Chapter 29

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So she blindly reaches over and grabs her phone from the end table. Her eyes squint against the brightness of her screen and she opens the Tumblr app. She shoots a quick look over at Lily and sees that she's still fast asleep. In fact, she's snoring pretty loudly.

With burning cheeks, a racing heart, sweaty palms, and a smiling face, Carina sends Lily a simple message that'll be the first thing she reads in the morning when she wakes up.

gilded-bannanna: i love you


Lily's eyelids flutter open as she groans groggily, arm absentmindedly feeling around on the spot beside her. She frowns slightly when she finds that it's empty and she's lying on the bed alone.

Carina's bed.

She hasn't slept on this side of the week in over a week and she never realized just how much she missed it. It's not the mattress or the blankets or the pillows that are more comfortable in comparison to her own, but it was the faint scent that lingered and the person associated with it that always manages to help her sleep just a little bit better.

Speaking of which, where is Carina?

Lily sits herself up and rubs her eyes with a yawn, blinking a few times to refocus her blurry vision. It was then that she noticed the light underneath the crack of the door, as well as the sound of the shower running. Well that answers her question.

She glances down at her lap to see an extra blanket resting on top of her legs, one that was definitely not there last night when she fell asleep. She instinctively smiles. She's lost track of how many times Carina has given her extra blankets throughout the night.

Lily then reaches over and grabs her phone to check the time. A little past 10:30 A.M. She scans over the notifications to see a few texts from Tori and Amanda.

Tori (8:54 AM): is there any way for you and Connor to like switch places bc I'm two seconds away from punching him in the throat

Lily chuckles to herself in amusement. Tori and Connor are the ones who would fight the most and she can't even begin to imagine what he did this morning that annoyed her.

Lily (10:34 AM): lmaoo I miss you guys too. try not to kill each other before I come back home for break in about a month okay?

Amanda's text, on the other hand, is nowhere near as violent.

Amanda (10:07 AM): I know your butt is still in bed but when you wake up, do you wanna head out to get food with me?

Amanda is usually the person when it comes to recruiting all five girls (and Daniel), but during the midst of Lily and Carina's fight, she's only asked them to hang out individually. She knows Amanda and Carina have spent time together separately before and she only did that because she didn't want there to be awkwardness or tension in the air, but she also didn't want to have the other feel left out. But now that they're no longer fighting...

Lily (10:39 AM): why don't all 6 of us go out instead? I'll ask Carina when she gets out of the shower but I'm sure she'll want to go

Right as Lily sends her texts out, she looks right back to her notifications list and something catches her attention that it didn't before: a notification from Tumblr. It says that she received a message sometime in the middle of the night from Carina.

Lily knits her eyebrows in confusion. It must have been after she fell asleep last night that Carina decided to send it because she doesn't recall them messaging each other, but what would she have needed to say over Tumblr?

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