Chapter 9

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Lily takes another big sip of her drink before placing it on top of the table beside her. She then types in Carina's Tumblr URL and clicks on the message button that she's done a million times before.

She involuntarily smiles to herself as she types in the first message they've exchanged since the night they found out about each other.

notso-green: you mean a lot to me too


Throughout the next couple of weeks, Carina and Lily's friendship still remained incognito from the public, or at least from the group of people that Carina associates herself with.

At first it didn't bother the two girls as much, but as time progressed, their bond and friendship only got stronger. It frustrated Carina to no end how she had to avoid Lily like the fucking plague all because she's scared to death that people would start to have suspicions about the two of them. After all, their friendship did a complete turnaround over just literally one night. People would definitely notice how they went from practically hating each other one day to being close as hell the next.

Carina will be walking around campus during the day with her individual group of friends and Lily will be walking with Amanda and Desi and all Carina wants to do is just acknowledge them and say "hi" to them, but she has to restrain from it. Instead, she'll sometimes just exchange sad glances with Lily before reverting back to pretending she doesn't care about them when that's the furthest thing from the truth.

Inside the comfort and privacy of their dorm is different. Like, completely different. Carina and Lily will spend hours at a time laughing and joking and talking about everything that matters and everything that doesn't. It's not much different than from the conversations they would have over Tumblr, but now Carina can actually experience first handedly the emotions that Lily possesses regarding certain topics.

She's full of passion and Carina loves watching her facial expressions, her hand movements, and the way her voice changes and the way she sometimes fumbles over her words when she gets overly excited about something she's talking. She can listen to Lily for hours, which is what she does.

Carina's also been spending less time going out at night and opting to stay in the room with Lily instead and the times that she does go out, she finds herself wanting to leave. She actually anticipates going back to her room now instead of completely dreading it like she used to. That's why it really fucking sucks how she has to pretend like Lily doesn't exist outside of the security of those four walls.


Carina snaps out of her train of thought and is brought back to reality. She looks at Naomi, who's sitting across the table from her. They're currently at the library to quote-unquote study. Clearly they are making tons of progress. "What?" she asks dumbly.

Naomi rolls her eyes before leaning across the table a bit. "Did you not hear me?" she asks, voice low. "I said don't look now, but Daniel, who is behind you on the other side of the room, keeps looking at you all shyly and whatnot."

"Daniel? Cute guy in our math class?" Carina questions, voice just as quiet.

Naomi nods her head enthusiastically "I think he's contemplating asking you out because he looks like he keeps wanting to come over here and talk to you. You should say yes! He's such a good guy, dude."

Carina's eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, wait, what?" She doesn't remember signing up for this matchmaker crap. And it's not like she's into boys either. It's not like it would matter.

Now Naomi's eyes widen as well and her gaze immediately shoots down at the book in front of her on the table. "You have about 3 seconds to make up your mind because he's coming over here now!" she mutters quickly under her breath.

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