"Do you want to come over for dinner?" Sammy asked, speaking a little too closely to the phone.

Molly put the phone on speaker, resting it on her leg, so she could redo her bun. "I'd absolutely love to. Are you inviting me, Sammy?"


"What's for dinner?"

"Nick is making um... french fries," she said as if suddenly recalling its name. "And Dan was making the chicken but his girlfriend called him, so he had to take a break," she giggled.

"And what are you making little missy?"

"I made iced tea and set the table. And I already put a plate for you because I was hoping you were coming."

"I'm going to take a shower and then I'm definitely coming. Help Nick out until I get there, okay?" Nick listened to their conversation in quiet.

"Okay, I will. Byeee."

"Bye, hon." Molly hung up the phone and quickly got into the shower. The body wash was finished so she used shampoo to wash her body. That was one of the things she missed about living at home; her mom never let it get to the point that they were out of something. She missed her family often and was happy that Thanksgiving was just around the corner.

After getting dressed, Molly ran to the kitchen and quickly prepared a salad. By the time she was ready to head out the door, a little more than half an hour had passed since she spoke to them on the phone. She grabbed the bowl of salad from the kitchen counter and locked up.

As she started walking, she looked up in awe. The sky was dark from heavy clouds; leaves flew around from the strong wind. Just as she reached their driveway it started to pour. She ran for it.

She opened the door at the same time Nick started calling her phone. "I'm here," Nick heard through his phone as well as from the living room. He hung up the phone as she walked into the kitchen. "Hey guys," she put the bowl she brought on the counter.

"I got worried you were going to –." He looked at the bowl. "Why is it whenever you come for dinner you feel like you need to bring something?"

"It's a salad, stop being dramatic," she laughed and then hugged Sammy who ran into her arms. "How are you doing, sweetie?"

"I'm good," Sammy looked up at her with a wide smile.

Molly stroked Sammy's loose hair back as she looked down at her. "Hey, you lost another tooth Sammers!" Molly realized.

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