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Five years ago, April 2014, Montreal, Canada, a few months after Lance left

"Olivia, you okay?" Kelly walked into Olivia's room. The brunette was sitting down, and staring blankly at the wall with her guitar in her lap, and tear stains on her face. She shook her head. She wasn't okay. That much was completely obvious.

"Is it about Lance?" She nodded her head this time. The journal on her bed was now filled with song lyrics that she had come up with in the last half hour. She would usually have shown them to Lance, but now they were all about him. About what he had done, and about how she wasn't sure if she should hate him or not.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Kelly. This was when Olivia snapped. She broke down into tears, and started to sob. Kelly wrapped her arms around her, and immediately tried to comfort her friend.

"What did I do wrong Kelly?" she said, in tears. "I knew he was going to leave, and all but why did he cut me off."

The past few months had been pretty hard on Olivia. Lance had left, and the first few weeks had been fine. They would spend hours talking to each other on the phone, and it was almost like he had never left. But then the calls started getting less frequent, and then he stopped picking up, and suddenly he just stopped replying to her messages, and voicemails, and cut her off completely.

Olivia tried to get back in touch. She really did. She texted him, emailed him, she even messaged him on Instagram, and Twitter, but nothing was working. It was almost like she had never known him.

Kelly noticed the sweatshirt that her friend was wearing. It had been a gift from Lance on her previous birthday. Looking around the room, she saw an old photo album opened on a picture from a few years back. It was their last day of middle school, and Lance had insisted that they take a picture for the sake of memories. Around the room were numerous things that reminded Olivia of Lance. The bookmark he had gotten her, a framed picture of the two of them by the lake, and a polaroid of the two from just before he left.

The blonde quickly realized where her best friend had been that morning. She had spent the whole morning crying, and now she was trying to cope the way she always did. She was writing another song. And this time it was about Lance.

Olivia looked up, and Kelly let out a gasp. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. "Girly, I hate to put this way, but you gotta get yourself together."

Olivia laughed. "You know, I feel so stupid crying over a boy who doesn't even care." She said, wiping her tears on her sleeve.

"And for good reason. If he makes you cry, then he's not worth it." Kelly took a tissue, and handed to her friend to blow her nose.

"Hey, c'mon. Get up, and get dressed."

"Wait what? Where are we going?"


"But I don't want to." said Olivia. Kelly gave her a look. "I hate society at the moment, and the world is cruel." Said Olivia, trying to come up with excuses not to go.

"We'll go for ice cream, and I'll pay." Olivia perked up at her words. "Okay ya know what? Fine." She said, giving in.


Jason sat there looking at the two girls after they told their story. "So you mean to tell me that you were desperately in love with Lance Stroll, but then he cut you off you, were left heartbroken, and now you're stressing over weather or not you'll see him at the race?"

"Okay first of all I wasn't in love with him." Started Olivia.

"Um, yes you were." Retorted Kelly. Olivia frowned at her. "No I wasn't"

"God your entire debut album makes so much more sense now." Said Jason looking up.

"I mean half of your songs were about a boy with in your words 'eyes that were like dark coffee on a Sunday morning' and 'soft brown hair that you would never get tired of running your fingers through.' And from that I can conclude that yes you were in love with him." He said with raised eyebrows, and wide eyes as Olivia's lyrics started to click in his head.

Olivia let out a sigh. "Okay yes fine, half of those were about him. Yes I admit it. You happy now?"

"Well I mean, there's barely a chance I'll see him anyway, I'll be with Dan the whole time." Said Olivia. "and besides, I doubt that he's recognise me."

"Well you do have a point there." Said Kelly, "A lot can happen in 5 years." She added, knowing just how much her best friend had changed.

Her previous shoulder length brown hair, had been replaced by a longer style with bright electric blue highlights from her last album concept that had just started to fade. (She would probably chop it off after the tour, and dye it a different color.) Her once quiet voice and soft-spoken personality had been replaced by quick wits, and a sharp tongue.

Of course, there were things that hadn't changed at all. She was still very confident, still passionate, and determined, and she was still the same girl that grew up in Montreal who loved curling up on the couch with her guitar, her song journal, and a warm cup of tea.

Olivia had changed, but in a good way, and so had Lance. That much was easy to see. They had both changed drastically over the past few years, but if you looked close enough, they were still the same kids that they were when they were still close friends, and if the two started spending time together again, heaven knows what could go wrong. It was bomb practically waiting to explode, and when it did, it would be equally deadly for both of them.

"Wait, so are you really sure it's a good idea for you to go to the race then?" asked Jason. "I mean did you post anything with him on your socials? Cause if you did, and the two of you are seen together, then the paparazzi will have a field day." He said looking at Kelly. He knew about the pressures of the media, but that was her job to handle.

"Well I did before, but that was before our careers took off." Said Olivia. "Yeah, and if the two of them are seen together, people are more likely to assume that they know each other through Daniel anyway." Continued Kelly.

"But I personally think it's a good idea to go to the race." Said Kelly speaking up "and if I can get in contact with Daniel's PR, then we can maybe arrange a few pictures on their Instagram, maybe even a... what do you call that again? The one that Millie Bobbie Brown did with Hamilton last year?" she asked.

"Pirelli Hotlap." Answered Olivia.

"Yeah that." She confirmed. "It's pretty good for publicity."

"Well if she says it's okay, then I guess it's okay." He said. Olivia smiled in return. "I'm goanna go book my flight."

Olivia got up, and opened her laptop. She couldn't be more excited. She was going to Melbourne, and she was going to spend time with Daniel for the first time in a while, and she was certain that she would have a great time. What could possibly go wrong?

a/n: so now you kinda have an idea of what happened between the two of them, so the next chapter is goanna have a bit more spice.


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