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"Okay so this is what I'm planning to wear." Said Olivia, holding up the outfit she had taken out of her suitcase. Kelly looked at her with a look that clearly said. "Are you kidding me right now?"

"What?" Asked Olivia. "Via, you're going out to dinner with Lance." Olivia gave her a puzzled look. "Exactly, I'm going out to dinner with my friend."

Kelly stared at her through the camera. "Olivia, you two are both celebrities now. It's not goanna be like when you were kids that the world couldn't care less." She stated with a matter-of-fact tone.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Asked Olivia. Kelly stared at her with a dumbfounded look on her face. "Look, do you remember what happened when you became friends with Daniel?"

Olivia thought for a moment before responding. "Yeah, we were trending on instagram and twitter cause the paparazzi thought we were dating, but I don't see how that has to do with anythi-" she trailed off, realizing what Kelly meant.

"It has everything to do with everything. The public is going to think it's a date either way, so might as well look nice so they aren't too harsh on you." Olivia nodded her head. "You do have a point there." She said.

"But im pretty sure this is the most 'date-worthy' outfit I have in my bag as of the moment." She said. Kelly rolled her eyes. "Check the bottom of your check-in luggage. In the bottom there's a drawstring bag with two outfits that I packed for you cause I'm a good friend like that."

"Wait what? How do you even know the code for the lock?" said Olivia in disbelief. "Okay first of all, you've used the same code for everything since we were in middle school, and secondly just be grateful, and open the damn bag." Stated Kelly. "Okay okay jeez, chill."

Olivia got up, and rummaged around in her bag. At the very bottom, she saw a small drawstring bag. True enough, when she opened it, she saw two outfits. Both of them perfect for being photographed by the paparazzi, and both of them completely different from each other.

First was a pink jumper dress that stopped a few inches above her knees, and a white plain white tee. The second one was a bit more formal. It was a light blue, one-shoulder cocktail dress, and a beautiful intricate applique top.

Olivia held up the two outfits in front of her. "I think I'll go with the jumper." She said. "The blue dress feels too formal." Kelly nodded. "Yeah good point."

"Okay before I drop the call, what are you thinking for makeup, and shoes?" asked Kelly. "I'm thinking light on the makeup, so it won't clash with the outfit, then I'll just wear my black combat boots from earlier."

Kelly thought for a moment. "Yeah that should be good. Now get your ass in the bathroom, and start getting ready." Olivia laughed. "Okay yeah I should probably go do that."

Meanwhile, Lance was in his room panicking for a good 40 minutes before he decided to facetime his sister, Chloe. After a few rings, she picked up the phone.

"Okay, what's going on? You rarely ever call me on a race weekend, and you usually ask Dad for help when something happens." Was the first thing that popped out of her mouth.

Lance rolled his eyes before saying. "Wow, very supportive, jeez." He said. Chloe laughed, but then a serious look appeared on her face again. "But seriously what happened? And don't lie to me, you know I can tell when you do that."

Lance let out a sigh. "Okay so I may or may not being going out to dinner with Via-" "I'm sorry but who's Via?" asked Chloe cutting him off. "Via, as in Olivia my friend from when we were kids." "Huh?" "Olivia Cortez, the one who I used to sneak out on new years eve, got birthday presents for each other every year, and spend almost every waking minute with?" "Nah doesn't ring a bell." "I swear to god, the one desperately in love with, and cut off when we moved to Geneva, cause I was an idiot and didn't know how to deal with my feelings." "OH! That Olivia." She exclaimed. "Yeah. That Olivia." Repeated Lance.

"Wait so you're going on a date with her?" she asked. "No! Not a date, just as friends." He responded. Chloe let out a snort. "Yeah sure, whatever keeps you asleep at night." She said.

"Wait so why are you calling me again?" she asked. "Well I don't know what to do, and what to wear." He said. Chloe facepalmed. After muttering something under her breath which sounded an awful lot like, "my brother is an absolute idiot." She spoke up and said. "Look, just be honest, and be yourself, and everything you should be alright."

"Should be alright? Well that's reassuring." "Oh well would you prefer won't?" "NO! No should works just fine." He paused for a moment. "You really think I can get her to forgive me?" he asked. "Well it won't be easy that's for sure, but eventually, you could." She said smiling at him.

"Thanks Chloe." He said. Dropping the call, he went to the bathroom and looked himself in the mirror. "Okay, I can do this."

Looking at his watch he realized he had less than an hour to get ready. "Shit." He got out, and started to look for a set of clothes (that wasn't Racing Point team wear) and started to get ready.

Little did he know that at that moment, Olivia was getting ready as well. "gloss, or matte" she said, holding up two tubes. She had once again called Kelly to make sure her makeup was, in her words 'on point' Kelly thought for a moment. "Gloss looks better with the outfit I think." Olivia nodded in return.

Kelly helped Olivia through picking her earrings, and doing her makeup. "Wait! Hold on, I can't find my mascara." Groaned Olivia. "It's probably in your purse." Said Kelly. Olivia shot her a glance that said, 'you're a life saver'

Olivia's preparations were pretty hectic considering that she was panicking the whole time, but in her defence, Lance was just as bad.

Lance held up two hoodies. "Blue, or Grey?" he asked. He had called Sergio to help him get ready, since he knew Esteban would be no help in this situation, and Checo was pretty much the only other friend he had on the grid.

"Honestly? Use your common sense, you're already using jeans, what goes better with jeans?" he replied, causing Lance to roll his eyes. "Checo, everything goes with jeans." "Well yes, good point. But your jeans are already blue, so..." Lance shrugged. "Fair enough, grey it is."

The two of them were getting ready at the same time with the same emotions. Anticipation, excitement, and a little bit of nerves.

Both of them were nervous wrecks at this point, and for good reason. After all, it wasn't every day you went out with you childhood best friend that you were secretly in love with. Not that Lance, and Olivia had the guts to tell that to each other.

By exactly 5:55, Lance was walking to the elevator to go to her room. By 5:57, Olivia was putting on her shoes, and checking her makeup in the mirror. At 5:59, Lance knocked on Olivia's door. And at exactly 6:00 pm, she crammed the last of her stuff into her purse, and opened the door.

"Hi!" she said, slightly out of breath, and with an exasperated look on her face.

"Hi." He replied. 

A/n: Okay I'm sorry but I just feel so proud of this chapter. 

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