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Olivia was in her room with Daniel when it happened. Her laptop was open on the bed, and "Olympus Has Fallen" was currently playing on her Netflix. They had just gotten up to the part where Mike Banning was able to save Connor and get him out of the White House when Olivia's phone lit up with a text message.

"Via? It's Lance."

She froze. Daniel, noticing his friend tense up, paused the movie and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" he asked. "It's Lance." She replied. "He messaged me."

Daniel raised his eyebrows before speaking again. "Well aren't you going to reply?" he asked, but then with a mischievous glint he added. "Or are you planning on playing hard to get."

"Oh shut up." Olivia said, giving him a playful shove. "Oh im pain. I'm going to the afterlife. Time of death... Call it." He said rolling off the bed, and falling on the carpeted floor.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Drama queen." She said, as Daniel got up laughing. "But seriously though, are you going to reply to him?"

Olivia' hazel eyes held hesitation in them, as she considered it carefully. "I know I should." She said. "But I'm pretty sure I don't have the confidence to do so."

Daniel stared at her in disbelief. "Seriously? You sing at a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in a teeny tiny two-piece outfit in sky-high stiletto heels, and you don't have the confidence to reply to your crush?"

"For the last time, Lance isn't my crush, but yeah. I'd rather do that all over again rather than this." She said.

'Hey Lance!' her fingers hovered over the screen for a moment before she clicked the send button. She barely had time to put down her phone before the screen lit up again.

"Damn he must really like you." Said Daniel, looking over her shoulder. "Hey, it's true! He takes like two hours to answer messages from other people. Checo was complaining about it yesterday." He defended, after seeing the look Olivia was giving him.

'Wyd? Do you have plans for tonight yet?'

Olivia hesitated a bit, seeming to be thinking carefully about what to say next before replying with.

'Hanging out with Daniel in my hotel room rn, and no I don't. Why do ask?'

Daniel was reading the messages from beside her, and when he realized that she hadn't noticed it yet, he decided to joke around a bit with her. "Wow, it's just the start of the season, and your already pulling a driver." He said with a smirk plastered all over his face.

"Oh shut up would you." Retorted Olivia, as she waited for Lance's reply. Just then, her phone lit up again. Lance had sent another message.

'Would you like to go out with me for dinner tonight? Just to catch up on stuff that we missed out on over the past couple of years.'

Olivia's eyes went wide. She didn't know what to expect but she wasn't really expecting this. Daniel, being the busybody that he loved being when it came to his friend's love life, decided to speak up. "Well, well, it looks like Miss Olivia Jerusha Cortez has a date tonight."

"Dan, its not a date, its just a catch up between old friends." Said Olivia "You sure the two of you are just friends?" He retorted. "Yes, thank you very much." She answered. "Are you going though?" he asked. "Depends." She replied. "Depends on what exactly?" "If I have something to wear."

She quickly got up, and looked through her suitcase, looking for something. "Aha!" she exclaimed, pulling out a cream-colored knitted sweatshirt, and a pair of skinny jeans. "Perfect. I can pair this with the boots I was wearing earlier."

Picking up her phone she typed a reply to Lance's message.

'Yeah, I'm good with that.' She sent the message, and waited for him to reply.

'Great! I'll pick you up at 6.' She read.

'alright see you then.' she typed. She sent the message and looked up to see Daniel looking at her with a smirk on his face.

"What?" she said. "Oh nothing." Daniel stood up from the bed, and walked over to her. "Nothing at all... Other than the fact that that 6 o'clock is one and a half hours away and we both know that it takes you longer than that to get ready."

Olivia's eyes went wide. "Holy crap! You're right!" she grabbed him by the hand and pushed him out of her room. "Wait what about the movie?" he exclaimed, knowing exactly what his friend was doing. "We'll finish the movie tomorrow, but for now, get out. I need to get ready, and you need to get out." She said as she shut the door in his face.

She leaned against the door, and took a moment to steady her breathing. "Oh my god, what did I just do." Picking up her phone, she called up Kelly. "She would probably know what to do." She thought.

"Hey Via! What's up? Aren't you supposed to be with Daniel right now?" Olivia pinched her nose. "Yeah I was up until about two minutes ago."

Noticing her friend's frantic tone, Kelly started to worry. "Via, what's wrong." Olivia hesitated a bit before telling her. "Well I may or may have not agreed to go out to dinner with Lance. I mean I didn't plan on it, and it just happened and I-" "Hold on you did WHAT?"

"I mean, we're just going to catch up on stuff that happened in the past couple years, he said it himself." she said, her voice going up by almost an entire octave. "And besides, he might even tell me why he cut me off, and it might just give me peace of mind, I mean what's the worst that could happen right?" She said.

Olivia could almost see the dumbfounded look on Kelly's face as she heard her voice through the phone. "Olivia. The worst that could happen, is something I don't think we even want to find out." She said.

"But there's no going back now. You already agreed to it. Now you just need to get your shit together, and make sure you don't have a mental breakdown." "Yeah thanks Kells, way to make me feel better." Olivia said sarcastically. "Yeah yeah, I'm a good friend like that, now video call me so I can help you get ready." "Alright give me minute." She said, ending the call.

Olivia let a half frustrated, half confused sigh escape her lips. What the heck has she gotten herself into.

a/n: Hey guys! Happy new year to you all, and i hope 2021 treats you well. I had a sudden urge to write at 1 am and this is what i came up with. iIhope you guys like it!


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