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Olivia took a deep breath in the mirror. “Cmon Via, you can do this.” She had just finished getting ready for the party, and now she was standing in her bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. She had somehow found one of her dresses that she wore a few years back that magically still fit her like a glove.

She slipped on a pair of gold sandals and walked out of her room. She took a moment to regain herself at the top of the stairs. To say she was nervous would be a severe understatement.

When she reached the bottom she was met with an absolute sight for sore eyes. (Well… Hers at least.) Lance was wearing a dark blue shirt, and a leather jacket, and a pair of fitted jeans, but that wasn’t what Olivia was looking at.

When he turned to look at her, the air was almost knocked out of her lungs. She couldn’t even describe what she felt in that moment. All she knew was that she was falling harder for him, every time she saw his face.

Lance was almost sure his jaw had dropped to the floor. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Was it the dress? The hair? The smile? He had absolutely no idea. All he knew was that he loved her more with every second.

The dress stopped mid-thigh, and hugged all her curves perfectly. The straps rested nicely on her shoulders, and the sparkly champagne colored fabric brought out the sparkle in her eyes that he always loved.

“Hey.” Said Lance. “You look really pretty.” He gave her a warm smile. The same smile that made her heart melt every damn time.

“Hi.” Said Olivia. Her tongue felt like it was caught in her throat “You look really pretty too-” ‘shit I didn’t mean that’ she thought. “Well not pretty… I mean… not that you don’t look good, which you do, I meant that you look handsome, and well yeah, you look really handsome.” She rambled. “is what I meant to say.”

“So… Let’s go?” he asked. Olivia nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah! Yeah let’s go.” And with that, the pair walked out to the taxi outside. (They agreed that neither of them would drive,s)

Lance opened the door and Olivia stepped inside, barely unable to contain the smile on her face. That smile was something that always seemed to appear when she was with Lance. Speaking of Lance, he had just gotten into the driver’s side backseat, and couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of the woman beside him.

They spent the ride in silence. Not like back in Melbourne though. No that silence was dreary, uncomfortable, and painstakingly awkward. This one felt calm, and peaceful in a way. They were quiet not because they felt like they couldn’t speak, but more on the fact that they didn’t feel the need to.


Loud music blared from the sound system as they entered the club. “C’mon, let’s go.” Taking her hand, Lance lead her to a room in the back.

“Lance! You’re finally here!” A loud voice boomed. A tall blonde man that Olivia recognized as Damon Phillips, one of their former schoolmates, and one of Lance’s closest childhood friends.

‘So he’s the one hosting the party… huh.’ Thought Olivia. “Hey man, good to see you.” Said Lance. He looked at her, with a smile on his face. “Olivia, Damon, you guys remember each other right?”

“Of course! How could I forget about the girl who wrote a song about how the patriarchy is shit just to prove a point?” Olivia laughed. “And I’m definitely remembering the only guy who’s ever managed to beat me in a debate.” The two laughed and shook hands.

FADED MEMORIES: A Lance Stroll fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now