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Olivia was waiting for Daniel at the airport parking lot since he had promised to pick her up. She had just had a very productive 15 minutes. Within that time she somehow had enough time to go through immigration, get her luggage, go to the bathroom, and get a coffee at the airport cafe. Her black cap was pulled low over her head, as she waited for her friend.

Just then she a pair of hands cover her eyes, and a smile crept its way on to her face. "Guess who." Said a deep Australian voice. "Haha. Very funny Daniel." She said with a chuckle. He let out a groan. "How'd you now it was me?" He said, as he took off his hands, and she turned around.

"Well for one thing you're the only person I know that would have risked doing that when they're not even sure its me." she pointed out. "And another thing is that I can feel the callouses on your hands from all the time you spend driving, and on the simulator." She added with a smirk.

"Okay fair point." Daniel chuckled as he helped her with her luggage. He lifted the trunk door of his car, and put her bag inside. "After you milady." He said, holding open the door of the passenger seat of his Renault Infiniti. She smiled and got in the car.

"So what exactly have you been up to lately?" He asked her as they set off. "Eh. Touring the world, and working on a potential new album, but other than that not much." She shrugged. "A new album so soon? It's just been what eight months since the release of 'Mark My Words'?" He said referring to her last EP.

She nodded "Well the album takes a lot of time to finalize." She said. "Plus before it's released, there's concepts, music videos, photo shoots, promotions, production..." "Okay, okay I get your point." Said Daniel laughing, as Olivia laughed along with him.

"Anyway, what about you? The season's about to start, and you just moved teams. You ready?" she asked. She knew about why Daniel had left Red Bull, and that was part of the reason she had agreed to go with him. She wanted to make sure her friend was okay.

"Well it'll be really different for sure, but then that's why I'm excited for this year." She nodded. She understood his need for change. That's why she had left Big Machine Records after a messy feud with Scott Brochetta.

"Oh and my PR said something about a hotlap?" he asked. Olivia nodded in response. "Kelly thinks it's good for publicity." "Well apparently Renault does too, since they gave the go signal yesterday." Olivia's head whipped to her side so fast she was shocked she didn't get whiplash.

"Wait what? You're kidding." she said, astonishment evident in her voice. She knew Kelly was going to pitch the idea to Daniel's PR team, who would forward the message to the head of Renault's PR department, but she didn't think they would actually say yes.

"Yup. I get to drive you one lap around the track, which is fun." Olivia's smile started to fade "Oh no." she said. "Wait what's wrong?" asked Daniel. "You're going to do your best to scare the crap out of me aren't you?" she said with a horrified look on her face. The smirk that played on Daniel's lips was enough to confirm her suspicion. "Oh shit." She said. "I'm fucking doomed."

Daniel started to laugh. "C'mon it'll be fun." She let out a scoff. "Fun? Yeah sure Ricciardo, it's fun for you." She said. "You drive cars at 300 kph for a living!" she exclaimed. "Well it's not like we'll crash into a wall or something." Said Daniel. "Well we might." She retorted. "But we won't tho." "Yeah, keep telling yourself that Ricciardo."

Just then Daniel turned on the radio, and the intro to 'Sweet Caroline' by started to play. The two looked at each other smiling, knowing what was about to happen. "Hands, touching hands." Sang Daniel. "Reaching out." Continued Olivia. "Touching me, touching youuu!!!" they sang together. "SWEET CAROLINE BUM BUM BUM, GOOD TIMES NEVER SEEMED SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOD!" they basically screamed at the top of their lungs.

Laughter filled the car as the two friends sang along. The rest of the drive to the hotel was like that as well, filled with laughter, smiles, numerous horrible jokes, and a selfie for Olivia to post on her instagram.

Before long they had arrived at their hotel. (Olivia had made sure to book a room in the same hotel that Daniel was staying at.) Daniel helped her get her luggage out of the trunk.

They walked up to the front desk, and Olivia took her key card from the receptionist. Going to the elevator, Daniel asked, "What floor are you staying on again?" "Twelve." She replied. He nodded and pressed the button.

"So after you unpack, you wanna go out to get something to eat?" asked Daniel. Olivia looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Okay, I can't object to this, 'cause I'm always hungry, but aren't you supposed to be on a diet or something?"

Daniel laughed. "Well what my trainer doesn't know won't exactly hurt him, now will it." Olivia rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah but do you remember the last time we did it?" she said, a laugh escaping her lips. "Michael made me extra for an entire week after." He said. Olivia scrunched up her face. "That's what you call Spain without the S."

"You still haven't answered my question." He said. ""Um yes I want to get something to eat. Food is life, and therefore I want food." Daniel laughed. "You're always hungry aren't you." He said. Olivia made a face. "You're one to talk." She muttered under her breath. "Haha very funny." he said as they walked out of the elevator.

"Where do you want to eat? You know any good places?" asked Olivia. "Well there's this nice pizza place down the street, if that's okay with you." Olivia smiled. "Ah yes Daniel, you know exactly what I like." She said, bringing out the key card to her room. Opening the door, she went in, Daniel following her inside.

She flopped on the bed and let out a sigh of relief. "Finally. I can lie down." She said. "You know if you're tired, we don't need to go out." He said. She sat up immediately. "NO! I want my pizza." Daniel laughed. "Now I know how to get you to wake up on Friday."

Getting up from the bed, Olivia took the key card and placed it in her purse. "Oh very funny Daniel. Very funny." Olivia checked if she had everything with her.

"You need to get anything in your room before we go?" she asked. Daniel shook his head. "Nah, I just need to pee first before we go." Olivia nodded her head. "I'll wait for you in the lobby."

Olivia went to the lobby while Daniel went to the bathroom. Pressing the button, she rested her back on the cold wall of the elevator. She smiled. She hadn't seen Lance at all. This was good. This was absolutely perfect.

As the door opened, she got out of the elevator, and walked to the lobby to wait for Daniel. While waiting, she pulled out her phone, and checked her instagram. The last picture she had posted was a picture of her waiting for Daniel at the airport after her arrival.

'are you there for the gp?'



'Have fun Olivia!!!'

Olivia smiled as she looked at the comments. She really did have some pretty amazing fans. She spent some time replying to some comments, and scrolling her feed. Looking up from her phone, she wondered how much longer it would take for Daniel to get there.

"Olivia?" said a voice from behind her. Oh crap she thought. She knew that voice anywhere. It was the voice of a person that used to be her friend. Turning around she was faced with the messy brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes of none other than Lance Stroll

a/n: Hey guys!!! sorry for the late update. its the last week of school before the Christmas break, and i just needed to finish my requirements for school. anyhow this chapter is a bit longer, so i hope that makes up for it.

FADED MEMORIES: A Lance Stroll fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now