Chapter 4

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notso-green: pick a time and place. it's a date.


"Lily," Desi states firmly, "for the billionth time, you look great. Okay? Calm down, dude. You're making me nervous and I'm not even the one going out tonight."

Lily runs her fingers through her perfectly wavy hair, all thanks to Desi and Amanda. As soon as they got the SOS call from Lily, they immediately made their way over to Desi's room because she's the one with all of the hair supplies. Lily usually never does anything with her hair except blow dry it and kind of ruffle it up, so there was no need for her to bring anything of that sort to college. But Desi's hair was always done and it always looked amazing so Lily asked if she and Amanda could help her out a bit for tonight's events. They were more than happy to help her out.

Lily remained hush-hush about everything because, well, she didn't really feel comfortable with telling Desi and Amanda about meeting up with this girl she met over Tumblr. She basically just told them that she was going to see a special friend and she wanted to look nice for the night's events and they respectfully didn't try to pry into her personal life. But if things do work out for Lily and the girl, then she would be more than delighted to tell them.

Lily looks at herself in the mirror, nibbling on her glossed bottom lip a bit nervously. She does look pretty and she feels pretty too. Her friends did a really good job with accentuating her eyes, making them look even greener than usual. It's not like she's caked with makeup or anything, but she does feel like she looks really nice tonight.

She still feels nervous about this whole idea though. Actually, since the whole decision to meet was made, she's been getting random moments of heart palpitation issues and butterflies would rage in her stomach. Throughout the day, it would hit her and she'd start to lowkey freak out over the fact that she's actually going to pin a face to the person she's been talking to these past few months. It feels so surreal. It's almost like meeting/seeing a celebrity for the first time because you finally realize that they're real people.

"Fuck," Lily chuckles, wiping her palms on the outer part of black skinny jeans. "I'm so scared, guys."

Suddenly, Amanda climbs up on top of Desi's bed and places her hands on Lily's shoulders, looking her square in the eyes. "Listen to me. You look beautiful, as always, and you are a grand human being who's going to go out tonight and see your friend and then the both of you are going to proceed to have the best night ever, alright? You shouldn't be nervous because you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about."

"Listen to Amanda, Lily," Desi chimes in, giving her a friendly pat on the back. "You seriously have nothing to be freaking out about. Plus we made you look hot as hell so they'll have to fall in love with you," she laughs lightheartedly.

Lily smiles at Amanda and Desi respectively. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate you helping me and listening to me ramble on about how nervous I was for the past few hours."

"You mean past few days," Desi mumbles under her breath.

"All week," Amanda adds in.

Lily rolls her eyes. "Okay, yes, I've been rambling on all week about tonight but it's actually here and-wait. Oh god. It's tonight. Oh my god. GUYS. IT'S HAPPENING. EVERYBODY STAY CALM. FUCKING-"

Desi clasps her hand over Lily's mouth, shutting her up completely. "Jesus christ, dude! You're literally the only one not calm right now so what are you telling us for? And quiet down, would you? You're going to make someone barge in here to make sure no one is getting murdered."

Lily nods her head obediently, allowing Desi to take her hand down. She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down. That was just one of the very frequent freak outs that she has had the past few days.

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