Chapter 15

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Carina then looks beyond Lily's shoulder and her eyebrows furrow and her brown eyes darken to be point where they look black. She must have spotted Alexus.

"Wait here."


Carina's body is literally burning with the rage she feels towards Alexus right now. She was just taking a little walk around campus by herself when off in the distance, she saw Lily with tears streaming down her face and it looked like she was running away from something. That was when Carina just sprinted after her without even a moment's hesitation. The only thing that was on her mind was to get to the bottom of why she was crying and if someone caused it, she was going to have a little talk with him or her.

Carina has always been protective as hell over her those that she cares about, but Lily is by far the most important person to her here. It's crazy how much she's grown to care for her and to see anything but a smile on her face instantly sparks her defensive side.

And now that she knows that it was Alexus who was the cause of those tears, Carina is just itching to bash her face in repeatedly. She's done nothing but mess with Lily for absolutely no reason at all. Alexus simply just doesn't like her. Maybe Carina would even go so far as to say that Alexus hates Lily.

So after a small squeeze of Lily's hand, Carina turns herself around and marches her way across the short distance, fury intensifying with every single step that she takes. Alexus is chatting with one of her friends as if nothing happened at all. She looks like she has no remorse over making a girl run away crying. What a heartless bitch.

As soon as Carina makes her way up to her, she forcefully shoves Alexus against the back, making her stumble forward. "Hey! What the fuck?" the blonde-girl angrily barks as she spins around to face Carina, whose veins are pumping with adrenaline.

"I think I should be the one to be saying that. What the fuck is your problem with Lily?" Carina demands loudly, her fists balling up. They were starting to get a little audience around them and quite frankly, she doesn't care. Alexus needs to be called out. It's been long overdue.

Alexus crosses her arms over her chest and scoffs. "I was putting that little freak in her place. She obviously has this big ol' lesbian crush on you but now that you're with Daniel, I was telling her that she needs to back off because she clearly has no chance and desperation is not a good look."

"And what makes you think that you have the right to say something like that? Why are you such an asshole to people who mean absolutely no harm? Lily has never once in her life done anything to you or anyone else before. What kind of sadistic piece of shit are you for taking personal enjoyment in harassing other people?"

Carina is not holding back and the witnesses around them are clearly enjoying their midday entertainment. It's obviously making Alexus nervous, but Carina's calm. Well, as calm as someone who is as pissed off as she is can be. She can feel her fist wanting to collide with her nose.

"Why are you being so fucking defensive?" she lamely throws back.

Carina mentally scoffs at her. When you don't have a comeback. "Because she's my friend and I care about her," she retorts. "Unlike you."

Alexus laughs humorlessly, shifting her stance from one hip to the other and using one hand to point accusingly towards Lily's direction. "You're really choosing that girl over me? Really?"

At that point, Carina harshly swats Alexus's disgusting hand down and takes a step forward until she's threateningly close to her face, never once disconnecting their eyes. "First of all," she begins menacingly, enunciating every single word perfectly and loud enough for only her ears to hear, "her name is Lily. Second of all, you're damn right I am. And if you ever bother her again-no, if you even contemplate bothering her again, I will make fucking up your life my number one priority. I don't think your little boyfriend would be so happy if I told him about what happened that one night a few weeks ago. Would he?"

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