Chapter 32

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Carina curls her hands into fists tightly, nails digging into her palms as pure rage incites inside of her. Lily hasn't done a single thing to anyone, especially Alexus, yet she's her number one target.

But then Carina realizes something. It's not Lily that Alexus has it out for, but instead it's Carina. Carina dropped Alexus from her life, humiliated her in public in front of their peers, and called her out for the first time, tarnishing her reputation, and now Alexus is out for blood.

And everyone knows that a person's weakness is to hurt the person who means the most to them.


Carina knocks on Naomi's door as she drums her fingers against her leg, feeling uneasy. Her confrontation with Alexus did the opposite of what she wanted and now she's worried she might have made things worse for Lily. She figured that talking to her friends might help her in deciding what to do about the spawn of Satan herself.

Naomi opens the door a couple moments later with Desi standing a few steps behind her. "Carina?" she asks with a slight look of confusion, head tilted to the side. "What's up? Are you okay?"

Carina doesn't even wait to be invited in before she enters in, Naomi quickly moving out of the way for her. "No, I'm worried sick."

She begins to pace back and forth, running her fingers through her hair in distress. Desi positions herself in front of her, preventing her from taking another step forward. "Okay, first of all, you need to breathe then tell us what's going on and why you're worried."

Carina takes her advice and inhales and exhales a couple calming breaths. Then she pulls the chair from the desk and sits on it while Naomi and Desi take a seat on the bed. Well, technically Naomi is sitting in Desi's lap comfortably. Unsurprising.

"Uhm..." Carina begins, thinking back to what happened. "Well, last night, Alexus made an unexpected appearance and kind of harassed Lily a bit by shouting at her and calling her a bitch and whatnot. So of course I had to say something because I can't fucking stand her and I wasn't going to let her think that it's okay to mess with her. But anyways, I personally went up to her face just now and told her to fuck off, but then she started threatening me about physically hurting Lily and-"

"-Excuse me?" Desi gapes, palm held up to stop Carina's words. "She threatened to hurt Lily?"

"I don't know," Carina mumbles. "I don't know whether she was being serious or just bluffing, but either way, it's got me concerned."

"What is her damn obsession with you and Lily?" Desi scoffs, exasperated beyond belief. "I don't fucking understand why she can't just leave you both the hell alone and why her homophobic ass hasn't gotten beat yet. Someone needs to hand her shit to her and if she doesn't back off, then I'll be the one to do it."

Carina and Naomi blink at Desi, speechless. She's never been the one to cuss all that often and she's definitely never been the one to make bold threats like that. She may be shy and timid for the most part, but she's fiercely protective of those she loves and it was evident just now.

Naomi rubs the nape of Desi's neck soothingly with her hands. "Calm down, babe," she says quietly, lips grazing against her temple. Desi's jaw unclenches and she exhales a long breath as she secures her grip around her girlfriend's waist. "Sorry. I just really hate her and I'm so tired of her."

Carina reaches over and pats Desi on the knee with a hint of a smile on her face. "I think everyone who isn't up so far in her ass hates her."

"I think you should just not give her any of your attention whatsoever," Naomi suggests as she absentmindedly plays with Desi's hair, which hangs in loose and soft curls down her shoulders. "That's clearly what she wants. She's upset and salty because you dropped her from her life all of a sudden and replaced her with Lily and that's why she's so bitter. She isn't used to not being wanted because it attacks her huge ego. But attention is all she wants and if you react to her problematic antics, then you're only feeding into it."

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