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"Look Dan I really don't think I should go." Olivia sat in her hotel room in Philadelphia on her phone, with none other than Daniel Ricciardo.

They had met a few years ago at a music festival, and immediately hit it off, quickly becoming one of the most high-profile celebrity friendships, and pretty much breaking the internet.

"C'mon Olivia it's not like you have anything better to do." He said. Well, Olivia couldn't exactly argue with that. "and besides, your next concert is in Sydney anyway, so just come to Australia a couple days early and come spend time with me. It's been ages since we hung out" He added.

Well he does have a point. Thought Olivia. "But still Dan, I really don't think it's a good idea." She could almost see him rolling his eyes on the other end at her words.

"And why is that exactly?" He replied. Olivia fell silent. Daniel didn't know that she used to be friends with Lance. Heck, nobody knew that she used to be friends with Lance.

That was something she had very much tried to contain in the past. He didn't matter now. He ignored her when she needed him most, and she didn't need him. Not anymore.

"C'mon Via, give me one good reason why you can't go."

"Well I... I... I um..." she trailed off. She didn't have a good reason.

"See, nothing. C'mon Via please." Said Daniel.

She pursed her lips. She quickly did a calculation in her head on how much time she would need. If she went on the first plane to Melbourne on Thursday, she would have enough time to hang out with Daniel before the practice sessions on Friday, and since the race was on Sunday, and her concert was on Wednesday night, if she caught the first flight to Sydney on Monday, she would still be there on time for the meet and greets, with enough time to prepare. Assuming that everything went according to plan of course.

But then there still was the matter of if she would see Lance there.

If she went with Daniel, there was a chance that she would see him there, but there was also a chance that she wouldn't see him at all. She would be in the Renault Paddock the whole time, and Lance would obviously be at the racing point paddock.

Going to the GP with Daniel would be absolutely amazing for sure, but what if it reminded her too much of him. Seeing Lance race might just be enough to push her in a direction she didn't exactly want to go. Could she really risk it? And while she was on tour at that. But then again, even if there was a chance that she would see him, it wasn't really that big of a chance she would.

"Fine. I'll come with you to Melbourne." She said finally giving in.

"YES! Oh this is goanna be great. Yes, yes, yes, finally." She could already imagine his wide grin on the other side of the phone.

"Oh this is great, I'll make sure you'll get a paddock pass, and I'll need your flight number so I can pick you up at the airport." He said.

"Yes. Yes. Hey listen I gotta go now, I need to get ready for my show tonight, but I'll see you in two weeks okay?"

"Yeah, but make sure to keep me updated." He replied. "Oh and tell Kelly, and Jason I said hi."

Olivia ended the call and lied down on her bed, until she heard a knock on her door. "It's open." She called out. Two people walked into the room, Kelly Pierce, her PR manager, and Jason Miller, her producer.

Jason had dirty blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes. When paired with his tan skin, structured face, and muscular physique, he looked pretty much like the guy you would crush on in high school. He had been Olivia's producer since she released her first album when she was just fifteen, and the way they worked together just felt so natural, and Olivia always said that, without him, her career might have gone in a completely different direction.

Kelly had pretty much stayed the same since they were in high-school. Platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and piercing greyish blue eyes. Olivia often joked that she would pass as Draco Malfoy's twin sister. She would always deny it, but there was no denying that she definitely had enough of a temper to be a Malfoy. She ended up being Olivia's PR manager when her last one had quit, and Kelly had just dropped out of college. Olivia needed someone who not just knew how publicity worked, but also knew her well to be her PR, and Kelly fit the profile perfectly.

"Who was on the phone?" asked Kelly, sitting down next to her. "It was Daniel. He was trying to get me to go to Melbourne for the race weekend before catching a flight to Sydney for the concert." Replied Olivia.

"Well, what did you say?" she asked?

"I said yes. I mean I'll still be able to make it to Sydney in time, and he made a really good point about it being a great time for us to hang out."

Kelly stared at her blankly. "Well what about him?" she asked. Kelly was one of the few people who knew what exactly had happened between her, and Lance, and she wanted to keep it that way.

"Well there's not really much of a chance that I'll see him. I mean, I'll be in the Renault paddock pretty much the whole time." Replied Olivia.

"Wait, hold on who's him? I'm very confused. Please tell me what's going on?" Olivia turned around, and saw Jason with a confused expression on his face. She looked at Kelly. The two of them had a mental debate on weather or not to tell Jason about Olivia's past history with Lance.

"Fine. Let's tell him." Said Kelly, her icy blue eyes staring at him.

"Yes, please I'm all ears." Exclaimed Jason, as he made himself comfortable on the couch.

"It was a long time ago." Explained Olivia. "We grew up together in Montreal, and we were best friends. We did almost everything together." Jason gestured for her to continue.

"It happened when we were about fourteen. Just after he left for Europe, and right before I left for Nashville."

a/n: well well my dear readers, we are now about to find out, what exactly happened between Lance and Olivia, and why she hates his guts, and doesn't want to see him.  Grab your popcorn and get comfy ladies, and gents. This might take a while.

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