Chapter 3

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Lily's eyes soon adjust to the dark lighting and she glances over at the empty (and messy) bed on the opposite end of where she is. Now that she has had time to calm down, she does hope Carina is okay. She did wander out pretty late and Lily doesn't want anything to happen to her, regardless of what happens between them.

Eventually, sleep takes over and for the first time ever, she falls asleep with thoughts of her friend online and with thoughts of Carina.


Carina inserts her key into the lock and twists it, hearing the click coming from the other side. She's glad that she actually had her key today unlike most days because she knew that Lily would not open it. Not after what happened last night.

Last night sucked, to say the least. Sure, Lily and Carina have fought and argued before, but never was it that serious. Carina's never had Lily curse as threateningly at her like that before and Carina was actually scared of her last night. For a moment she was actually afraid Lily would just sock her right in the nose.

Carina left the room suddenly and went to sleep in Naomi's for the night because 1. She felt horrible for hurting Lily's foot, 2. She hated being yelled at, and 3. She knew that if she did stay in the same room as Lily, then she's basically asking to die in her sleep.

After waking up at around 6 in the morning, she decided to get herself up and go for a rejuvenating run around campus before classes started at 9. Now she is out of breath, sweaty, and her legs are aching and sore but in the best way possible. There's pride in the pain you feel after you work out.

Carina enters into the room and even though her eyes are practically glued to the floor, she can still feel Lily's green ones locked on her. Carina quickly gathers up some new clothes and a towel from her closet before she makes her way towards the bathroom, still not saying a word or looking at Lily.

She just barely has time to open the door before Lily swoops on in and rushes into the bathroom first, locking and closing it in front of Carina's face.

"Hey!" Carina shouts in protest, pounding on the door. "I need to shower!"

"Yeah?" Lily's voice answers back from inside. "Well tough shit because so do I!"

Carina flares her nostrils and lets out an irritated huff of air. She gives the bathroom door a cold glare before she drops her clothes on the bed and throws herself on top of it, sighing heavily.

She left her phone in the room last night and she wasn't aware of it until she made it into Naomi's room. Carina didn't think it was worth it to go all the way back and have to see/deal with Lily again, especially since they were both upset. They might have actually brawled it out in there if she did go back.

So Carina grabs it from her end table beside her bed and checks for any notifications. She sees a few from Tumblr from the girl that she's been talking to and she frowns deeply when she reads through it. Not only was Carina having a bad night, but her friend was too. She feels bad not being able to be there for her and she was also worried because Carina didn't reply when she almost always does. It was flattering to see her worry though.

gilded-bannanna: hey i am so sorry about not replying last night. i didn't have my phone and i was also having a shitty night and im sorry we couldn't sulk about it together. i hope that you slept well anyways and that today turns out to be better than it was last night. i have to go soon because of classes but I promise that we can talk tonight okay? (:

Carina smiles when she sends the message, really looking forward to being able to talk to her later after missing out last night. It was weird not saying goodnight to her. It's something she's been so used to doing for months now.

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