Chapter 19

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"And I know that I'm replying to your message a little bit late and it might not mean anything now," Lily says, her own cheeks matching the red tint that's present on Carina's, "but I missed you, too."


Carina and Lily, once again, stayed up until the wee hours of the night talking to each other across the room in slurred voices and hushed tones.

Lily missed her more than Carina will ever know. Ignoring her was one of the hardest things she's ever done, which is funny because it used to be one of the easiest things she's ever done. Carina has become such an integral part of her life now, but that also means she's the one most capable of hurting her the most. Lily trusted her once not to do that, and she let her down, but Carina was determined in making it up to her.

And boy, did she stick to her word.



Gooooood morning Lily!

I woke up early (when do I not tbh) and went out and bought you some coffee considering your stubborn self refused to go to sleep even after I persistently told you to because, let's be real, grumpy Lily sucks. So I hope that you actually drink this to help you wake up a bit otherwise I would have wasted another 3 bucks on an untouched beverage. (jk) ((too soon?)) (((have a nice day)))

Yours truly,

Lily chuckled to herself as she dropped the daintily written note back on the desk and wrapped her fingers around the small, Styrofoam cup. It's still pretty hot, so it must not have been too long ago before Carina left for class.

Lily brought the cup up to her lips and she took a small sip, warmth immediately spreading throughout her entire body. This week was already starting off on a good note.




After groggily clicking on her snooze button repeatedly, Lily grumbled underneath her breath before she swung her legs off the bed and reluctantly dragged her feet across the floor into the bathroom. She flicked on the light, eyes squinted against the sudden and intense brightness, and the first things that she noticed were a couple of sticky notes placed on a couple of objects and a regular sheet of notebook paper taped on the mirror.

Goooood morning Lily! (part 2)

So you may or may not have noticed little sticky notes attached to different things that belong to you. Well, I took the time while you were sleeping to write down some of the things that I like about you (there was no way I could have written everything but hey) and I placed them with their corresponding object that you typically use on a day-to-day basis. Just go along your typical daily morning routine and you'll soon find 8 notes.

This is your first note and this was attached to the mirror because one of the things I like most about you is your pretty little face :)

I hope this starts your day off well and I'll see you in a bit!


Lily was only awake for about a minute and already Carina had her smiling like an idiot. Her blushing cheeks were hurting and she hugged the note to her chest, her heart soaring. What a cute little shit she is for doing this.

Carina said to proceed with her routine, so that's what Lily does. Immediately, she glanced down at her toothbrush and saw a note attached to it.

Your radiant smile and infectious laughter, especially when you get all crinkly-eyed and you lean your head into my neck/shoulder and you clutch your hands at your sides. That's my favorite. I hope it always stays on your face.

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