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"Why do I get the feeling that you're going to do your best to scare the living daylights out of me?" Olivia was currently getting into the car that would take her and Daniel around the track.

The cheeky smile on Daniel's face as he got into the car was enough to answer her question. "What do you think?" he said. Olivia rolled her eyes as he started the car. "I think you're going to be the absolute death of me."

Daniel laughed as he started the car. "You ready?" he asked, driving out of the pitlane. "As I'll ever be." She replied. As Daniel drove out of the pits, the speed of the car went up, and Olivia's heart started to race.

"Here we go!" exclaimed Daniel. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, Dan you're going way too fast!" she practically screamed. Daniel just laughed.

"I'm not even going that fast!" he responded. Olivia swore loudly. "Oh for christ's sake, you drive a literal rocket on wheels for a living! Of course it's not that fast for you!"

Daniel sped into the next corner, making Olivia squeal in a mix of fear and delight. Daniel laughed at her reaction.

"You still alive there?" He asked glancing at her as he sped down the track. Olivia looked at him is disbelief. "DANIEL RICCIARDO KEEP YOUR FUCKING EYES ON THE ROAD!" she screamed making him laugh in response.

By the time that they had finished the lap, Olivia's adrenaline levels were through the roof. The car slowed to a stop, and Daniel looked at the girl beside him.

A few strands had escaped her brown, and blue ponytail, and a large smile was on her face. "That was fun." She said, looking at Daniel who was grinning from ear to ear.

"See, I told you you'd be fine." He said, making Olivia roll her eyes playfully as they got out of the car.

Meanwhile, in the Racing Point hospitality, Lance was in his room after a meeting, on the phone and deep in conversation with his sister.

Just then, Katherine his PR burst through the door slightly out of breath, and phone in hand. "Lance!" she said. "You might want to see this."

The Canadian looked at her, and nodded at her to give him a second. "Yeah Chloe, I gotta go now, but tell mom I said hi." He ended the call, and walked up to her.

"Kate, what's up?" He asked, slightly confused as to what was happening.

She opened her phone, and showed him some new articles about some pictures of him that had just gone viral, except for one thing... It wasn't just him in the pictures, it was Olivia as well. His eyes widened when he saw the titles of some of the articles.

'Lance Stroll spotted on date with worldwide music sensation Olivia Cortez'

'Olivia Cortez, what we know about the possible new F1 WAG'

'Olivia Cortez with possible new beau Canadian F1 driver Lance Stroll'

"Shit." He needed to go find Olivia.

Olivia on the other hand was completely oblivious to what was going on. At the moment, she was having a coffee with Daniel in the Renault hospitality.

"Look, all I'm saying is that Fast Five will always be the best Fast and The Furious movie solely for the fact that it brought all the characters from the past movies together." She said, taking a sip from her caramel latte.

Daniel rolled his eyes at her. "You have horrible taste, the first movie is obviously the best." He said. "I mean, it's literally the OG, the gold standard for street race movies."

"But Gal Gadot." "But Michelle Rodriguez." "The chase scenes were better." "No they weren't." "It had guns." "But did it have Nos?" "Yes it did." "But not enough of it." "Whatever."

Daniel laughed at the girl beside him. She really was something else.

Just then, Olivia's phone started to ring. Taking it out, she saw Lance's name on the caller ID. Gesturing to Daniel to be quiet, she answered the call, and put it on speaker.

"Hey Lance, what's up?" She said, a smile instantly showing up on her face. Making Daniel scoff at the girl, causing her to glare at him.

"Hey Olivia, where are you?" he asked. Olivia furrowed her brow. "I'm in the Renault hospitality with Daniel. Why?" she answered. "Yeah um we might have a slight problem..." he said trailing off.

"Wait hold on, what do you mean we?" she said, starting to get worried. Lance paused for a moment before he responded. "I think it's better if you see this for yourself, can you meet me outside the Racing Point hospitality?" he asked. "Yeah, yeah sure I'll meet you there."

Turning to Daniel, she spoke up. "Listen Dan, I gotta go." She said. Daniel nodded at her. "It's fine, I'm pretty sure I need to go for an interview now anyway." He replied, looking at his watch. "You know where it is right?" he asked.

Olivia laughed. "Dan, it's a big bright pink building, I don't think I can miss it." She said, stuffing her phone in her purse, and setting off.

When she got there, she saw Lance waiting for her in front of the door. Walking over to him, she gave him a wave, which he returned with a smile.

"Hey what's going on? You sounded a bit worried on the phone earlier." Lance hesitated, before showing her what was happening. What Olivia saw what was on the screen, she froze.

Articles, upon articles upon articles surrounding speculation of her and Lance's relationship were the only thing she saw. That wasn't even the worst part. The comments were.

'wait isn't she friends with Daniel?'

'ngl they're kinda cute'

'this relationship is EVERYTHING'

'OMG they look so happy!'

'I want this in my life'

'Lance deserves better smh'

'this relationship won't last lmao'

'ugh she's such a slut'

"Shit." "That's what I said." The two looked at each other, and back at the screen, and decided to go to Lance's room for a bit of privacy.

"So what do we do now?" asked Lance. Olivia shrugged. "Well one thing is for sure, we need to say something before this gets out of hand." She said, leaning on the wall.

"She's right you know." Said a voice with a heavy English accent from the doorway. Olivia looked up to see a petite girl with wavy auburn locks and emerald green eyes.

"Olivia, this is Kate my PR, Kate this is... well you know who she is." Olivia watched the way Lance smiled as she entered the room, and the way he put his hand on the small of her back as he introduced the two girls to each other.

She felt a sharp pang of jealousy in her stomach as she faked a smile greeting the girl. "Nice to meet you." She said, shaking her hand. "Likewise." Responded Kate.

"Anyway as I was saying, and as Olivia had already pointed out, you need to say something before it gets out of hand." She said, turning to face them. "A post or a story on instagram should be enough."

Olivia nodded. "I'll tell Kelly, and post right after I tell her." Lance looked at her. "Wait, Kelly as in-" "Yeah our friend from middle school Kelly." She said. "She became my manager after my last one resigned." She explained, seeing the puzzled look on Lance's face.

"Well then, now that that's settled, Lance you have an interview with Sky Sports in twenty minutes." 

a/n: hey guys sorry for the late update something came up earlier this week and i didn't rlly have the time and energy to write but anyhow here's another chapter!

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