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“Please tell me we’re almost done?” said Lance. He was currently at the gym with his trainer, and normally he would be able to get through the entire three hours without complaining, but today he felt drained after the first hour and a half.

In his defence, he was still having jet-lag from Melbourne, and his thoughts about Olivia were still running rampant inside his head. Not that he would admit it of course.

“Well actually you just need to go a bit longer on the treadmill and then yeah we’re done.” Said his trainer. To say Andre was slightly confused would be an understatement. Lance never complained during their sessions. He knew something was up, but he decided not to push on it.

Lance let out a sigh of relief. He gulped down some water, and got back on the treadmill. ‘I wonder what Olivia’s doing right now’ he thought to himself. He shook his head. This wasn’t the time to be thinking about the girl he used to have a crush on.

Okay yes, he had a crush on Olivia before, or would has be a more accurate term? He wasn’t quite sure about that…yet. Actually he hadn’t really given it much thought at all. She was his friend, but was how he felt for her just as a friend?

As far as he knew, friends didn’t make each other’s hearts speed up whenever they were near each other. They didn’t make each other feel giddy inside, and make butterflies pop up in each other’s stomachs. Friends didn’t think about what it would be like if they dated. Friends didn’t desperately want to hold each other close, and kiss them.

Before he knew it, Andre told him to slow down, and after a few more minutes, he got off the treadmill. Time tends to pass quicker when you have something on your mind.

Stepping down from the treadmill, he wiped the sweat off his brow, and picked up his water bottle. “Hey mate I’ll just go get my stuff then we can leave.” Lance nodded at Andre.

He walked over to bench, and sat down. Opening instagram he decided to scroll through his feed for a bit. Olivia’s account showed up, instantly making him smile.

‘Living my best life with just a few more shows to go!’ There were a few pictures from her last show. First was a picture of her messing around with a makeup brush, and then another one of her backstage smiling with her stage crew after the show, and another one of her next to a blonde girl who Lance recognized as Kelly, a friend from when they were in school.

The last picture was Olivia on stage singing her heart out with her long hair up in a ponytail. She clutched a shiny, bedazzled microphone with her name emblazoned on the side. The expression on her face was one of passion, happiness, and evident confidence.

“I didn’t know you were a fan.” Lance looked over his shoulder. Andre stood there, arms crossed over his chest.

“What?” Asked Lance, slightly confused. “Olivia Cortez, I didn’t know you liked her music.” He replied, as if it were obvious.

Lance almost facepalmed himself. After seeing Olivia again, he had almost forgotten that she was an international celebrity. He still thought of her as just Olivia, his friend from when he was fourteen.

“Yeah, she’s an old friend. We got back in touch recently.” He said, stuffing his phone in his bag, as they walked out of the gym and toward Lance’s car. (Andre’s car was being repaired that weekend, so he caught a ride with Lance)

When they arrived at Andre’s house, his wife was at the door to greet them. Andre got out of the passenger’s side, and walked over to her on the front porch. The couple waved at Lance, and he waved back giving them a smile. Lance liked seeing good people happy, and Andre and his wife were no exception.

As he arrived back in his apartment, he flopped down on the sofa for a few minutes before heading to the shower, grabbing a clean towel as he went. Letting the warm water wash over him, he let his thoughts wander.

(un)Surprisingly, after a few minutes he started to think about the night he spent with Olivia.

Her smile as she talked with him. Her laugh as he told her a joke. The sound of her voice, that to Lance sounded like that of an angel. The way she would tuck her hair behind her as it fell in her face. The scent of her favourite perfume that she had been using since they were thirteen. The warmth of her hand as it rested in his while they walked towards his car in a comfortable silence. And her warm hazel eyes, and the way they looked at him with a happy, witty, and almost cheeky expression.

He sucked in a breath, as he stepped out of the shower. He really couldn’t stop thinking about her. He was completely and utterly, and absolutely infatuated, but was he in love? He didn’t know, and he almost didn’t want to know, but for his own sanity, he decided to give it some thought.

“Olivia” her named rolled off his lips like an enchantment. A spell that bound him to her endlessly, and yet whatever supposed magic this was, it felt natural. Almost as if it was meant to happen.

Yes. Love was magic. Olivia Cortez was an attractive, confident, loving, absolutely gorgeous woman. Lance would go as far as to say that she was the epitome of beauty, both inside, and out.

He thought back on Andre and his wife. The two had met in college, and now, a good nine years later they were happily married with a son, and a twin daughters on the way. He thought of how Andre looked at her. With admiration, passion, and most significantly love.

Lance ran a hand through his hair, and smiled. He was no longer confused. He was completely, and profoundly sure about this.

He was in love with Olivia Cortez.

FADED MEMORIES: A Lance Stroll fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now